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Instant Action with Generic Opfor

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I have whacked together a simple, rough instant action type mission using the new Generic Opfor. It's nothing flash, just a quick and dirty randomised firefight.


- Random locations (Nogova)

- Randomised enemies

- Random support


Generic Opfor pack

Marine assault pack

Arab face pack

Download links can be found at:


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Great mission for some quick action without having to read a complex mission plan smile_o.gif It is simple fun smile_o.gif

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That instant action is really great !

Quick firefights when you want to just "shoot at things" , random battle location for replayability, very very small wait at the beginning for the units spawning and placement (unlike the long wait of some other "spawn units" mission).

Simply brilliant.

good job icon14.gif

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Just dug this up, so this is where it all started, eh?

Nice mission.

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Glad you like it. Actually, this was my second released mission. Coin was the first, this was basically a very cut down version. I made it in one evening mainly to play around with Generic Opfor. Coin partly sprang from an attempt at making free-roaming mercenary thing with light RPG elements.

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this is the mission, i first got in contact with tacrods dynamic mission principle, i still have it in my mission folder wink_o.gif

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