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Mr Hilter and ww2 german/soviet man pack

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lol.... look at your Avatar

i love been proven right  wow_o.gif

What does the one have to do with the other?

Hitler killed thousands and thousands of innocent people ... comparing this to a "hunting-mod" is in my eyes really wrong.

And who really cares if there is a Hilter or Hitler ... the fact is that everyone is seeing this addon/character as Hitler .. and not as John Clease.

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Hitler could be, in some eyes, a hero. wait overstated... Godsend, WT* NO! uhh... uhh... Forget it. He's on his own, stupid ba$tard (thats a name for him biggrin_o.gif). Many people think that Hitler was an angel to rid evil (I personaly don't believe it), But Germany is the country that is placed on the HOLY Roman Empire. Giving a notion that hitler was good (I think they're comparing him to Stalin than the average person but oh well).

I tried. Looks like a good unit for sniping missions though wink_o.gif

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Sometimes I wonder if making an addon of Stalin would really set the same war off, no? He killed many more than Hitler did, he did much worse, including to his own people. I myself think that this addon is good for the game, it will add new perspective to the game and like I said before, it will add for more interesting missions. Like Trenchfeet said, you don't like it then don't download it.

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Hi, v1.2 is online smile_o.gif

i've fix some bugs: flight officer (legs); mr hilter (belt)

At smile_o.gif

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in light of the controversy i think those worried about Mr.Hilter´s dubious background should visit this page >>> Flying Circus TV Show - Episode 12

its hilarious, albeit of a nonsensical sort of humour  smile_o.gif

edit: in fact i've has john cleese in my avatar for quite a while, a veritable genius.

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in light of the controversy i think those worried about Mr.Hilter´s dubious background should visit this page >>> Flying Circus TV Show - Episode 12

its hilarious, albeit of a nonsensical sort of humour  smile_o.gif

edit: in fact i've has john cleese in my avatar for quite a while, a veritable genius.

They got most of the names wrong on that page, didn't they?

Wasn't it Hilter, Ron Vibbentrop and H.Bimmler?

But Germany is the country that is placed on the HOLY Roman Empire. Giving a notion that hitler was good

The Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation (aka the First Reich) was never distinctively holy or even german. The Term Holy in this context to underline the distance between a charismatic frankish kingdom and the pope.

Anyway: Are there plans to make units for other Reichstag members?

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