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miles teg


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iam wondering what is in the next update, can u comment on that biggrin_o.gif and agian great pack.

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Sure.  The next update will contain F-16's (Egyptian and Israeli), F-15's, Israeli MD-500 Defender gunships (rocket and TOW variants), updated IDF and Egyptian troops to include HALO special ops soldiers (based on the ROC3 mod HALO soldiers with Andy Lee's permission) possibly an IDF S'13 frogman (although its not for sure), Humvees, and possibly some HEMMT's if we get the COMBAT mod's permission to use them.   Oh... also we will be converting Footmunch's IL-28 Beagle into Egyptian bomber, AGM, and ECM variants.  I still need to contact Footmunch just to make sure its cool with him as I can't remember or find an email regarding whether or not he gave us permission to use them.  So I need to just double check with him just to make sure everything's cool with him.   We've actually already done the Beagle conversions and they're looking PIMP!  

We also will add an Egyptian Fast Attack Boat, Zodiacs, and probably both URAL's and M939A2 5 ton trucks for the Egyptians (as they use both).

We'll also look into getting the IAF blackhawks and Apaches although I don't know if they'll make it into this pack.

Then of coarse there also will be that terrorist pack but it still needs a little more work.  We will be modifying that into a Palistinian pack which will also include suicide vans that explode upon reaching a "destroy" waypoint.   We already got the van's made and ready to roll.  They'll provide for hair raising missions at checkpoints and during patrols in heavy traffic in the larger cities.  

I also got a bunch of missions I'm working on for the next pack as well including some airborne assault missions, a TF777 counter terrorism mission, and one I plan on doing using the Egyptian TF777 soldiers to hunt down Al-Qaeda terrorists simulating the recent terrorist attacks in the Sinai that occured in real life.  It will probably be a two part mission in which IDF special operations units attack an Al-Qaeda HQ near the port in the Saudi Arabian section of our Sinai map.

These will be done on the new Sinai Version 4 map that we will be releasing shortly.  I'm testing it right now and its looking super!!!!

It will come with all the addons needed for it in order to avoid confusion dude to missing addons. Furthermore it will no longer need the CATshit Afghanistan map in order for it to work. smile_o.gif 

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Lets get those boots in there, too, Miles.

And someone I've got that authentic reload sound for the LAW and the authentic shooting sounds for the silenced Papa Uzi.

And we need someone to make a Negev LMG! smile_o.gif

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The terrorists will be East, or resistance?

Or will it be palestineians for east, and al quaeda for resistance?

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Yeah you need the zelda's for the textures on the MG's..

as for the wrists yeah that is a bug wtih how the models are it loosk weird but i think I might ask suchey for premission to use the gloves from the marines. and see how that goes.

no promises tho.

as for the Deserage Eagle. yeah might be a simple confip typo or something. I will look at it later tonight. yes there will be frog men for atleast the IDF s'13 those are alreayd made. also there should be more lods for the egyptian troops to help with lag issues..

as for the rifle grenader that is because he uses JAM rifle grenade ammo I still have no idea how I am goin to handle that.. most likely I am goin to make my own ammo or just scrap the rifle grenader and maybe give them m203's liek s'13 has or something. it is one of those game egnine issues that hurts reality..

the Kfir is really ugly and does need work but atleast it si there?

lol i will look at it later but aircraft are a real pain to work with..

as for the car-15's they has been resized for this pack. the M4's I might uses INQ's m4's he released for people to use and might use other people's m4's too just to give a different flavor and differnt looks on the m4's..

the arab civilian/terrorist pack. is completely genderic and the civ's are only civ but the terrorists there is 1 for each side ie 1 east 1 west and 1 res.

ther eis like 15 terrorists int he pack and each side has them so you do the math.


as for the palistinings will be on res and east sides for better mission choices.. jordan will be res syria will be east so yeah.

egypt will fight palistings soem times so they are res and jordan has to battle them sometimes too so yeah better range in choices..

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Is it just me or are the armor values high??? I put an Egyptian M1A1 platoon vs a platoon of Sigma's M1A2s, and yeah, it took me about 5-10+ sabot rounds to completely destroy an Egyptian tank. I also tried the Egyptian tanks vs Merkava Mk4 and yeah, it took a hell of a lot of Sabot rounds to take out one tank.

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Yup.  The armor values were made high on purpose.  We basically based the armor values based on a realistic number of hits required for RPG's to disable the M1A1's and Merkavas.  The Merkava Mk2's are roughly the equivalent of the M1A1's (maybe a little weaker on armor).  The Merkava Mk4's however are most likely the most heavily armored tanks on the planet.  While details on the armor are classified, the later Merkava tanks are believed to incorporate depleted uranium armor plating.  In addition the odd clamshell shape of the turret gives the tank excellent protection from top attack weapons and RPG attacks from rooftops and hills.

If you've ever seen these tanks they are enormous primarily because they are so heavily armored and in addition can carry troops in the rear compartment.   Pictures of the clamshell doors in the rear opening allow you to see the armor thickness of those doors on the rear....which is very thick and gives you a good impression of what the front armor must be like.

At any rate, Calm Terror can tell you more about how the armor values compare with Sigma's tanks but as I remember the Egyptian M1A1 armor values are not terribly higher then Sigmas.  Also the dammage from the Egyptian M1A1's cannons shouldn't be too high because they don't use the DU rounds used by American M1A1/A2 tanks.  

However, with that said, Israel has a lot fewer Merkavas then Egypt has M1's (which is why Israel is still using the M60 based Magach tanks).   So in Israel vs. Egypt missions, the Egyptian Armored Corp should have a significant numerical advantage over Israeli armor.  In addition their M1A1's can still take a few hits from the Merkavas before being disabled and/or destroyed.   Also the Egyptian Apache gunships will disable the Mk4's with I believe one hit from its hellfires I believe.  So if you want to equalize things just throw some Egyptian Apaches into the mix.  IAF Kfirs and Skyhawks have a hard time shooting them down due to the flare system on the Apaches.   IAF Cobras vs Egyptian Apaches are interesting though as they have their cannon duels.

In the next addon pack the IAF F-16s and F-15's will carry more AA missiles but the Egyptians will also have F-16's...so overall the Israeli forces will only have a slight edge.

Anyhoo.... basically our heavy armor is not designed to be compatible with that of other mods as we wanted our heavy armor to have a realistic chance of surviving a heavy RPG enviornment.  In addition the Merkava tanks are designed to dominate the battlefield both in defense capabilities and in its killing capability using the most advanced technology.  

However if you put in 3 M1A1's to 1 Merkava, the Egyptians will defeat the IDF Merkavas usually.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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the M1A1 is loosely based on Sig's M1A1but have a better speed, faster reload and slightly lower hit damage but a majorly reduce range.you can't say drive from the egyptian air field all the way aroudn the sinai and into israel with out havign to refuel..

also you will have a bitch of a time actual blowing up any of our armour since in real life armour doe snot jsut explode after it is hit 3 times. it will become disabled.

also the cannon armour on our armour is set way higher then any other armour since it is sooo borign when 2 tanks are fightign and hit each other in the barrel and then jsut sit and stare at each other..

the actual liek structure armour is way wya high to keep tanks from jsut exploding.. the crews usual bail out and run..

so our armour will last alot longer then anyone elses.. for that main reason. and you now have to use armour to it's advanages instead of runnign head on into combat.. the m1a1 is very veyr fast but limited range the merkava is way slow and has long range and veyr heavy armour so you need to try and flank the merkava with m1a1's.. or do a combined arms attack.

it is pretty realistic..

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Are you guys switching Egypt to Resistance, maybe?

Because it just wouldn't be right if Al Qaeda or Hamas can play on both Egypt and Israel's sides...

And I'd like to make missions where Egypt and Israel cooperate in destroying terrorists.

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Nah...cuz right now Egypt is probably Israel's most dangerous opponent as they are rapidly modernizing and now have a massive number of M1A1 tanks and rapidly increasing their squadrons of Apache gunships (including the D model) and F-16 fighter bombers.  In addition in the past few years they have threatened to violate their peace treaty with Israel over Israel's actions against the Palistinians...so their relations with Israel are not all warm and fuzzy.

However... any mission maker can group the Egyptian units with IDF units to make them on the "west" side.  

So it really isn't a major issue.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Downloading it on the weekend. I just fineshed DLing America's army. Hope it good. I got the first pack.

Any chance of some pics of the new sinai island/ contenet wink_o.gif

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WoW! this mod rules!

very good work, the mineroler is excellent, the Troops, Vehicles and Sounds are very great, but I don't like sitting in a T-72 when I'm driving a Merkava, please make an Interrior!

(i Have copyright on wrong words :P)


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Is my M82 supposed to have 2 different sounds, 2 different shell casings and 4 different types of ammo?

Also, the silenced SR25 does look like this


But all in all, very nice addon, I like the Kfir jet and all those IDF soldiers. smile_o.gif

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the 2 sounds are one is JAM's shitty one the other is yours.

the ammo is ball and Rufas and JAM. the shell casings i think there is only one. tho if you fire the JAM ammo it will use the BIS shell casings.

I only let it use JAM for those who want to use JAM on it.

yeah I did nto really try much to do the SD SR-25 it was a quick fix.

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Does OFP allow for a 4 man tank crew? rock.gif

Just imagine being the loader as player. Mighty boring.

I beg your pardon Milady and Lord Teg. I was asking the question about a real life-real Merkava Mk III technical data.

In OFP, as far as I know and in the current situation, a fourth crewman wouldn't be no more than heavy load. Or maybe an observer, as in real life, if the OFP model had good periscopes, like in the commander/first cargo place in the Sigma6's LAV's.

Now, Lost Brothers, huge job, great job. I'm looking forward testing them soon smile_o.gif

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oh i so forgot to answer your question

actual all israeli tanks are 4 man crews.

even with an autoloader

it makes reloadign the autoloader ALOT faster.

if i rememebr correctly the gunner sits in fornt of the commander and the loader to the left liek an m1a1..

but yeah all merkava have an loader.

I have to take a look again because i think our interiors is set up wrong. i might have to switch it to liek the m1's interior.

but yes to answer your question merkava's even with an autoloader have a 4 man crew.

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here is a video of the real merkava Mk4 in action

Mkerava Mk4

it looks evne more high tech inside then the m1a2

and from that to seems it is breach loaded but everytihgn says autoloader so i am not sure what is up with that,

this is the "autoloader" wich you cna see in the video.


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Well, you got me curious.

So I called up my cousin, who's a crew member in a Magach.

He said to the best of his knowledge, even a Merk 4 has a 4 man crew and no autoloading.

He says that the loader serves as the commander's right hand man (though he's positioned to his left under the turret). biggrin_o.gif The loader is also in charge of communications.

The gunner indeed sits forward low center. The driver to the left and forward of the loader who's to the left of the commander.

I hope I got it right. He got a good laugh getting a call during work hours from me about this but he knew what it was for. smile_o.gif

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Hi King Homer.  No worries, like Calm Terror said, the silenced SR-25 was a last minute thingy and we didn't do much research on it.  I had forgotten what it looked like.  So no worries, we'll get that fixed up in addon pack#3.  

As for the .50 cal ammo, its like Calm Terror described.  Basically its just to make the weapon more versatile for mission makers who insist on JAM ammo.  I'm not sure however if it needs two sounds.  We might be able to chuck the JAM sound but I'm not sure.

But I believe the default ammo (the Rufus ammo) uses your sound and your shell casings so there shouldn't be any problems.  The only inconsistency I found was that some of the snipers with the M82A1 have the Rufus rounds and others have ball ammo.   But at least it provides a little variety.

As for the autoloader...well... we'll do what we can. It seems to me like it uses a 4 or 5 shot rotory system where several shots are loaded at a time for rapid engagements of multiple targets. It can also allow for quickly switching between different ammo types. But maybe I'm totally wrong. I need to read the info on that system. Whatever the case, it would require intensive modelling to stick that puppy in our Merkava interior which is basically a T-72 interior. That's one area we need to work on...at least to make it less...T-72'ish.

I kinda did that with the Puma CEV...took out most of the cannon crap and stuck some ammo cans and other stuff inside the crew compartment.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Thanks Calm Terror, Miles Teg and Avonlady.

So the new Merkavas have a big revolver gun with a ten-shots barrel biggrin_o.gif

APFSDS-T M711 (CL 3254), HEAT-MP-T M325 (CL 3105) and TPCSDS-T M324, maybe the fourth ammunition type is the APAM shell or Lahat ATGM ? wow_o.gif

As differents ammunition type seem to be mixed, you can hardly use in config.cpp an ammo clip-like gun. So the best and simpler solution must be a higher ROF...

How amazing and threatening The Merkava is ! smile_o.gif

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yeha it seems that 10 barrel ready to load thing is behide the loader and he slams the shells in the muzzle of the main gun.

so I will remove the autoloader sound and try to find a good muzzle loadign sound. not a huge deal.

i coudl have sworn it had an autoloader. oh well. and I will redo the interior usign the M1a1 inteiror till i make something better or someone else does.

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thank you for the fast answer, a few questions:

You wan't to make other versions of the Zelda, like Nagman or Kasman? i realy like this "Houses" smile_o.gif

or what about the very popular Buldozers? This is (in my line of sight ghostface.gif ) the thing who makes the IDF different betwen other Forces, very interresting the using of them biggrin_o.gif


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Yes eventually we will probably attempt to make the Zeldas with the large observation turrets on them. The bulldozers however are currently beyond our model making capability. However if someone wants to help us makeone that would be awesome.

If I remember correctly I think the U.S. Army is using the armored D-9 Bulldozers in Iraq now as well.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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