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Canadian Submarine in Distress

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Speaking of passing the buck....

Canada could face hefty bill for sub rescue

Quote[/b] ]British politicians have warned the costs of the 120-hour rescue could be substantial.

OTTAWA -- The British government is tallying up the tab for its 120-hour rescue of the fire-damaged HMCS Chicoutimi, says the UK press. British ministers are considering billing Canada a six-figure sum for the high-profile rescue operation in the North Atlantic earlier this month, one paper reported.

House of Lords government whip Baroness Crawley warned last week the costs to Canada could be much steeper than the hefty bill to repair the stricken submarine.

Crawley said Canada would not be charged for the helicopter evacuation of three crew members to an Irish hospital.

"But it is far too early to say what additional recovery costs there will be and where those costs will fall," Crawley said.

An electrical fire tore through Chicoutimi Oct. 5 shortly after it began its voyage to Canada from Scotland. The blaze crippled the sub and killed Lieut. Chris Saunders, who died while being airlifted to hospital. Another eight crew members suffered from smoke inhalation.

Royal Navy war ships escorted the two Coast Guard tug boats that successfully pulled Chicoutimi and its crew into Faslane, Scotland last week.

A military board of inquiry probing the cause of the blaze began conducting interviews yesterday in Scotland.

Canada signed a $750-million lease-to-own deal with the British military for Chicoutimi and three other used diesel-electric subs.

A British Ministry of Defence spokesperson said yesterday the decision to charge the Canadian government rests with the military and not British politicians.

"I think it's far too early in the day to go and consider it," the spokesperson said.

Prime Minister Paul Martin warned British PM Tony Blair last week that Canada could sue for costs and liabilities depending on the outcome of the military board of inquiry.

great allies crazy_o.gif

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If we (we being the British government) sold a shonky product without disclosing what was wrong with it we should contribute to the repairs and compensate the family of the crew killed (if there is a link between the condition of the sub and the death(s?)), just my opinion smile_o.gif

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I think so as well, but actually if I were in the position to, I would return these subs to the UK and demand a refund. Which ever ones I could not return I would use for emergency training exercises.

It is absurd to put these things out in the real world, let alone battle if one ever occurs. Peace keeping between seals in the arctic I say. wink_o.gif

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Six figure sum? By now all we have left in our  pockets is some lint and a couple buttons.

Now you know how the average British tax payer feels tounge_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]I think so as well, but actually if I were in the position to, I would return these subs to the UK and demand a refund.

I'd place an order with the germans. Better to make them build subs that actually works - and making the british pay for them too! Mind you - if you fancy good looking subs you'd be hard pressed not to go to the Italians ( well, if you don't mind that they would probably not work mondays and tuesdays ) wink_o.gif

I mean, why would anyone buy british products anyway when you can buy something from old europe that actually works - and is pretty as well biggrin_o.gif

Think about it - could you honestly see an Italian or German Austin Metro ?

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Hehe, you know what it is most likely brgnorway, most likely it's some form of friendship between the "dudes" at DND here and the British MOD personnel. It probably also turned out to give "friends" jobs and rewards.

they say the reason the subs are in such bad condition is because it took Canada/UK 10 years to negotiate the purchase. Yerr, sounds a bit like DND. smile_o.gif

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Must have been sending everything by snail mail.

CAYear 1: Can I have 3 subs?

BRYear 2: Sure, which ones?

CAYear 3: /Delievery lost

CAYear 4: Please?

BRYear 5: I asked, which ones?

CAYear 6: Any that are avaliable.

BRYear 7: Delivery lost.

CAYear 8: Come again?

BRYear 9: Ok, send cash, no credit or debit.

CAYear 10: Here's the cash.

Day 3: Our subs don't work.

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I'm sure it was, and so I propose, next time there is a world war, let us do it by snail mail plz. biggrin_o.gif

AY1: We will declare war on you if you don't comply.

BY2: You can't handle us.

AY2: We have cruise missiles.

BY3: We have anti missile defense now.

AY3: So do we. Suckers.

AY4: Okay we have more stuff than you, watch out. Stealth tech.

BY4: Haha, come on, we bought the defense for that un the first year.

AY5: Okay forget it, see you in a few.

BY5: Super.


heh, cheap I know

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I'm sure it was, and so I propose, next time there is a world war, let us do it by snail mail plz.   biggrin_o.gif

Well, there's all that ocean between the Queen and her colonies. No wonder it takes long before the mail reaches it's propper destination wink_o.gif

The solution is to cut yourself loose from the commonwealth and the queen - and join Scandinavia of course! Denoir will agree, just ask him!

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Well, there's all that ocean between the Queen and her colonies. No wonder it takes long before the mail reaches it's propper destination

The solution is to cut yourself loose from the commonwealth and the queen - and join Scandinavia of course! Denoir will agree, just ask him!

I asked Mike the Canadian friend, he does not object, we will sign up via e-mail tomorrow. biggrin_o.gif Oh yeah, I'm totally down with it eh. Do we string a suspension bridge or what?


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