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The first thing uttered by the briefer should be "HOLD ALL QUESTIONS UNTIL THE END"

O= Orientation, and this emcompasses Present Location (in Grid format), Direction Of Attack (DOA), and Objective Location again in Grid format

S= Situation, Here we have TSUALE (or SALUTE if you will)







Then you also have DRAW-D under TSUALE which is what will the enemy do, it stands for Defend, Reinforce, Assault, Withdraw, Disengage I believe, I will have to check on my notes when I get home (I used to have to write these 5 Para orders numerous times in a 10min period).

M=Mission, pretty self explanatory, what is the mission of the unit tasked for the day, along with the greater objective of the force.

E=Execution. This lays out how the unit is going ot execute the mission. It lays out who is the main force, and supporting units, along with how to set a security perimeter whenever the unit stops or when the objective is secure "....attack through the target and fall into a hasty 180 then full 360...." . I will scan a template of a 5 Paragraph order and email it out to whoever wants it.

A=Ammo & Logistics. The KISS method of explaining this is the 4 B's, Beans, Bullets, Bandages, and Badguys

-Beans=When and where you get chow

-Bullets=When and where you get resupplied with ammo

-Bandages=Where is the Corpsman (USNavy guy in Marine unit) or Medic located.

-Badguys=What do you do, or where do you take EPWs (enemy prisoners of war)

C=Comm & Signals: This pretty much lays out how the unit will communicate. I will give you an example of one we used "1st Squad will use hand & arm signals, upon contact with the enemy we will switch to voice commands." This section of the of the 5 paragraph order also lets you know where leaders of the unit are located and basically lays out a succession of command.

Finally at the end you do a time hack and some good stuff, then you can finally ask questions.

And that is a VERY brief overview of the 5(6) Paragraph Order. Again when I get home I will write out a 5 Paragraph Order in long hand (hopefully I know how to do that since out in the field you need to write it down in like 2mins) and email it to whoever wants a copy.

@Moderators: Sorry for going off topic, but I was trying to help someone out biggrin_o.gif

@ThudBlunder: Sorry mate, my original post insinuated you were wrong, that 5 Paragraph my be different in other nations and I did not take that into account. It would be nice to exchange some notes with you on your 5 P.O. and the American version to see how similar or different they are.

On Topic: Good stuff as usual Laser

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This is the best rangers to ofp I ever have seen! LSR you really did a nice work whit these rangers.


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Will the next version of LSR Delta Weapons have a full fix to the Mk. 23 SOCOM so that the slide lock function when the clip is empty will work for the JAM mags as well? Or is that problem/limitation of using the JAM mags preventing the use of empty clip anims.

Anyways, get back to me on this when you can.

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@BoweryBaker & AOCBravo2004

U.S. Army Rangers have all kinds of missions. They do everything from simple patrols to taking airfields. However, they are not nearly as trained as U.S. Army Special Forces or Delta Force. Therefore, if a raid is on a high-profile or very important person, such as Saddam, you can count the Rangers out. That type of mission will be carried out by better trained units, like a Special Forces A-Team or even the D-Boys. The Rangers might play a supporting role like they did in Blackhawk Down. Another thing I want you to know is that not everyone who goes through Ranger School goes to the 75th Ranger Regiment. It's simply an Army school, like Airborne School, Air Assault School, Pathfinder School, etc. You could have an Army cook with a Ranger tab. The Rangers have become somewhat glorified thanks to movies like Blackhawk Down. Don't get me wrong, Rangers deserve plenty of respect and can kick some serious ass, but they are not on the same level as U.S. Army Special Forces or SFOD-D. As for the addon itself, I think it's great. The weapons are really awesome. I am working on several missions myself. Good luck in your mission making.


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just wondering, could the BAS "put on goggles" action be incorporated into the pack as well? (so that blackouts don't occur near BAS choppers)

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Thats what I was thinking too. Maybe we can get some goggles action. Talk about setting the standard. Noone can get near the choppers without coughing. Thats one way to do it.

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you know i noticed, like the USMC pack, these units have their watch (turned upside down) on thier wrists, and i was wondering, since the soldier is technicly a subdirivitive of the "vehicle" class, would it be possible to name and define the watch on thier wrist to actualy tell the correct time rather then just a watch face texturing always saying "10:10" ? rock.gif  i would assume someone is gonna hit up this topic with a "game engine limitation" reply, but i dont recall any record of anyone actualy trying. so just wondering if Lazer, if your not to busy to give it a shot? if nothing else just to report back "it is possible"

would be interesting to be in a fire fight, you glace at your watch real quick and realize you got 10 minutes til (trigger) is activated or if nothing else save us form pressing the letter T on teh keyboard to find the time  tounge_o.gif and would be a nice realizsum factor smile_o.gif

anyone got an answer yet? rock.gif just curious to see if this can be done

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just wondering, could the BAS "put on goggles" action be incorporated into the pack as well? (so that blackouts don't occur near BAS choppers)

If so, only as a hidden selection, I hate having a bunch of useless "camouflage face", "put on goggles", "put on light branches 1" "put on branches 2", "open back window" etc. actions clogging up the action menu.

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That's one angry gnome.   biggrin_o.gif  Based on what Monty has told me then, for my mission, depending on the intelligence, the delta force would be responsible for going in and bringing out the "special cargo" meaning the head honcho or for instance general guba.  Rangers would be responsible for gaining control of the area.  My mission will not contain any "special cargo" or General Guba by the way.  Just a simple ranger mission to retake a town.  It's pretty hard.  It's almost done too, I just came back to the forum to see how to write a realistic briefing so expect it done soon.  I hope to make it an ongoing series, so im waiting for lasers update for the deltas equivalent to this one for them to be in the story.  I think you'll find my mission pretty close to what a real Ranger squad might be tasked with doing.

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Depending on the strength of the OPFOR, yes, that's what Rangers do. Their mission typically is to capture, secure, and hold ground/facilities/installations, usually in the face of heavy opposition, including reinforced infantry, armor, and enemy SOF. Typically they are assisted by other platforms, and units including; AC-130 gunships, helo gunships, artillery, snipers, and other special operations forces, like the USN SEAL's, Army SF ODA's, and MEU SOF's.

Additionally, Rangers are tasked with providing long-range, high-endurance covert recce/HUMINT within the OPFOR's rear echelon. In Viet Nam, this was termed as LRRP, and these four to six-man teams, once discovered, often had to fight their way back out of neighboring nations like Cambodia, and Laos, with very little or no organic support from the US central command.

SFOD-1 would be tasked with taking down the primary target's location, eliminating any opposition there, and either neutralizing, or capturing the primary target. "Snatch and grab" is one of SFOD's specialties. But due to the difficulty in trying to apprehend an armed, resisting personality, ( like Saddam's sons ) it is sometimes unavoidable to keep from killing the "Main Dude(s)".

Fortunately, being able to enter a crowded room, and placing many frangible rounds into multiple bad guys faces, within a matter of seconds is another thing that the D-boys are great at. Lastly, and probably what their most famous for, Delta is one of the best American military forces for in-extremis hostage rescue, ( In addition to the USN's DEVGRU, and possibly the new MCSOCOM Det 1 ).

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Well in my mission they go up against a new resistance leader codenamed "Snakehead" and he knows all kinds of tricks at hiding the strength of his forces.  He's taken one city of general unimportance in order to test the American forces.  They fall into a trap, the Rangers.  Snakehead literally sets it up to look like a small overtaking but then all of a sudden, there's more guys there than what you expected popping out of the wood work.  Luckily for the Rangers they're very skilled.  I turned the skill up on both sides to very high, some soldiers aren't tweaked on the enemy side.  Two squads are high, and the others aren't for some balance.  The challenge is how they surprise you.  Basically their positions, just working out getting the stupid choppers to land in the same spot every time and eject all the troops too.  Doesn't seem to work well at ejecting my men when im leader for some reason, i have no clue why but im on it.  The mission is basically done, i just need to fix the chopper issue.

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Sounds like a kick-ass mission. If you want to send me the beta I can work with my guys to try to figure the eject thing out. I would love to get a look at it. Also, my mission is available for download at our SITE. I would like to know what you think. Be kind, it was thrown together rather quickly. SOC CooP 002 is a little better. PM me and I will send it to you before I release it to the public. It features Laser's D-Boys but uses this new weapons pack.



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BoweryBaker, perhaps what you need is for the Rangers to paradrop just outside of the enemies territory, form up, and approach under the cover of darkness. This is the most accurate type of insert given the conditions you've reported. Of course, enemy AAA, MANPADs, and SAM's might make this difficult.

Then again, if the target is important enough to task a force of Rangers and the transports to insert them, it's probably important enough to knock out the air defenses with HARMs, and/or prep the LZ with CAS, as well.

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yeah man, basically, snakehead is a new resistance leader who opposes the united states occupation of Nogova.  He's for the socialist cause and held an anti-democracy demonstration with a few troops and they're display was taking the small town of Opatov of some mysterious importance to the United States.  Rangers are sent in to retake the town in support of Nogovas fledgling and incapable government forces, furthering the cause for a democratic Nogova.  Intel states theres only two squads present so two Rangers squads are sent in with cobra support.  Do you still agree on their insertion method?  As far as AAA, I don't want it to seem like these terrorists are rich people.  I want it to seem like they got the bare necessities.  Plus terrorists, usually are sneaky so hulking anti air vehicles aren't the order of the day.  Will Snakeheads test prove fatal for the Rangers?

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Against a group that size, I'd say this is a mission for Delta. Probably something similar to Task Force Ranger, with a Delta TF taking down the tier-one big dog, and the Rangers providing security, and suppressing fire.

Something you should know, and many people tend to forget, the main ride into a hot target is usually an MC-130P. I know this, because my brother has served as loadmaster and crewchief aboard USAF SOCOM aircraft for years.

The -130 is usually the insert, HELO ( MH-47, MH-53, MH-60, MH-6 ) is typically the ride home. If equipped with special gear, the MC-130 can even pick up SOF right off the ground without landing, but this type of exfil is vary rarely attempted, and is typically done via chopper.

Of course, if distances and task force compositon allow, choppers are fine for insert, or even ground vehicles.

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Hmmm, I found out that a raid is actually a search for something, so I'm going to have to change up the mission objectives and briefing slightly, but i still need chopper assistance on that, check the mission editing thread if you can help me. Anyhow now it goes like this, just for the sake of a mission where the Rangers get to shine:

We're going to approach from the <a href="marker:SE">southeast</a>. Our objective is <a href="marker:O">here</a>.

Early this morning two squads of hostile men dressed in resistance uniforms raided Opatov homes.

They're currently in plain view outside right now. No telling if they have any hostages, but we presume they do.

They're at the <a href="marker:church">church</a>, and at the <a href="marker:farmhouse">farmhouse</a>.

Weapons have been issued to you in the array of a light infantry unit.

We expect them to deliver suppressive fire long enough for them to escape since they obviously haven't found what they came for.

Do a blind raid of Opatov looking for anything unusual. If nothing is found hand it back over to the Nogova government.

Both Ranger squads will land at their designated LZs.

Support will be by two single engine cold war era AH-1 cobra gunships. Comb the town inch by inch, then set up defences.

I hope you ate but chow should arrive once its safe. You should have enough ammo for this operation based on Intel.

Medics will be assisting the assualt, one on each chopper.

Take no prisoners. Normal communication as usual via your comm units.

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