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Hey guys. I have tried to PM kegetys about this and I made a thread on the OFP.info forums.But kegetys has too many messages n his inbox to accept anymore! Well here goes!

I have just recently got DXDLL. It works, but when I look right/left the reflection doesn't move as fast as i go. It does follow, it just looks weird.


It DOES come, it just goes slower than the object.

How can I fix this?

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keg's already stated that it wont be totally accurate as it uses the last frame for it's reflection, but that looks VERY laggy...

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well it's not to bad on the frame rate/lag, but it doesn't look good. And it's not that bad, i just made it move really fast! Is there a way to fix it? Becuase it looks the same with the bridge in Nogova.

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"go and ask Kegetys in IRC or send him an email

he'll answer your questions"

as kegetys unofficial spokeswoman, I can answer all your questions:




now you have no need to contact kegetys

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hey cassandra,guess what:

1. I don't use chat services

2. I'm eleven and my dad doesn't let me use email

and what the heck do you mean "hmmmm ok no"?

You are SOOO friendly, NOT! mad_o.gif

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hey cassandra,guess what:

1. I don't use chat services

2. I'm eleven and my dad doesn't let me use email

and what the heck do you mean "hmmmm ok no"?  

You are SOOO  friendly, NOT! mad_o.gif

First of all, NEVER state your age on a public forum if your under 15. You'll just get trashed by unfriendly people (unfortunately). And also, I don't think Cassandra was trying to be rude. This is probably a problem you will have to find a way to contact kegetys DIRECTLY about. Register an e-mail account at like hotmail or something. Thats ridiculous your parents won't let you use e-mail. Register an e-mail account at hotmail and just use it to send kegetys a message. Good luck and hope you get your problem solved smile_o.gif.

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hey cassandra,guess what:

1. I don't use chat services

2. I'm eleven and my dad doesn't let me use email

and what the heck do you mean "hmmmm ok no"?

You are SOOO friendly, NOT! mad_o.gif

No need to be rude to be cassandra. mad_o.gif It's not worth scolding her.

EDIT:I am not criticizing you,right? rock.gif

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hehe.. it's ok, I'm not being rude, the fact is that "hmm" "ok" and "no" is the extent of kegetys vocabulary

as a cyborg, kegetys has no capacity for menial chit chat as it's been erased from his database to cater for all that genius.. and he didn't take into account the sheer amount of people with questions?!?!???!??? before upgrading and thus forgot to install a helpdesk protocol

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Oh for gods sake how did you get out of the closet?

* Takes cassandra's batteries out and puts her back in the closet.

Sorry bout that.

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no need to get harsh on cassandra here

she just gave an imitation of Kegetys' random IRC activity, those who have been on the #ofpec channel will recognize the irony tounge_o.gif

but hey, no reason to get desperate

only patience can save us

it might be helpful to give us your system specifications, so that when Kegetys or others pass by they can say whether it is normal or not

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DXDLL questions go in the DXDLL thread

First I would suggest reading through the thread, most questions/problems were raised/resolved. It's a long thread but you're young and have plenty of free time due to not Emailing people smile_o.gif

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