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Somebody please suggest

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IMO, GTA series should not be compared to Mafia. Mafia is an excellent game with one of the best stories in a game which makes it strong and this is the straight opposite to GTA which is more like an arcade game, where you're just out to have fun.

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hidden dangerous 2 is brillant i just started playing it again as i just got the addon pack a couple of days ago

oh and if you type in hidden and dangerous deluxe into google you shuould find download links to the first one compelete with the addon pack smile_o.gif

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Swat4 has nothing to do with Urban Justice.

They not only drop the name Urban Justice, they cancelled this game (during Urban Justice developement, it was made clear that it was not Swat 4)

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I don't know what you mean OFP is getting old ist just like wine only gets better whit age(or so I'v heard).

Raven shild is a good game when you just want some action and it should look realistic.

SIMS2 biggrin_o.gif completly somthing els but its prity fun sometimes and you can get to drive to work in a Hummer. oh and the ladys look stunning.

SWAT3 GE good but realy nerv wracking as you have about 0,01 sec before the ennemy shots if he's on the war path. another plus is that its got lots of M4's.

OFP addon making if you havent tryed it yet its somthing completly diffrent than playing the game and you will problery find you self useing much too much time on it.


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cannon fodder 1/2

they r old as hell but, but very similar to OFP: u can command squad, drive vehicles and fly choppers smile_o.gif

ah... memories.




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i just played the Joint Operations demo

that was pretty cool, but im not into the new games at the moment so i don't really know whats on the market

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Quote[/b] ]IMO, GTA series should not be compared to Mafia. Mafia is an excellent game with one of the best stories in a game which makes it strong and this is the straight opposite to GTA which is more like an arcade game, where you're just out to have fun.

Fair enough, but to be honest. I would have enjoyed the Free Ride option of Mafia more than the actual single player game had it the option to take missions as you could in the GTA series of games. I wanted a bit more freedom and as well done as the story was. It felt like it was hijacking my experience of the game to an extent.

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I'd suggest Hidden and Dangerous 2 + Sabre Squadron extension. The latter adds co-op play mode which I value very much, plus don't know any other WW2 FPS which would have that.

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I would have enjoyed the Free Ride option of Mafia more than the actual single player game had it the option to take missions as you could in the GTA series of games. I wanted a bit more freedom and as well done as the story was. It felt like it was hijacking my experience of the game to an extent.

IIRC there's a Mafia mod that adds missions to freeride like bodyguard/assassinate, things like that smile_o.gif Do a google for mafia+mods and work from there smile_o.gif

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