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Unsung Vietnam Mod

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Ok yall,

We've had this kickin around the old ftp for a long time, and seeing that someone was looking for the original (v1) namsky recently I figured you might as well get to see this as well.

This is the V2 of our sky/water addon. It very well may be totally different once we release the demo, that means this sky would have only been seen by a handful of people in our immediate modding community (ofp nam community people I gave to) so heres namskyV2 for everyone to check out untill we release our demo.

Download Here!

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yea, strangely it was down for a few minutes.

Anyways its back up now. smile_o.gif

but some mirrors would be nice. wink_o.gif

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anybody want to show off some screens? I'll leave it to you guys. wink_o.gif

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thx for the release, the pics i´ve seen of it were awesome so i´m looking forward to play with it  smile_o.gif

only bug i found was that you forgot to change the last lines in the installer batch

Quote[/b] ]cls


echo all done.

echo You can now run OFP with high resolution skies by using -mod=hisky parameter.

not a big problem.. but there will be people complaining that this mod parameter doesn´t work for them  tounge_o.gif

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i actually got 2 new installers from Llauma but the xp one didnt work so i just put the old one from Keg's in for now.

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<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">@echo off



If exist newdata\jasno.pac goto ok1

echo Installfiles not found.

goto end


If not exist ..\res\dta\data.pbo echo ERROR data.pbo not found

If not exist ..\res\dta\data.pbo goto end

If not exist ..\res\dta\data3d.pbo echo ERROR data3d.pbo not found

If not exist ..\res\dta\data3d.pbo goto end

If not exist ..\res\dta\hwtl\data.pbo echo ERROR hwtl/data.pbo not found

If not exist ..\res\dta\hwtl\data.pbo goto end

If not exist ..\res\dta\hwtl\data3d.pbo echo ERROR hwtl/data3d.pbo not found

If not exist ..\res\dta\hwtl\data3d.pbo goto end

echo This will process datafiles as required for high resolution skies.

echo None of the original OFP files will be modified.


echo Before proceeding, please make sure that you have

echo at least 400MB free space on this drive.



echo Press any key to continue or ctrl-c to abort.

pause >NUL

mkdir dta

mkdir dta\hwtl

mkdir temp

del /Q temp\*.* >NUL


echo Processing dta\data.pbo...


bin\cpbo.exe -e ..\res\dta\data.pbo temp

copy /Y newdata\*.pa? temp\ >NUL

bin\cpbo.exe -p temp dta\data.pbo

del /Q temp\*.* >NUL


echo Processing dta\hwtl\data.pbo...


bin\cpbo.exe -e ..\res\dta\hwtl\data.pbo temp

copy /Y newdata\*.pa? temp\ >NUL

bin\cpbo.exe -p temp dta\hwtl\data.pbo

del /Q temp\*.* >NUL


echo Processing dta\data3d.pbo...


bin\cpbo.exe -e ..\res\dta\data3d.pbo temp

del /Q temp\obloha.p3d.srpc >NUL

del /Q temp\stars.p3d.srpc >NUL

del /Q temp\NVG_proxy.p3d.srpc >NUL

copy /Y newdata\*.p3d temp\ >NUL

bin\cpbo.exe -p temp dta\data3d.pbo

del /Q temp\*.* >NUL


echo Processing dta\hwtl\data3d.pbo...


bin\cpbo.exe -e ..\res\dta\hwtl\data3d.pbo temp

del /Q temp\obloha.p3d.srpc >NUL

del /Q temp\stars.p3d.srpc >NUL

del /Q temp\NVG_proxy.p3d.srpc >NUL

copy /Y newdata\*.p3d temp\ >NUL

bin\cpbo.exe -p temp dta\hwtl\data3d.pbo

del /Q temp\*.* >NUL



echo all done.

echo You can now run OFP with LlauMax sky by using -mod=xxxxxx parameter.



i used my version of kegetys&llaumas installer, it usually works... but i don´t have a w98 version of it  sad_o.gif

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is it possible to install this with INQ's NVG and Moon and Stars? can some1 tell me how plz... smile_o.gif

WOW, awesome screens! Beautiful skies!

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Im getting a lot of missing .p3d errors, anyone else got this problem or have I buggered it up? rock.gif

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WOW, I just tryed it, and it is AWESOME, even better than llauma's Skies!!

But the problem is that it doesnt seems to work with INQ's NVG, the 3d model is really weird, it is like the BIS' model but with INQ's textures, kinda ugly.

Is there a way to install the InqNVG and New Stars/Moon with this pack?

plz help...TIA

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im not sure, I think asking Llauma would be a good idea, im sure its very simple, like putting in the star/moon files before running the installer.

I dont know tho, im not very technical :P

Im an artist.

Let me know if you cant figure it out tho and I will get to the bottom of it.

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just tried it and its very good work, txs, ill make sure i use this mod when playing in jungle environment.

the way to get it to work with the stars and moon from llaumax is to use the install.bat file from llaumax and theres also the llaumax-nvg installer available somewhere, that way u get sky and water + moon and stars + wgl nvg wink_o.gif

now if only usermade water could work with dxdll sad_o.gif

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Hmm..when i try to click on the install it says ERROR:missing data.pbo???can someone plz help me looks like a really nice sky to have sad_o.gif

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It's not problem combine different improvement for sky, water, night vision etc.

1 STEP: copy the file Data.pbo from directory OFP/Res/Dta/Hwtl to current directory >>> for example C:\WORK

2 STEP: unpack this file (Data.pbo) with BIS utility DePbo

3 STEP(s): copy the new files (.paa or .pac) from different addons >>> for example from namsky3.2\namsky\newdata and rewrite the original files. If you don't want the new water then don't copy the files: more_anim.01.pac - more_anim.07.pac... In case if you want the new moon >>> then copy from the file New Space the files mesic.02.paa - mesic.12.paa to C:\WORK\Data directory >>> rewrite the original files ... etc

4 STEP: copy from OFP/Res/Dta/Hwtl the file Data3D.pbo to C:\WORK directory

5 STEP: unpack this file (Data3D.pbo) with Amalfi's utility UnPBO

6 STEP(s): copy from different addons the new .p3d models to C:\WORK\Data3D\ directory >>> for example : namsky3.2\namsky\newdata obloha.p3d >>> rewrite the original files... (from New Space: stars.p3d...etc)

7 STEP: backup original files Data.pbo and Data3D.pbo (for example >>> Data.pbo.bak)

8 STEP: pack the directory \Data with BIS utility - StuffPBO to new file Data.pbo

9 STEP: pack the directory \Data3D with Amalfi's utility MakePBO to new file Data3D.pbo

10 STEP: move both files (Data.pbo and Data3D.pbo) from C:\WORK\ directory to OFP/Res/Dta/Hwtl directory

Enjoy !



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An example >>> combination of original water + Kegetys effect + new Nam sky:




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just tried it and its very good work, txs, ill make sure i use this mod when playing in jungle environment.

the way to get it to work with the stars and moon from llaumax is to use the install.bat file from llaumax and theres also the llaumax-nvg installer available somewhere, that way u get sky and water + moon and stars + wgl nvg  wink_o.gif

now if only usermade water could work with dxdll  sad_o.gif

thats what i did. dxdll, custom night sky,custom nvg/veiw with this sky. not bad.

and finnaly put to rest all the 1024 sky textures will kill your cpus and vid cards horror stories. i got no performance hit whats so ever smile_o.gif

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