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Generic OPFOR

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Nice, really nice. Will this be like eastern europe type of militia? To fight against russians.

I was thinking this: maybe some people could co-operate and make a Generic OPFOR mod? We really would need these: good eastern europe, good african militia, something like islamic fighters and some asian militia (you know, in Indonesia). Would this sound like a good addon pack. I would atleast like to see this. wink_o.gif

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Some WIP pics:

Feel free to comment, criticize, advise.

Looking great,new!

EDITED:Img tags removed

Have a nice day,moderators.

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dont quote images or the mods will have you drug out and shot  crazy_o.gif  ive seen it happen  blues.gif

textures and models are lookin good  smile_o.gif

i beg of you one humungus favor thou

NO CUSTOM WEAPON PACKS!!!!!  crazy_o.gif  with 14 million of every known weapon made, taking on an extra 20 megs for a few AK's is just  crazy_o.gif

suggest you just use BIS weapons. with Y2K3 & EECP (being the most popular.. well the only conversion mods that convert BIS stuff..) being so widely used it really wont be the ugly default BIS stuff it will be better stuff

im jsut tired of soldier pack after soldier pack being released with

soldiers.pbo 5.3 MB

weapons.pbo 15.8 MB


so thats my advice, do NOT use custom weapons unless thier mass used (IE: INQ, Suchy/Earl, BAS) in which case.. its cool  tounge_o.gif

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Fear not, I don't have the time to make custom weapon packs. blues.gif

They are using JAM atm.

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Fear not, I don't have the time to make custom weapon packs.  blues.gif

They are using JAM atm.

jam works too. as its based off BIS weapons which are changed in Y2K3 and EECP smile_o.gif

good boy.

then i command you... on with your work blues.gifsmile_o.gif

really looking forward to the pack

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You can't forget the rich terrorists either like the rogue col. in "The Rock" who had his own army. Please do a black heuy w/m60 that targets soldiers on the ground so i can be an anti terrorist guy who gets strafed by a chopper.

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Wasn't that character, and henchmen rogue Marines? I guess San Francisco was lucky he wasn't packing some M1A1's, and AH-1W's.

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Will you be working on vehicles after the units pack?

i've said this in another tread but we REALLY need a good technical and a good retextured ural.

thats if you do a 3rd world type OPFOR.

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We're making a generic Opposing Forces pack for our mod as well, largely inspired by BAS's Tangos, plus eventually specific Africanized OpFor (Congo, Mozambique, Uganda, Angola, etc.)

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A generic terrorists project definitely sounds nice. I think the question on everyone's mind is, will they be european style or more third world? Either well funded or poorly funded. I'd like to see some very well funded terrorists, im talking bank robber style terrorists, im talking really good ones. A chopper don't seem real though, because every nation pretty much owns their skies.

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A special terror group with grey overalls & packed with stuff would be awesome. Sorta like the guys we've seen in Rainbow6 / Roque Spear.

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There are one or two pics of the G-5 howitzer buried somewhere in combat photography, otherwise no.

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Actually, from all the pics I've seen, model-wise, the terrorist look is pretty universal (except maybe the stereotypical Middle eastern guys), the main difference is in the "low budget" and the "well-funded" guys. Even then, the difference is mainly in the equipment. As for third world vs. European, the main difference is in the face textures. Anyway, the African guy in the middle does look pretty third world, doesn't he?


Aside from modelling and texturing, I'm working on a system to randomize their gear (mostly because I'm too lazy to code configs for each and every imaginable type of OPFOR guy). I'll TRY to make the system as flexible as I can, thus allowing both standardization as well as randomness (default). As you can see above, the script has been tested on the headgear.

And theoretically, *IF* all goes well, it may even be possible to use your own custom textures as well (I'll provide templates don't worry). So maybe If you wanted AUSCAM that wouldn't be too much of a dream... provided you'd be willing to supply your own camo or if someone feels benevolent and stuff. ;)

I knew all the scripting I picked up would come in handy some day! But I'll definitely need someone to help me on the MP side of things. I'd also appreciate it if someone was willing to brief me on the limitations of the 'setObjectTexture' command.

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Randomizing things via script and creating flexible systems is one of the things I'm good at (I'll make it open for others to cannibalize). I'm still exploring the finer arts of texturing, modelling and configging.

Anyway, I'm still working on models and textures, the script in it's full glory will have to wait.

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honestly, random weapons can be cool sometimes.. but for the most part i would think not, as you need them to attack a town.. would be stupid if 8 out of 9 of them had pistols and RPG's rather then ak's and machine guns.

or if u need to attack a tank and you put the guy in and he has an M16 and no AT.

not to sound rude here, but they dont have to be uber scripted cool, they just have to shoot at me, and die when i shoot back tounge_o.gif

these are basicly universal badguys. i noticed a comment about the ural has to be to absolutl specs if u make one.. again i personaly dont see the point, the ural needs to get form point A to point B and blow up if i shoot it. i dont care what it looks like or what it sounds like, when i shoot it and it dies, im happy smile_o.gif

these are bad guys for all to hate (combat wise) they just need to shoot at people and die when shot at.

but... if you want to script them, i say script them to target civilians. that way we can reenact the carnage of rouge terrorists attacking a crowded bus station or blwoing up the random car that passes by. i know you could group the civi with a side and then they will target it.. but i wantem to target the civis by default no grouping or scripting required. even if we have to put in thier init "attack_civi_mode_on" or something.

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Nah, I'm not randomizing the weapons.

Gear and equipment in this case refers to headgear, vests and stuff. Guess I didn't make myself clear.

If people want to randomize loadouts it is best done by the mission maker, sez I. Eye candy is the domain of the addon maker.

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sounds good so far. Maybe when you do the groups, you can do like masked group, unmasked group, jungle group and then mixed group?

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OK. I'll do that.

Furthermore, I'll be splitting them along the lines of Hi Tech vs. Low Tech. (this may be done in two seperate packs I dunno, still trying to get the models done)

And of course split them according to the models: Civil style, Sleeveless, BDU.

I'll be dumping the textures in a seperate PBO so it'll be easy for us all to modify.

I have a question though, how well does the BAS Civilian ® work in MP? I'm using a technic similiar to that, so I'd like to know how it'll turn out.

Another thing MAAM or JAM? Or both (if I have time)?

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random gear (hats shirts ect) its a good idea. i like that. smile_o.gif

high tech and low tech speerate. yes i like that.

as far as models go. i suggest try to keep the pbo size down to single digets 9mb n lower if possible becuz they will be used in missions using BAs stuff or DKM stuff and its hard enough for the user to download 50 megs of other stuff, dont want to bogem down with a 25 meg terrorist pack too. even pboing with compression on helps too.

i vote for MAAM. althou i havnt downloaded it, its newer then JAM, JAM is outdated, and vastly hated tounge_o.gif perrsonaly i dont give a shit which one you use tounge_o.gif i vote for the little guy.. err girl.. to help young aspiring mod's and mod makers grow and prosper. and since your addons seem like they will be pretty decent this would be good publicity for MAAM smile_o.gif

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I say why not create a totally new and fictional army with the world's current weapons systems available to export market?

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I say why not create a totally new and fictional army with the world's current weapons systems available to export market?

*|cough|* nogovan armed forces *|cough|*

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