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I'm not sure if this has been discussed already, but moving on from OFPs aiming ahead of a moving target, there should be an option for realistic projectile dipping. This would make work as a sniper much more difficult, having to think about range and elevation, or even possibly wind speed? This would add much more excitement to when you do get that kill from 1km with a 20mph cross-wind.

Just a thought.

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Just a thought Peter , but if all these factors where present .... than to hit a moving target would require either blind luck or an auto feed .

We would all like to think we are good shots in the virtual world , but most would be supprised when firing live rounds in "realistic" conditions .

Thats why armed forces only have a selected few that are snipers .

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Surely this would be ideal, and more immersive. Instead of a sniper picking of everyone left-right and centre, your mission may be to infiltrate and assasinate one person, exactly what snipers are there to do.

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Bullets already drop due to gravity. I agree that it would be nice to have an option to make bullets effected by wind also.

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my dad was able to shoot a m16a2 600 meters/yards without a scope and hit the target in the center of the chest. He was a designated Advanced Marksman in the United States Marines and had a choice to go into marine force recon, but he choose to work on A-6 Fire Control Computers Instead.


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When you play with 1.00, place a PBR boat somewhere, 500m in front of it a squad of Russians. When you are the gunner, you can zoom endly. When you shoot, you can see the bullets dropping.

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Quote[/b] ]I'm not sure if this has been discussed already, but moving on from OFPs aiming ahead of a moving target, there should be an option for realistic projectile dipping. This would make work as a sniper much more difficult, having to think about range and elevation, or even possibly wind speed? This would add much more excitement to when you do get that kill from 1km with a 20mph cross-wind.

1. Projectiles already drop in OFP.

2. Why wind? It might sound cool, but during gameplay it would be impractical at best. Barring the existance of a little hat with a 360-degree halo of mini-fans which generate a simulated breeze upon receiving a signal from the computer, wind isn't a very useful thing to spend much time on. Most of us lack one of these hats, and we already have plenty of trouble calculating the correct angle to hit a target 800m away without having to factor in a condition that we can't even measure in game. Theoretically, BIS could add a little electronic gadget that measures the wind and its direction, but that still leaves any non-post-Cold War sniper in trouble.

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