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Fixed positions script

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Fixed positions script


Nice screen, huh?

This AI script could make urban combat(defense) more interesting. It can ONLY be used on individual units with at least 1 waypoint!

With this script you can put soldiers in houses behind windows or any other obstacle it can see and fire through / over . When the enemy enters a building, there’s a fair chance he will kill him in the doorway when he enters the room. (or even through another window he was currently watching)

The zip contains two opensource missions,

Last man standing and le Port.

In the first mission you play the defender, in le Port you are the attacker.

Both missions use one addon, ICPanims , it's in the zip.

This is the last application script using the ICPanims.

I hope I can make it work in a similar way for MP, because I believe the script is more useful in Coop missions.

Check the readme for instructions

Let me know what you think about it.

Download it HERE

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Someone made a script like this for "trenches". I like what you got here. I recommend goin to OFPEC and finding the other script for ideas on enhancing yours.

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If I'm not mistaken, Blanco (this script maker) made the trench script.

Looks good man!

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Looks fine this is what i am waiting for :-)

Combining it with keycats Grouplink and

Joergf´s healing this will be great ...

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Indeed, I've made 2 other scripts with the ICPanims.

That's right, I've made that trenchscript

I also made 2 short movies to see both scripts in action



Fixedpos movie

Related link @ OFPEC

The problem in MP is a weird one...this what Manitou said , he tested trenchscript in MP.

Quote[/b] ]The soldiers do go into combat mode, it's the relaxed anim that sticks. When they fire, the shots come from where the rifle would be if they were kneeling. I think that it's the change in anim that causes the problem. They all start in the relaxed ICP anims but can't seem to shift anims so starting them in a crouched anim should work fine. It wont matter if they stick in crouchToCombat anim as that's what will make them so hard to shoot at.

I have no idea how to fix that sad_o.gif If somebody knows a solution, please let me know or modify it. I would be great in Coop missions, because in SP your AI teammates are in most occasions too stupid and too blind to spot an trenched enemy.

In the meantime I try to make a version without the custom anims...

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OK i understand that my AI do not recognise the anims but for only MP-PLAYER the script runs correct ?

WIll try it :-)

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They recognise the anim, but they have to move closer then a human player to spot a trenched enemy.

But the anim problem makes it useless in MP.

Units can fire and turn when they are in a ICPanim, even when they sit down with the gun on their backs. (they fire in the air, without holding the gun in their hands!)

They don't shift in kneeling position, but the bullets are coming from where the barrel should be when they are kneeling. So they can fire upon you, it's just the shifting between animations that sticks.

The rest should work in MP

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