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Natural Phenonema

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i was wondering ,and had that thought some time now ,if it would be technicly possible to create certain natural phenonema that have efects and can be lethal.I was thinking along the lines of a volcano ,a tornado ,a tsunami ,an earthquake ,inpacting lithgning and more along those lines.

Afcourse i can understand that creating some of thses thing's would be enourmesly hard ,though i think most would find them cool to.

This thread is ment as a discussion on if such thing's are uberhaupt possible.

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lol ?  tounge_o.gif

there was a tornado script released some time ago. you may find it by searching in a&m:c or on www.ofpec.com  wink_o.gif

edit: fixed teh link

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lol ?  tounge_o.gif

there was a tornado script released some time ago. you may find it by searching in a&m:c or on www.ofpec.com  wink_o.gif

edit: fixed teh link

You don't understand uberhaupt? Well it's kinda hard to explain ,its one of those German words that have no translation in any other languaghe because they are unique in their kind (German has lots of those words)  ,like fingerspitsengefulle(sp?) ,uberhaupt means something like "if in any case" ,like "if in any case" possible in this circumstances.

Anyway ,i didn't found the tornado though. sad_o.gif

And i wanted this discussion to be on a number of natural phenonema ,like those i mentioned earlier ,although i appreciate you pointing out that tornado.  wink_o.gif

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Hi Apollo,

I suppose that many of the natural events in your list could be simulated in OFP (floods would probably be rather difficult).

Would be useful in a disaster scenario for mission makers.

Parker Hale

Edit....Found a link to the tornado addon:


If this link does not work then just look on the last page in the misc addons section at OFPBase (on left side of home page)


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Mr Burns is as german as I am smile_o.gif

Actually, Tornados exist in various versions. As for earthquakes, I don't think they are possible to do, because they would require a modification of the island structure ...

Vulcanos ... yes, with drop effects and a whole lot of scripts

btw: It is Fingerspitzengefühl

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not to forget gemütlichkeit... most of the "German words that have no translation" have a "ü" it seems smile_o.gifwink_o.gif

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Earthquakes could be simulated by using a cam shake script.

As an example for a mission:

1. Mission1, You could be leaving your home town travelling to another destination when suddenly the entire area starts shaking and you skid of the road and crash which causes you to blackout.

2. Mission2, you wake up to find the area in ruins and decide to make your way back to the town but you find that it to is in ruins etc....

Just an idea

Parker Hale

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Thx for the reply's people.

Thx for the link Parker ,though unfortunally when trying to download it returns an 404 error ,however the effort is apreciated ,i shouldn't rely though on other people i got the power of google and other tools to to find that addon. wink_o.gif

Since Mr Burns is german to i guess he joked about the fact of the spelling? Whats the correct one? is it überhaupt? (just a side question)

A volcano would be extremely nice and i guess some mountains on the Ofp islands could be easily converted to volcano's with some texturing ,though the acual erruption would be due to it's size and script heavyness be probably cpu intensive?

Yes i guess thing's like Floods and tsunami's would be extremely hard though ,because of the water level configuration of Ofp ,probably a limitation.Could however an impression of extra water be simulated ,just like you would have a layer of lava above the ground in the vulcano case? (or like the base expansion cloud of a nuke in the nuke addons)

The impression of an earthquake looks like a very good idea ,only small problem that it wouldn't be visible from air probably ,but thats a moot point IMO as lot's of nice feature's in the ofp addon community get a less nice representation in air. (like grass or field addons for ex)

With Col. Klink's upcomming structural dammage script's it might even create dammage to the houses and structure's.

I guess litghning would be easy with something sprite like that is drawn from the clouds to the ground ,and with a variable passed by the lithgning script to a kill function that kills the human right beneat the litghning. (exact pos being given trough as variable)

Any people interrested in making such thing's ,and any people knowing more natural phenonema? I'm thinking to become involved in scripting in the future but not really at the next months though.

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You know I did some studying some time ago and the worst natural disaster is....ice smile_o.gif amazing it is.But is it possible?

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Well depending on whether or not it gets chosen for the Mission Editing Comp or not, I have a lightning strike script. But I can't in good conscience release it until the comp reaches the Final 10 stage.

Something you left off you list is bushfires...again, I have some stuff but it will have to wait a little while. Remind me when the Comp is over.

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