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Track IR support for OFP2

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I would really like to see Track IR supported by OFP2

Being able to use Track IR for head movement (separate from weapon facing) would be a great addition.

I use the side head look (number pad keys) in OFP1 and really notice that it is missing from most of the other FPS game I play.

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You mean like the pilots have in the Apache and Eurofighter and stuff? So you look at a target and can lock on simply making visual contact? (maybe u could press tab to lock onto the target closest to ur centre view?) Thinking about it that'd be pretty good, nice idea.

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It may be able to be used like that if you have 3D glasses or multi-monitor support, but no it's not what this is.

Track IR is the gadget that tracks your head movements to pan the view on your monitor. You can set the sensitivity so a small movement can turn your head a greater distance, thus you can always see the monitor.

People have brought it up before and I think it would work very well for the kind of FPS OFP is. Being able to look around without having to slow down and change direction would be beneficial.

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I support this suggestion.

I bought TIR3pro a few months ago and I now consider it a must for situational awareness. It's so easy to look around without having to turn your player-unit.

My awareness went up 300% in LOMAC. This would be a very useful feature not only for cars and aircrafts, but for soldiers too (to look around you while moving and not have to change moving direction).

The TIR could also be used for aiming weapons like the M-230 chaingun cannon on the Apache.

(Here's hoping Suma is still a flight-sim addict)

Suma, buy a TrackIR and feel the difference in LOMAC and IL2 wink_o.gif

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Me too!

OFP was the first FPS to implement head movement so it would be great if they would improve this feature!

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I'm all for it. I remember adding to the requests for TIR support in OFP1985. I hope it is added to OF2. Talk about an immersive experience.

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sounds extremely nice but I'm not too sure of what it is biggrin_o.gif could someone give me a little hint?

*EDIT* ok now I got it I think wink_o.gif

*EDIT* omg so sweet!

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