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are we spoilt kids ?

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someone remember this ?  smile_o.gif


sometimes i think we act like spoilt kids, there were times when "small" things made us happy, and now we need more and more...

mods are fighting calling it competition

loosing grip and taking part in huge rat race

lets not forget about fun  wink_o.gif

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Yes, we're spoiled.

After toying with Diesel's new A10, I switched it for BIS' original.

I was disgusted.

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someone remember this? smile_o.gif


No, but I remember this:


It's very normal to choose only the best possible/available.

Only the best will survive.(On my harddrive)

If there are addons that do not look that good and do not have tons of new features but the best available, they also survive.

As an example: The BIS M113 vulcan.

As long as there is non better, I will continue to use it.

MfG Lee wink_o.gif

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but what for we need all those tons of new addons with fancy features if we dont have missions/campaigns ?

i would rather see good mission with orginal ofp units than 10 greate addons with wich i will just play around for 10 mins on desert island and forget about them...

besides that

all this seeking for quality is starting to be something i like to call "ofp madness"

huge textures, huge polycount, tons of scripts...

just to make something better than someone else did

what for if little more complicated mission with such addons will kill all fun cousing lags ?  rock.gif

im starting to see that as worth sorrow rat race : (

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What about Inquisitor's M113 with vulcan?

I'm quite sure if the quality of addonmaking we see today was possible back in the very early days of Flashpoint we'd have asked of addonmakers then what we ask of them now.

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but what for we need all those tons of new addons with fancy features if we dont have missions/campaigns ?

i would rather see good mission with orginal ofp units than 10 greate addons with wich i will just play around for 10 mins on desert island and forget about them...

besides that

all this seeking for quality is starting to be something i like to call "ofp madness"

huge textures, huge polycount, tons of scripts...

just to make something better than someone else did

what for if little more complicated mission with such addons will kill all fun cousing lags ?  rock.gif

What he said. wink_o.gif

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IIRC there were definitely more than 100 mission submitted to the MEC, and you'll probably be seeing a lot of them soon.

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but what for we need all those tons of new addons with fancy features if we dont have missions/campaigns ?

i would rather see good mission with orginal ofp units than 10 greate addons with wich i will just play around for 10 mins on desert island and forget about them...

I often make about 10 missions a week and then on the Sunday i start to play them as i've forgotten how they go.so i love all these new addons as it makes my OFP experiance even more enjoyable.If i'm honest i don't think i would still be playing OFP if it wasn't for addons like HYK's US Infantry.addons like that have kept this game alive for so long and it just goes to show that if these guys are willing to spend an awful lot of time making them then the least we can do is to thank them and start using them..*Steps of soap box*

And ironically i was just looking at that Huey yesterday and i thought,is this the quality we put up with back then...

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theavonlady you are here long enought, you know ppl.

you feel like leading group of missionmakers that would make few small campaing oriented mods (or at least one) using already released community addons ?

you know, so we simple ofp gamers could just download simple exe file that will install on our pc good campaign with needed addons compiled into one dir with small "runme.exe"

im shure that many addonmakers would be happy to give permissions to use they addons in such projects.

becouse for many campaigns/missions ideas every single addon was made already

why noone came up with idea of making some use out of them ? smile_o.gif

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I often make about 10 missions a week and then on the Sunday i start to play them as i've forgotten how they go.so i love all these new addons as it makes my OFP experiance even more enjoyable.If i'm honest i don't think i would still be playing OFP if it wasn't for addons like HYK's US Infantry.addons like that have kept this game alive for so long and it just goes to show that if these guys are willing to spend an awful lot of time making them then the least we can do is to thank them and start using them..*Steps of soap box*

And ironically i was just looking at that Huey yesterday and i thought,is this the quality we put up with back then...

then where are your missions ?

why at ofp.info i see only news about useless for me addons ?

why you dont make something bigger ?

please bring some fun to this community....

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Guest major gandhi

we aren't spoilt at all. my friends already laugh at me because I still play a 3-year-old game with such a graphic in the times of doom III. If there wouldn't be better addons avaiable than this ugly huey I had already quit playing ofp.

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It is genuinely pathetic to see the response some very nice addons get these days.

"Spoilt" is a word that springs to mind.

Agreed on the missions.

I download these addons, look at them once or twice and that's it.

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Avon lady, with your expertise, id gladly throw my skills to the job of creating a quality campaign aimed at getting people to download themed addon packs. For instance: I'm doing an africa campaign now using modern day addons. That means that it'd use fischkopp hummers, very strongly possibly the destroyed hummers, tonal for mungari, ags and mapfact kits for the island, HYK and BAS for the units, combat M113s, possibly the cargo trucks as well. The focus is on foreign aid in war torn africa. We could pack alot of addons in this baby of high quality to kind of get people excited about flashpoint again. Also with my cinematic directing of missions and the flow of battle n stuff the mission will be fun, not to mention every mission will be a learning lesson at the debriefing. That I've only told one person so far and he liked the idea. So it won't be like other campaigns. This you will actually come back to play again to get it right when you receive your lesson at the end of what you could have done, etc. My missions are sort of brain teasers rather than shoot em ups.

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Avon lady, with your expertise, id gladly throw my skills to the job of creating a quality campaign aimed at getting people to download themed addon packs.  For instance:  I'm doing an africa campaign now using modern day addons.  That means that it'd use fischkopp hummers, very strongly possibly the destroyed hummers, tonal for mungari, ags and mapfact kits for the island, HYK and BAS for the units, combat M113s, possibly the cargo trucks as well.  The focus is on foreign aid in war torn africa.  We could pack alot of addons in this baby of high quality to kind of get people excited about flashpoint again.  Also with my cinematic directing of missions and the flow of battle n stuff the mission will be fun, not to mention every mission will be a learning lesson at the debriefing.  That I've only told one person so far and he liked the idea.  So it won't be like other campaigns.  This you will actually come back to play again to get it right when you receive your lesson at the end of what you could have done, etc.  My missions are sort of brain teasers rather than shoot em ups.

You don't need me to do all this. Looking forward to your work. Get a team together!

I've been saying this for ages. It's been the bottom line of my forum sig for about a year now. sad_o.gif

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sometimes i see mission or campaign download with long list of needed addons, wich is kiling me becouse of one single mission i must spend 5 hours downloading addons crazy_o.gif

what me and probably many other ppl would like to see is campaign and needed addons (only needed, not whole mods just becouse there is one unit used in mission) in one simple exe wink_o.gif

campaigns that will bring fun out of all those addons, campaign that will puff dust out of them smile_o.gif

campaign oriented mods with minimum addonsmakers are future of this community in my opinion smile_o.gif

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someone remember this ? smile_o.gif


sometimes i think we act like spoilt kids, there were times when "small" things made us happy, and now we need more and more...

mods are fighting calling it competition

loosing grip and taking part in huge rat race

lets not forget about fun wink_o.gif

true, or the half jeep that was supposed to go as a motorcycle, or the grey SU-25 that was a "harrier" .....

yes, the small things in life smile_o.gif

that UH-60 was the first step to go further then just retexturing... editing and making new models...

THANKS! to all the addonmakers who made us happy with mofo ugly weapons , fucked up UH-1's and huge / tiny jeeps, you are part of our OFP history! biggrin_o.gif

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I've been saying this for ages. It's been the bottom line of my forum sig for about a year now. sad_o.gif

i saw it many times, this sig kils me slowly...

please do something about it, there is many ppl who thinks same, there is just not many ppl that could organize something.

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sometimes i see mission or campaign download with long list of needed addons, wich is kiling me becouse of one single mission i must spend 5 hours downloading addons  crazy_o.gif

Take a great campaign, like the Retaliation Campaign!

No addons required!

Best of all, you can play such addon-less campaigns under the EECP and Y2K3 mods and really enjoy them! smile_o.gif

But I personally like many of the addons and I'm spoiled in that we have an ADSL connection. tounge_o.gif So, for a mission that sounds good, I'm willing to download the addons.

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I've been saying this for ages. It's been the bottom line of my forum sig for about a year now. sad_o.gif

i saw it many times, this sig kils me slowly...

please do something about it, there is many ppl who thinks same, there is just not many ppl that could organize something.

One solution would be to get the addon teams to have a mission maker or two be a permanent part of the team.

But they don't seem to care. They get their addon's picture taken in the photo thread and they're happy. Pity. sad_o.gif

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One solution would be to get the addon teams to have a mission maker or two be a permanent part of the team.

But they don't seem to care. They get their addon's picture taken in the photo thread and they're happy. Pity. sad_o.gif

you know that if you want something to happend you need to make it yourself

or at least make someone to feel same as you and make it smile_o.gif

thats why im bugging you about that wink_o.gif

you know ppl, you have "connections"

you are proper person for such project in my opinion smile_o.gif

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One solution would be to get the addon teams to have a mission maker or two be a permanent part of the team.

But they don't seem to care. They get their addon's picture taken in the photo thread and they're happy. Pity. sad_o.gif

you know that if you want something to happend you need to make it yourself

or at least make someone to feel same as you and make it smile_o.gif

thats why im bugging you about that  wink_o.gif

you know ppl, you have "connections"

you are proper person for such project in my opinion  smile_o.gif

I personally am a poor mission maker. I can take an existing mission and play around with it. That's all. I don't even know how to make cutscenes.

I have very limited time on my hands to do even the little that I do.

Connections have nothing to do with it. A few good people have to take it upon themselves to strive for fame by making action-packed gameplay and not toys for the masses to fiddle with for 10 minutes in the mission editor.

An addon without missions is like a day without sunshine.

See? Even that's not original! tounge_o.gif

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...to strive for fame by making ...

you think they should make that for fame ?

i will never download something made for fame.

but for shure i will download something made for fun.

and connections are needed to gain permissions for all needed addons for campaign to be released as stand alone campaign oriented mod.

there is many talented missionmakers that would work with you and others

i would even take a risk saing thet there is more missionmakers than addonmakers, they just dont release they stuff....

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We here at the, "OFF the WALL Team."

Are always trying to put out new and different missions.

Missions that are funny. Or just plane fun.

Stuff that is, "OFF the WALL!"

You can use old BIS addons and still create

a fun and exciting mission.

It's all has to do with your imagination. BOTTOM-LINE!

Yes new addons sometimes spark an idea. But you gotta do something with that idea.

Even if your not a great mission maker.

Maybe someone can help you get it,

to where you want it to be.

We are working on, "BEER RUN!." That's funny!

(Well we think so!) (We still havent found any bottles yet.)

But we live in the south. (USA) We have some redneck in us.

So we use our sense of humor and ideas to make something that, we hope most in the OFP Community will enjoy.

A matter of fact. If your interested in being an,

"OFF the WALL Team" memeber.

Email us:  otwt@bellsouth.net

We can always use more help.

But as far as being spoiled.

I think... the addon makers spoil us. Some are better than others. But if it wasn't for them. I would have stop playing OFP along time ago.

I also say, "THANK YOU!" To all the addon makers out there. For  help keeping OFP alive and well!

Sincerely, MilitiaSniper

"OFF the WALL Team"

unclesam.gif  unclesam.gif  unclesam.gif  unclesam.gif

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...to strive for fame by making ...

you think they should make that for fame ?

i will never download something made for fame.

but for shure i will download something made for fun.

No fun, no fame. smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]and connections are needed to gain permissions for all needed addons for campaign to be released as stand alone campaign oriented mod.

No permission is needed to reference an addon from within a mission or campaign.

Quote[/b] ]there is many talented missionmakers that would work with you and others

i would even take a risk saing thet there is more missionmakers than addonmakers, they just dont release they stuff....

But you don't want the kind of missions that get churned out like a dime a dozen and get rated 1 out of 10 and OFPEC's Mission Depot, do you?

It takes a lot of talent to make a mission just right. Combing sound, scripting, cutscenes, a storyline, suspense and a good mix of addons to produce one mission can take an expert and perfectionist several months.

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