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Cityscape Poll

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Let loose the dogs of war!


OK..here's the deal:-

Technically my playerable Beta island is completed save for some minor glitches. The island and the entirely new self created original models are are done up BUT HOWEVER, i couldnt load my building models in wrpedit despite reconstructing ALL the models, bining it and testing every damn single line in the config. I had to meticously create the cityscape from mission editor and is fully playerable.

As for lags, since there are many unofficial addons, some only 300kb per addon but others of similar type 13Mb, i used only official BIS to test. So far i could place 130 soldiers(within 200m radius) day and night with no lag on my tnt/256Ram/2ghz comp, OR 20 tanks with its smoke effects OR 10 planes.

The disadvantage of placing the building addons from mission editor is that if u shift just one of it, the alignment would be gone, thus u would have to place the troops element from outside area before placing it onto the spots where u want the action to be.

So i would have to use vistor2 to recreate the island and thats gonna take me a long while as i know no czech and retrain on this platform. Rather than to keep it on my hard-disk, i thot to share the fun with others, therefore i am making a poll here to see if u folks wanna have it as it is now or wait 3 months for the completed one with more different buildings and recreational enterable buildings.

PS:- it doesnt matter to me to me whether anyone downloads or dont download my addons as i create something different mainly for my own fun and only thot to share it with those who dunno how to model or dun have the time to model. No hard feelings, cheers! smile_o.gif

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Releasing everything at once. That way people don't need to keep (up-to-date) with everyting. (people are lazy like me).

That's why FDF had such a big impact. Or one of the reasons at least.

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Sh*t! I meant to vote for release it when it's done but clicked wrong button rock.gif

So yeah I'd rather wait and have a finished product, that and I'm a lazy bugger and the worst thing in the world is placing objects using the editor crazy_o.gif

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I wont vote, make the two wink_o.gif . Release a beta for us to have some fun and maybe find and post some bugs and when you finish it release the whole final thing, we aint going anywhere biggrin_o.gif .

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There will be basic island bugs, and then there will be bugs with the integration of the new buildings, if you release a beta with editor builldings it will be easier to tell the two apart.

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I would much prefer to wait and see the finished product as envisioned by master philcommando complete with the new buildings etc.

Parker Hale

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aight heres an idea phil why dont u relese the beta for those who do wnat it and then just finish for the ppl who just want the finished one so its fair to both sides but its just my opion and no 1 has to listen to it just thot id say it thnx for readin

USCG pilot 12 wink_o.gif

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Thanks for taking time to poll and your suggestions.

I figure might as well just release it now for those who want it cos i feel guilty having so much fun with it playing something that u dont see often in ofp tounge_o.gif. Anyway u dont have to recreate the city by yourself as i have already done it from the mission editor, saving it as a mission. Since there are only 10 of u who polled that u want it, its here at geocities, i doubt if u will cos any jam of bandwidth:- ( 1.4mb)


Do read the readmetxt first.

Just in case if more decide to try it, i have send it over to Hooahman of OFPcentral and hopes he can mirror it for me. For the rest, its 3 months time then, but i guess in between perhaps more may try to come up with something better. tounge_o.gif

My concept for this island is base on:-

Virtual Bohemia is a european country consisting of 5 islands - Kolgajev, Everon, Malden ,Nogava and Polaris. The 1st 4 islands are the bread basket hinterlands producing resources for self consumption and export while Polaris is a reclaimed island acting as the financial, shipping and central governing capital city for Bohemia.

Have fun!  smile_o.gif

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Thanks for releasing it Philicomando. Its great! Finally urban combat in a modern setting.

Whats the most fun is trying to fly a jet or helo real fast through the streets and in between buildings.

This island is great for ambushes too. Good job. wow_o.gif

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Um.......one problem philcommando.I have to add objects by myself(thie island does not have objects).Will the completed version have buildings?

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You have to put the mission that come with the addon in your user mission folder, then load it, that gives u an island with all the buildings already set up.

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Yeah, and what im saying is that there are no buildings on the island. U have to put the mission that came with it into your user mission folder, then load teh island and then load the mission, which will give u the island with all the buildigs in place.

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Thanks adrenalin for replying for me. The island by itself is just empty, as i had not resolve custom objects placement on wrpedit. However i have place the buildings as intended on the island and saved as a mission. Unzip the files to a temp folder then look for Polariscity1.intro and place this file into your OFP>User>Player>mission folders. Open up ofp game, go into mission editor, click on Polaris city. Once the mission editor shows polariscity, click on 'load' and u should see Polaris city 1. click on it and it will load the island with all buildings in place.

Alternatively, if u want to place the buildings by yourself, just look under empty>objects> and u will see the buildings with 'PC' headings.

Have fun smile_o.gif

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No problem.

You should team up with that other guy who is making that other city island, I forgot his name but I think an island made by the 2 of you would be great. wink_o.gif

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That guy that is making the other city island is USMC Sniper.Anyway,thanks for your advice.Flanders:Toodlydoo! biggrin_o.gif

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