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What new do you want in OPF

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Guest major gandhi

I really think that there are still not enough good missions out for ofp(especially missions using CE02 :P ). There are so many nice addons but only so few good missions sad_o.gif

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I want more players online...

I want join-in-progress feature, I want good anti-cheat system....

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i want not to be asked what i want for OFP ...

is this *wishing for christmas* or stuff like that?

... i mean, if u have something for us (the community) then give it to the community ...

=> Missions

=> Addons

=> Campaigns

... or not if u have nothing;

but asking what we want ... is like something with - *no result* u know what i mean?


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Immersive campaigns(voice acted,original and credible missions) as Retalliation,FDF,CSLA campaigns prooved to be more or less would

be most appriciated for a community where a majority craves to play missions that are not their own creations.

On this aspect I am saddned for two reasons.One is the lack of intrest of capable to work in this field the other is my own impotence in being able to create something more then rudimentary scenarios.

We already have enough stand alone addons and islands to put into play countless conflicts and still the only source remains from mods who have mission makers incorporated in their teams.I can but wonder why are there so few to no independent mission maker studios willing to do aproach this lacking compartment.

/rant over

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why are there so few to no independent mission maker studios willing to do aproach this lacking compartment.

I tried and failed, I got a bunch of lazy good for nothing bastards to join my team and I was twice as bad tounge_o.gif

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maybe the mission thing is just because making a addon you get alot of "credits" from the community, everyone see it, everyone posting about it. Like "bas released a new chopper". You NEVER see any mission except the CTI. I guess if it was like a webpage or group. Someone to say "this missions rocks" and so on. OFPEC's mission depot is close but havn't made it really.

I say all we need is someway to know "this mission is a great download" since now you have to browse thru 1000 missions to find one that sounds good and you probaly won't download it anyway, if you are like me.

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I'd like to play a mission that is a love story. No girl actors makes this hard to do though. You need to hear the girl speak to you, form a love interest in you. Then she gets captured, her town or something, then you have to find her. Then she's close to death when you find her. Then you go out and get revenge. Then she's close to leaving the island time for her, and you got to rush to see her...but she's gone again. Sad ending, but love stories are the best. Mix in a little action and you got a memorable experience.

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The graphics are already good, i mean with high rez sky, DXDLL, good user made detailed modeling and texturing, to me it looks better than some recent games like Joint Ops, etc...

Animations could be even better but i like the ones by Dreamy knight wink_o.gif .

We could always use more units, to make a complete replacement of the stock/original stuff, units that fit with the diferent era's and are balanced for both sides.

Quality missions and campaigns is what the game really lacks, quality stuff with good voice acting and things like that, original and realistic missions smile_o.gif .

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"Give a man a fish u'll feed him a day, teach him how to fish and u will have feed him for life"

Personally i feel its a dearth of missions in ofp, but i aint complaining as i create my own sp missions and get my kicks outta it, plenty of fun

However, on a bigger scale i would like to offer my penny's worth on perhaps to help the mission making dept in this community by going to the root of the situation:-

Why do people play 3dgames?

Cos it gives them a chance to play hero and relieve the stories or fantazies they were exposed to.

How are people exposed to stories?

From the movies, good books and news

What compells them to want to do that?

Plenty of action, good storyline, something extra-ordinary.

Would a game with plenty of action & good storyline make a good game?

Unfortunately no. Depends on the hype and marketing and the name of the story teller. Success builds upon successes, those that are good are seldom given the chance - harsh but true facts of life.

Would a game/movie with just plain action be compelling enuff?

Nope..get bored in a while, how much can our gun fire anyway

Would a game /movie with just a great story be compelling enuff?

Nope...becomes convoluted like Matrix, fall asleep in a while.

So what makes a good game/movie?

1. Plenty of action.

2. Good storyline for the pause moments to take a breather.

3. Prefably stories from people we know or hear about.



a. No choice but to build upon the success of others - use popular movies or news as a base to build up your name and credibility as a mission mission maker till people are comfortable with u enough to wanna try ur own designed missions.

b. examples of missions:-


movie:- We were Soldiers, Bond movies, Pearl harbour, Enemy at the gates, Triple X,  Bridge over Kwai, Saving Pte Ryan, etc.

News:- Vietnam war 1968-71, D-Day Normandy, 6-day israeli war, Falklands, Grenada, Somali, Afganistan, Iraq, Columbia drug cartels war, etc.

C. Length of missions:-


Always go small first, never be ambitious, at least not yet..short compelling storylines with plenty of action in between. Keep as close to the story as possible. No point in being egoistical or being original, Your time will come.

D. A repository of codes to use for the mission maker


cos sometimes its pretty frustrating to hunt and search for just a one line to create something extraordinary in a mission. So those that know or have tried that code should as a gesture of thanks for being in this community where everything is shared and benefitted from it in other ways can post it there for others to use.

E. Rewards


Lets just forget about monetry terms. Money aint everything sometimes - u'll get sick of it if u have too much or too little of it anyway. Let's start off as a hobby and build your credibility first. Takes time, aint overnight. There is a competition right now anyway. Further than that, if your missions are good, there will be talent scouts hunting and searching everywhere, they need to earn their commissions from fresh new faces too. Hell! even George Lucas got turned away at every door when he first started and some stupid movie called Grease had every Studio begging on their knees rights to it at the same period in time!

Lastly - wish u all the best!! tounge_o.gif

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"Other" can obviously be interpreted as everything every other FPS can do and more. Multiple gun positions. Moving around on ships... airplanes (air transports, ac130?, DIY halo drops out of a C-130?).


These little things all contribute to making a more broad featured and engaging product. Graphics get old after six months. Good gameplay endures like a mo'fugga.

OFP has endured quite some time and I suspect it will continue to do so, but I think expanding it's gameplay flexibility is a must. Whether this is (and has) been done by the end-user, or manifesting itself in improvements in OFP 2.

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