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Spetsnaz MVD by D.R.F mod by Malahit

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...I still dont know who the hell you are and I know for a fact you had to have stole this because no one has heard of you or your addon maker but poof out of the blue you come out with some nice textures like that for your first addon...

No offense USmarine, but the texturer could be a 3d artist thats been doing this stuff for years. This is the kind of mind set that kills off small mods that could potentially become a much needed addition to the addon community.

Its a shame textures, models, etc. are getting stolen, but I feel that mod makers should be more open minded and offer a helping hand instead of smashing the offenders.

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Yeah he's right. DRF MOD could turn out to be one of the best MODs and will exploit fine Russian talent. Let's give them a chance. Everything starts out small. smile_o.gif

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for all english members we have no chanses  cus you dont know russian to read all proof  and on ofp.gamezone.cz there UPDATE about our soldiers !

how they can update news whit out knowing what relly hapening!

if realy we didnt seld the news how they posted it?

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didnt understand a word you just said but alright if your russian is better speak in it i can read russian

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better you was can write wink_o.gif

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UsMarine not everyone can speak more than one language... cough/ americans/ cough.... so ease off...Brat te toshe ne smeshavaisa s nim... on prosto hochet shtop tebe dali ban...

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Yeah, don't be so hard on brat. It must be hard to defense your views in English.

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lächerlich, ridiculous, смешоно  mad_o.gif

Yeah, don't be so hard on brat. It must be hard to defense your views in English.

me thinks the majority of the forum users doesn´t speak english as their motherlanguage ... so whats the problem  rock.gif

drf has to defend it´s position because it´s proven (at least in english) that the texture is from rhs. no matter if it was originally from ghost recon or not.. it really doesn´t matter since drf tex´s have exactly the filenames (архив имена - babelfish translation) as rhs .. gawddamnit  crazy_o.gif

brat if you don´t understand english go babelfish .. it isn´t perfect but helps alot

also to brat.. if you are referring to webpages which carry the proofs you´re talking about you could post a link to it, because me found nothing that proves drf innocence when i was on flashpoint.ru yesterday    wink_o.gif

aww...forums don´t support russian fonts crazy_o.gif

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i was talking to friend of mines who works for RHS as a 3d modeler on irc and it seems that hes quite disapointed with this situation and finds it quite petty, One thing he did say that was he read flashpoint.ru forums topic through babelfish and it seems that ORC's are some how involed in this situation (ie the ones that released the RHS crew as there own)

i suggest you translate the last couple of pages of the that forums topic with something like babelfish the translation isnt 100% but you can get the just of it



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(ie the ones that released the RHS crew as there own)

wasn´t it orcs who gave all their stuff to other mods (including rhs) after the shut down working on it rock.gif

thx for the links anyway wink_o.gif

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I think that was the caucus crisis mate the ORC's mod are still together from what i know but ive only just started playing ofp i only really know about stuff from friends talking about this game tounge_o.gif

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also to brat.. if you are referring to webpages which carry the proofs you´re talking about you could post a link to it, because me found nothing that proves drf innocence when i was on flashpoint.ru yesterday    wink_o.gif

aww...forums don´t support russian fonts  crazy_o.gif

I ran OFP.RU's forum pages through BabelFish's RUSSIAN>ENGLISH translation.

I understand Brat's English here better. crazy_o.gif

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it is most stupid discussion iv ever read.

first of all what i was wondering about is how come ShadowNX knows GR soldiers so well that he can recognize parts of them on those soldiers - i have all those GR models and textures and i cant recognize shit.

he probably was working hard on them  rock.gif heh

both side are using other games "resources"

i do that too but never take full credits for such "work"

so i dont see point in all this discussion

even if that textures were stolen they werent RHS at first place, but i realy doubt that someone would hack thy ftp (realy stupid idea and very childisch)

and some of you shouldnt beliefe RHS just becouse they are "known" and more popular mod team (UsMarine408)

for me it is not important who "made" them first, whos they are and who is thef

both teams should give full credits to GR creators and (sorry for bad words) SHUT THE FUCK UP !!!

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and one more word about identical textures maping

if bots sides some how are using orcs soldiers as base models

they should know that mapping will be identical if you copy paste same part of GR texture to ofp soldier texture.

if both sides are using base model from same source i doubt they did change anything in textures mapping becouse orcs made it perfect.

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lächerlich, ridiculous, смешоно  mad_o.gif
Yeah, don't be so hard on brat. It must be hard to defense your views in English.

me thinks the majority of the forum users doesn´t speak english as their motherlanguage ... so whats the problem  rock.gif

Just saying that you don't have to bash people, like UsMarine did, if they don't speak or write English perfectly.

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Quote[/b] ]SHUT THE F**K UP !!!

Better don't use such words here or mods will close this thread  smile_o.gif  Then someone like brat will open another thread and get a ban. Anyway Denorc wrote on flashpoint.ru forums that tomorrow he will finish checking the images that brat had posted in the forums as a proof of DRF's innocence  smile_o.gif

As many people have already said here hacking someone's ftp in order to get unreleased beta textures and use them in your addons is incredibly stupid. Perhaps it was a big mistake and DRF didn't know that those textures belonged to RHS (they still gave credit to Laser and ORCS). Anyway i think some news sites were too quick to post that those textures had been stolen.

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let's look at it this way - if there was no DFR mod we would probably wait another year for RHS to release their addon biggrin_o.gif

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