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Harrier Jet

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just out of interest how is the vtol controlled i the vbs one? bound keys or through the side menu?

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Side menu.

and does it actually act like VTOL or qusi VTOL ala the FLK harrier does, also only really hover for around a minute till the engine overheats as IRL, also does the AI land Via a hover or capable of it?

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It's been a while since I had the FLK harrier (uninstalled and then reinstalled) but it is broadly the same thing as that.

No overheat.

I am not sure if you can make the AI VTOL.

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If somebody can add the scrip, then it would have VTOL.

you talking bout the mapfact script that was recently released ?

i didn´t try it myself but usually everything from mapfact is great ...

did anyone try to get their script into flk´s harrier yet ?

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We have new scripts in place on the Harrier in the release which should make your jaws drop..


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@ July 22 2004,17:25)]We have new scripts in place on the Harrier in the release which should make your jaws drop..


cry's, video plz smile_o.gif

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