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Does OFP need an LCAC?

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H2 eh?. Believe it or not, i just mixed a hercules engine with a gazelle engine. The miracle of helicopters, lol.

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Quote[/b] ]somebloke Posted on July 31 2004,10:19


I was contemplating sticking the original BIS Boat sound in there, but couldn't be bothered to de-pbo the file then convert the ogg to wav. (i'm lazy) lol. Glad you like them, need any start up sounds?

That depends on if Romolus wants to script a start-up procedure.  It would be a nice addition.

As an update to the fans:

(From what I read) Romolus has found problems and solutions to the config and the air cushion.  All sound totally reasonable from a PLC programmer / modeller perspective tounge_o.gif

(told you he was wise and skilled)

Asmodeus will be getting the 'almost' final model to texture as soon as he drops an email address on me*hint hint*   I have to reduce the poly's in the air ducts, and take one last look at the superstructures to see if there are any poly's to reduce

@Romolus:  Would you want to do personnel cargo proxies too?  The whole port cabin is seating.


I'll drop some simple seats in there if you want (I think starboard too, need to confirm)

**Does anybody know if there is an amphibious assault ship that can launch these beasts?***

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the WASP class aircraft carrier/assault ship etc, US Marines deploy them - this thing also deploys LC's, choppers, etc - basically the US version of HMS Ocean, or vice versa




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Sweet.  Thanks Messiah.

I'll have to postpone my bid to redo the Nimitz.  After all, our LCAC needs a berth too.  biggrin_o.gif

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Since we're on the topic of large naval vessels, what about a Tarawa Class Carrier? Those things are huge, and can have lots of different things on them.

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Since we're on the topic of large naval vessels, what about a Tarawa Class Carrier? Those things are huge, and can have lots of different things on them.

I have been thinking once to redo the model of the old Tarawa class carrier, but I lacked O2 knowledge. But I've learned a lot since then, maybe I can start on the project again.

Can't promise anything soon since I am also working hard on bushfires and I am going on vacation next week wink_o.gif

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NXZSHADOW have done a LHA-1 Tarawa class carrier. You can see some Screenshots on his site, but the site is currently done.

I´ve done LHD-1 Wasp Class carrier but I delete it whereas a reboot of my sytem. Everytime i remember taht i could hit me *beginingtohurtmyself* wink_o.gif

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The excellent Ashland LSD class released more than a year ago can handle LCAC's. http://www.ashland.navy.mil/

Are we reinventing the wheel again, people?

Of course, A Wasp class LSD, would be nice, and fits the game better than a Nimitz class super carrier. Or, if you want to make an addon badly, then I'd suggest the ship meant to replace the LSD, the San Antonio class LPD-17. http://www.pms317.navy.mil/index.asp

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I'm running it both fixed and moving versions and it's the prettiest liner on OFP seas!!!

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I'm running the Ashland LSD with 1.96 and it works great. It has a great interior also. You can use setpos to place units and vehicles on it and inside it.

U.S.S Ashland LSD 48

looking forward to the LCAC.


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So Messiah, you were saying....  biggrin_o.gif

i was saying, it didnt work in 1.96 for me.... just because your version may work, this isn't obviously the same for eveyone on the forums. Don't make the mistake of believing it must work because it works for you, as that would be naive.

Unlike when i first used the LSD, i now cannot land choppers on board, my guy falls through floors, etc etc etc.... Unless there is an updated version I never saw come out, then the LSD does not work in my game in 1.96... but this is a thread about the LCAC.

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Quote[/b] ]Messiah Posted on Aug. 01 2004,06:40


Unless there is an updated version I never saw come out, then the LSD does not work in my game in 1.96... but this is a thread about the LCAC.

Don't make TOO much noise about it, but I would be eager to see a properly scaled (and LOD'd) ship that can serve as a launching platform.  I'd consider it an accessory.  tounge_o.gif

@ Somebloke:  As for updates -in addition to the little one toward the top of the last page- Asmodeus has confirmed he has more time to help us out.   He is (hopefully) discussing any model changes that would affect his efforts directly with Romolus, and wanting to get texturing.  I am trying different techniques to keep the current detail, yet shedding polygons off the models.

@Romolus: While I'm changing model elements, would you like me to redo the air cushion so there are no connection points with the ramp?  Would that help?  It would not take much effort or time.  I could also add seating, if you are up to coding.

@Asmodeus: Do you have enough images for texturing the LCAC?  If not, I'm sure the watching community could be able to help out.  smile_o.gif

Is anybody truly 'on hold' waiting for something?  If so, list it, and we will move to get it done for you.

I'll be releasing the new air ducts this evening.

Good luck everybody, and thanks.



Hot off the presses! New model with 6980 polygons! No contact between the air cushion and the front or rear ramps!

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Here's the last model update (unless there is something that needs to be changed  crazy_o.gif )

The poly count:

Port S.S. - 1830

Starboard S.S. - 1954

Deck - 1174

Air Cushion - 1116

Air Ducts - 362 (x2)

Misc - 93

Total: 6882 polys ( eat your heart out Messiah tounge_o.gif )

The Pics:






Romolus, can you insert this model into your modifications? Or are you already too far into it to bother? It needs what the last model did + some faces. All simple and flat. biggrin_o.gif

P.S. If you want me to put the rudders and the attachments into it.. Please let me know.


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Amazing what a group of people who get their heads together can do in such a short time. Brilliant work.

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Hi Scrub,

Looks great! biggrin_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]@Asmodeus: Do you have enough images for texturing the LCAC? If not, I'm sure the watching community could be able to help out.

I could definitely use more images! There's no such thing as too many so if anybody can help out in this department please do!

@ Romolus

As far as being "on hold", please let me know if you think I should wait for you to finish or if I can just get started at the same time you do your work.



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Sending a batch o' pics to your e-link address. 8.5MB

Hope they make it, and are different from what you have.  biggrin_o.gif

I wonder if anybody has a friend of a friend in the Corps that gets close to an LCAC and can take some great digital pics of it... Hmmm. I wonder rock.gif

@ AgentFox2: I believe your suggestion is the one that Romolus is going with (the F1 boats, wasn't it?) So thanks for the idea!


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Nice !! ..... keep it goin Scrub ..... I'll have the perfect project for that a little later wink_o.gif

(better yet if there's an east and west version)

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Hi all,

Been away for a bit.  Not sure what phase the project is in ATM.  Hope to hear back from everybody soon.

@ somebloke: Thanks for the search help!

Quote[/b] ][APS]Gnat Posted on Aug. 05 2004,07:10


Nice !! ..... keep it goin Scrub ..... I'll have the perfect project for that a little later  

(better yet if there's an east and west version)

And what would THAT be??  rock.gif

You do know that this is an absolutely mayhem free addon, right?  I mean, after all, it's JUST a cargo carrier. tounge_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ][APS]Gnat Posted on Aug. 05 2004,07:10


Nice !! ..... keep it goin Scrub ..... I'll have the perfect project for that a little later  

(better yet if there's an east and west version)

And what would THAT be??  rock.gif

You do know that this is an absolutely mayhem free addon, right?  I mean, after all, it's JUST a cargo carrier. tounge_o.gif

Erm, mayhem-free?!? According to FAS.ORG, it can be armed with a couple of 40mm Mk-19 Grenade Launchers... that's more than a AAV7, which is also sort of a landing transport vehicle tounge_o.gif PLZ, DO NOT OMIT THOSE GREN LAUNCHERS!!! (or make it a combination of M2HB and Mk19GL, since both are able to be fitted to the LCAC). wink_o.gif

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