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OFP2 - Rainbow Six

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It`ll be nice to do some guns modifications and upgrades(all the spec op stuff), scopes, silencers, laser sights, hi-cap mags.... Like in R6 - Raven Shield, both games OFP & R6 are quite realistic.

I personally want to see in OFP

modern guns (R6 again;): OICW, HKG11, Barret and so on.

(not only M4/M16 - it`s real, and modern, but borring lol:)

Whitch guns you want to see in the game?

ps sorry for my englisch lol

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If anyone would like them there would be a number of them already.

Here we want reality and in reality noone uses OICW.

Barret u have and great one too.

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Special soldiers can choose their weapons before mission, (maybe not in vietnam but at least in terrorist war... ) I try to say that modern guns, and modifications (laser sights....bleah bleah) are making the game more realistic, and first of all interesting (again R6).

private - m16

black op - optional

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What should be taken from Ravenshield is the behaviour of soldiers in urban area (can be special waypoint such as "search and destroy (urban)") using tight column formation.

I like how the buddies covers your sides and the last one turns back on every stop.

Also, the soldiers should take a look after any corner they miss and so on...

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leaning out from the walls will help, just like in R6...or CoD.

IF you, AI can lean out from the wall, CQB will be more realistic.

All CQB-based games have this option, so if in OFP2 CQB will be more "exposed" (It`ll be great...black hawk down, and so on) implementation of this can help in this type of combat.

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Just the topic title, I would not want OFP2 to be the disaster the new R6 is. smile_o.gif

Besides that, sure addons for weapons and weapon dammage etc. would be nice.

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Yeah...Rogue Spear... It was a game...mmm

I think both games have many common things, such as realism level...

What about planning mision?

I mean...You only (if you are commander) do the BASIC plan, and AI do not follow it like in R6 (like following the string...I do not know exactly meanning of this metaphor in English but I think you guys will understand me:). AI in OFP realy think...If soldier have a sign post where he had to go, and he`ll hear some shots, he won`t run like an idiot to this waypoint but he`ll fall on the ground ant try to notice from where the shots were fired.

What I try to say is:

BASIC mission plan just like in R6

execution strictly in OFP ways

Ability to plan before the action, not IN mission imho will increase realism, and simply, fun. Because you`ll never know what will happen under the enemy fire and you`ll also know that your sniper, is watching the situation because it was all planned before...


sory for bad English (again......wwrrr)

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If you want a CQC anti-terrorist game, see Tom Clancy; if you want a large scale war, play OFP. I rather not have one compromised to satisfy the other.


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nah dont plan before mission v boring and unrealistic. Set waypoints in the field for your pointman and squad follows him along with you. use the current system in OFP with a few additions like FIBUA mode etc. perhaps preplanned contact drills as i mentioned a while ago either that or be able to set more specific waypoints mentioning arcs of fire, suppressing fire etc

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Here is what I think

1. CQB = Batlles in towns villages, not EXACTLY like in R6 or SWAT room cleaning... We all know that OFP is famous because of It`s large terrain of combat, but there are also some towns, on the OFP maps, and some players just love missions such as "black hawk down"

2. Planning:

It`s a bit complicated thing...

I think planning is a separate part of the game... for example many players love R6 because of the planning stuff, and in that game It`s bloody complicated thing.

I don`t want to implement exactly the same planning mode, because you allready can plan the mission in mission editor.

All the missions are planned... "move , destroy" waipoints are like R6 mission plan.

I would like to see SIMPLE planning module before the action.

If you don`t want to plann, you just click the START button:D

For example:

U have the mission map, targets, all those markers and stuff...

On the same map (after clicking the adequate icon) you can set few waypoints such as, snipe;hold;recon.

It may look like writing on the map, with pencil or marker.

It MUST be simple to be real, because even the squad lider has`nt got allways the laptop to plan the mission like in R6.

It`ll be also real because every squad must have some plan how to do the mission, they aren`t just apear 100m from the main target, and then: "guys how we`re going to do the job?"

Another thing that fall in my head are the "go" codes.

R6 have special GO codes for switching the waypoints.

It helpes to coordinate your moves with AI.

It looks just like that

waypoint 1 snipe>>>>"GO waypoint 2">>>>waypoint2 hold>>>>"Go waypoint 3">>>>and so on

It`ll help with CQB battles...

(to all guys who think that OFP + town CQB = sh*t....maps are big enough to satisfy all of players;)

And important thing...real time commands are great!!!

I don`t want to kick it from the game, I just want to support it by the mission planning and make the play less chaotic=more realistic.


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The thing that caught me about rainbow six that I love is the ability to handpick your team, each with different skill attributes. I would love to see this in ofp.

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most of the ideas presented has been presented in many specialized threads. however, the discussion is going to a very interesting direction with comparison between R6 and OFP. so I'll move this to OFP2-General.

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