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Windows mouse visible in the game : Solution

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I just saw, that my solution of the windows mouse in OFP isn't in the FAQ, so I guess, it has never been postet here smile_o.gif

Your Hz Rate of your Screen in Windows MUST BE under the Hz Rate of your Screen in OFP ( 60 in win, 70 in OFP for example), then the windows mouse doesn't appaer, and you can easily skip between OFP and your desktop.

I've testet it on our three computers, where each one had this bug, and the problem is solved biggrin_o.gif

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Every time i reinstall OPF i get this "bug", alt+tab solves it and after short time playing it always fixes itself and the problem disapears rock.gifsmile_o.gif .

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Are you shure, that you didn't increase the Hz in OFP by the way? wink_o.gif

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You can also get rid of the second mouse pointer by moving the mouse pointer around in one of the top corners directly after launching the game (while you can still see the desktop).

Also, having a different resolution on the desktop and the game usually avoids the problem altogether.

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Thats proly it cuz auto detect seems to set my res. settings the same has my desktop and then i change them in my graphic options, its not a major problem or bug.

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I have a notebook PC, fixed at 60mhz. I still get the double pointer if I don't use the left corner move option or ALT+TAB.

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=) Yes, I know this solution also for a long time, since dx9 was released. also fixed alt-tab here. smile_o.gif

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I had the problem, that I couldn't skip to the desktop with alt +tab while I had the bug sad_o.gif

and yes, you can avoid the problem also, if you press your LMB and "draw" a bit in your screen, until OFP is starting. when the screen turns black, you can stop "drawing" and the win mouse will keep invisible wink_o.gif

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i always solved the problem by clicking on the bar at the bottom of windows (as it flashes on and off between ofp start-up) and clicking where the OFP tab would be... solves it for me tounge_o.gif

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I just saw, that my solution of the windows mouse in OFP isn't in the FAQ, so I guess, it has never been postet here smile_o.gif

Your Hz Rate of your Screen in Windows MUST BE under the Hz Rate of your Screen in OFP ( 60 in win, 70 in OFP for example), then the windows mouse doesn't appaer, and you can easily skip between OFP and your desktop.

I've testet it on our three computers, where each one had this bug, and the problem is solved biggrin_o.gif

Sure it's there:


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I think this is one "feature" that hasn't changed over the years ergo the solutions haven't changed over the years, so a new thread discussing it isn't necessary smile_o.gif

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