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Addon Request

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Is anyone making the new US Army uniform? Personely i like it and would like to see it in OFP. So please someone make it

Jankyballs Out

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u actually like those shitty things? Man worst idea that damn army has come up with, "heys lets drop stryker project, OICW project, and landwarrior project so we can make some wierd ass ugly uniforms that will save us money and make our soldiers stand out like sore thumbs...." I pitty the foo who wastes his time on this.

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hey, you dont have to bloody run around in them so you really dont have to much of an arguement when attacking

Quote[/b] ]those shitty things

im sure sometime after world war 1, when the idea of airborne was in the making, critics probably kept saying:

"people are actually going to jump out of planes in

Quote[/b] ]those shitty things

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So sad, the US army is dropping the Stryker, no wonder they are losing almost a thousand highly trained soldiers to civillians with RPG-7s and no millitary training.

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LandWarrior was stupid anyways.

Landwarrior is for the technically competant warrior. Like Army Infantry and such.

MarineWarrior comes with a Stick and Uniform. They don't wanna hurt Marines brains.

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Dude you should never make a request for an addon. People always get bent out of shape over it.

Shame really, because there have been some really good request that most of the addon makers would never have thought of on their own. If I was an addon maker I would look at request as a boon. You would be surprised how many more ideas you get from a think tank than yourself.

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