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Hey, ^_^.

I'm working on a new island currently and taken some pics;


I'll be adding a large nature area aswell. Objects are from FDF mod 1.3 (thanks for letting me use them, they're awesome ;)).

Site about Hailuoto

Second site about Hailuoto

There wont be many urban area ofcourse, 1 big town would do :P. All pics are WIP.

Hailuoto will be released as a Winter version.

Summer/autunm version planned aswell.

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Sorry about that other post, I pressed enter twice I quess. rock.gif

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Looks like a very nice island Berg. So long as their is a village or 2 (with enterable buildings preferably), thats all that is needed for Urban areas in my opinion.

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I love winter maps biggrin_o.gif

Would it be possible to have a stand alone version of it?

I have a few winter maps, but they all betas, with lots of marked spaces for towns but with nothing in there, so I won't use them because of them.

Thanks fella.


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Would it be possible to have a stand alone version of it?

Well no, I cannot include work from FDFmod 1.3 in my own .pbo. It's copyrighted. I can only use the objects so FDF1.3 is required to play on this Island.

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Well, erm, could you then replace the FDF objects with standard BIS objects and release that as a standalone?

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Couldnt you do another version using stuff from winter nogojev? Theres a big difference between 33mb and 464mb wink_o.gif

Anyway, island looks good, should be done by the time I've finished downloading fdf 1.3 tounge_o.gif

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I think you should definatly release one version that uses FDF objects, but I like munks idea of using W Nogojevs stuff too. But the FDF stuff is really good IMO, suits an island like this loads, i dont play FDF Wint E Border much (despite it's brilliance) cause it takes a while to load for me, this island wouldn't take as long, so i would probably use it alot.

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Yea, maybe I can make a FDF1.3 version and a version that would only require Winter nogojev but without different pine trees and houses.

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Ah, Hailuoto.

I have been there plenty of times, as i live in Oulu that is located about 15-20 km to the east of the island, and i can say it fits the scale of OFP perfectly. Beatiful island.

Mostly dry pine forests, worn asphalt roads and a small village in the center with a firestation, local market , church and a school.

Hope you will add the wind generators at Marjaniemi and a somekind of lighthouse, too bad you cant add the ferry that the people use to move between Oulu and Hailuoto

Typical landscape of Hailuoto


The Hailuoto´s airfield located at Pöllä


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Well, it´s not used much these days.

Some small aircraft occasionaly land at the field, it was used as an emergency field at winter times in the 40´s and the 50´s, if i remember right.

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Well, it´s not used much these days.

Some small aircraft occasionaly land at the field, it was used as an emergency field at winter times in the 40´s and the 50´s, if i remember right.

Nice, if you find more of such pictures, it can really help me create a nice Island..

I will add that field on my Island. smile_o.gif thx a lot.

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I have quite high resolution images from last summer when i was there, mostly from Marjaniemi, which is located on the western edge of the island, it is a small harbor with small fishing huts, the small FDF cottages would fit perfectly there.

I´ll see tomorrow what i can do about those images and maybe show a few of em´ here.

By the way, here´s some more pictures of the Hailuoto´s airfield, the text is in Finnish but no matter.

Hailuoto´s airfield info

also, i made a quick Paint edit of a map to show the field´s location


Hope this helps!

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hey that lokks JUST like some places here in sweden biggrin_o.gif

hope you can make resonably realistic textures on the airfield smile_o.gif

btw, how big is this island? (in Km^2)

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I'm also going to try to make that lighthouse smile_o.gif

Rest of objects will be used from the FDFmod.

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Hey, you can use windmills from F3wx_o1, v1.1. They're the same as DKM's windmill but fixed to be WRP-friendly. wink_o.gif

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Tried to make the lighthouse, but the whitebrick texture is to small to fit this big house :P, I need to add a lil more variation to those whitebricks. And the top of the lighthouse isn't exact the one on the picture but I'll fix that.



This one is a bit better.  smile_o.gif

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Very nice progress, really good that you can make your own buildings!

but if you really want to nickpick, you can see that white 2 storey building next to the lighthouse in one of my pictures?

It´s quite big to be true. Maybe add it next to the lighthouse?

The textures might be a problem, but maybe just add generic white walls and somekind of windows. Nothing fancy needed there.

Here´s a few pictures of the lighthouse, and also the fishing huts in the winter time.

Marjaniemi´s Lighthouse

Don´t mind the Finnish text again, nothing special is mentioned.  wink_o.gif

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Yea, I can try to make some buildings. I was planning to create those wooden buildings. smile_o.gif

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Some new pictures:






Sorry for low-quality crazy_o.gif But the island is going fine. smile_o.gif

It will require both FDF 1.3 mod and the Finnish houses addons.

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