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Sgt. Stryker

Some Deltas

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Ok so i was board for a few hours and decided to do what I think OFP has been needing for ages. Some good looking CQB looking guys in a nomexfligh suit, or commoly know as Olive Drab suits. Theyu are just simple retextures of Laser's awesome Delta Force guys. Hope you like them so far.



So what you think?

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Give us some clearer pictures, please.

On lighter background.

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Well at first glance i actually prefer these to "lasers"..I thought his were a bit too "Gawdy" (means too colourful and in your face)..but maybe hes got another version out coz i dont know how you could think there "awsome"..i still prefer BAS deltas but hey thats just me i suppose  wink_o.gif .

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Why do these remind me so much of counter-strike?

CS was not only game to use CBQ units nor they have any rights for them.

Really cool looking units, I'd say.

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Looks fantastic! These could just as easily be DEVGRU, CIA SAD, Grey Fox, USMC SOCOM Detachment One, as well as a handful of other US black ops units. Now just to add all the best SPECOPS weapons addons that are available, and you'll have some of the best units that OFP has seen!

Would it be too much to ask you do some USAF Para rescue Jumpers? We've needed those guys for SO LOOOOOOOOONG!

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Good work SGT Stryker, they look amazing, but is there any chance that you'd do a varient of that same idea, but in a sort of single tone desert tan type colour, for Desert-based ops and such?


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A version in black, navy blue or dark grey would work as a stand-in for practically any anti-terrorist unit in the world smile_o.gif

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Yeah i thought about doing a black pack for some swat guys it would be easy. As for the Airforce guys that a negative, sorry its just in my blood, I cant do it. Anyways these guys dont have the right equipment to be Flyboys, ya know, they arent equiped with a laptop and a portable A/C tounge_o.gif j/k but really the gear is all wrong.

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Actually yeah, that last picture with the Desert Tan Nomex Flight Suit looked more like a Air Force suit, how 'bout this then biggrin_o.gif


Excuse the size, couldn't find anything bigger, its not really Desert Tan either, but looks similar enough (its actually Sage.)

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yeah once i get a spot of free time i will work on them, but first i will release green guys soon. Config is in progress so it doesnt over write Lasers Deltas. I am not working on config casue i know nothing about. Thanks guys i hope u enjoy it soon.

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Looking good,by why are that glass of googles so yellow?

In real thos googles not so yellow


Those yellow one are for skiing and i don´t think deltas using skiing googles wink_o.gif


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eeh rock.gif

Actually research concluded that yellow makes you see motion better. It adds more contrast to your view. That's also why it's used by skiing people (plus that they use it against the sun).

Special forces have begun using yellow/orange goggles for this reason.

Green let's you see shapes better and that's why NV-goggles give you a green view.

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yup, lots of SF type guys use orange or yellow goggles for that very reason, and it looks pretty badd ass wink_o.gif

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yup, the same reason they wear oakley's; it looks very cool and you never know when you'll be caught on camera, so you better look good all the time biggrin_o.gif

forgot; units look good. Lasers cammo looked strange to me and sure didn't look like US M82 Woodland. Your nomex flightsuit textures make them look very good and are a good improvement over the cammo.

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the reason is that it improves contrast of sight.

That's the reason pilots, proffesional drivers and shooters use it.

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