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If it is an editor placed object, put this in the init field:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this switchlight "on"

If it is a light already placed on the map, you must get the object id number then use a trigger or in an init.sqs use the same line but changed to this:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">object xxxxx switchlight "on"

Change "on" to "off" (or even "auto") to turn them off manually (or automatically with "auto").


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I've noticed that streetlamps that come with the Editor Update which I turn on crash the game the second time I preview the map. What's with that?

[Gareth Gates must die]

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Hello ppl. smile_o.gif

I have searched lots of things about streetlamps,tried many ways but still they doesnt work for me.I think only once o get light,but it wasnt on top of street lamp,and that light wasnt like on lights which are on original streetlight(not which i placed).

Most times Editor Crashes to desktop.I have editor update dont remember which where are 5 different streetlamps.

Any tips would be great,because this topic and others havent solved my problem:(


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<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this inFlame true

-- same as for the camp fire (because the lamps are 'derivated' from it)

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i tried.It worked on streetlampweiB with yellow. bUt on streetlampRES1,streetamp RES2 and streetampRES3 it didnt worked.

Well that yellow shows light anyway its better than dark,but i am wondering why thos other 3 streetlapms doenst work icon_rolleyes.gif

Thnx for this

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Which addon/editor do you using? I recommending you Mikero's Editor Update 103, there you have the street lamps, and the inflame command works fine with them. And don't forget to delete all other editors you might have in your addon folder (compatibility problem).

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thanx,i will try this editor. smile_o.gif If it works or not i will reply anyway.... smile_o.gif

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thanks,that editor update is great.Its best i have ever had.Thnx,and lightds wokrs too.Now i am reading tutorial to do a good mission. smile_o.gif

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How do I turn on street lamps ??

If it is an editor placed object, put this in the init field.

</td>0</tr>0<tr>0<td id="CODE">

How to use this code?


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this inFlame true


The other characters (</td>0</tr>0<tr>0<td id="CODE">) are there because of differences between the current board software and the older one that post comes from.



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  On 8/4/2018 at 5:40 AM, Macser said:

this inFlame true


The other characters (</td>0</tr>0<tr>0<td id="CODE">) are there because of differences between the current board software and the older one that post comes from.




Hi, sry didn't work for me.

(</td>5</tr>5<tr>5<td id="CODE">)

Error invalid number in expression?


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No. As far as you're concerned, those characters are junk. Left over from an older version of the boards.


Only use This inflame true in the init line. Nothing else.

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Can I have an example code so as I can copy and past into int window.


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It's right there in my post Drake. Copy/paste it exactly as you see it:    This inflame true


Unfortunately this will give you a flickering light source. But using "switchlight" can give you an odd position depending on the light you use it on.

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Omg ok, I tried  "This inflame true" but nothing happens?

 Where to find streetlampweiB, if I use this lamp should be good. 

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Could be you have more than one version of the editor update installed. I've tried it with most of the street lights and it works.

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In early editor updates like 2002 street lights did not work. Editor updates from 2004 and later should work.


Init filed:

this switchlight "on" (or off)



nearestObject [player, "StreetLamp"] switchLight "Off" (or on)

{_x switchlight "off"} foreach (position lighto1 nearObjects ["streetlamp",300]);


Built into map:

(object 12345) switchLight "off" (or 0n)

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Init filed:

this switchlight "on" 


This inflame true

No luck, no light. Duh! 

Assume my editor is up to date, steam does this automatically.

Does anyone have a Pbo  with lights I could try ?

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This is the OFP section of the boards mate. 

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Yeah wrong forum, but switchlight is still a valid command for Arma2, so he is still doing something wrong.

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