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"Old Timer MP Gamers"

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Anyone remember Kali?


This is a great and still supported game match making service. There are tones of chat servers and when you create a game it creates your own chat room. I used to use this alot in C&C, Red Alert, Descent and Mechwarrior2 days.

This may be a great solution to the MP gaming issues with OFP. If you've never tried it. Check it out you can use it if it's not registered. OFP is supported by Kali.



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If you happen to get Kali to try out, let me know via Kali Mail. My nick, you guessed it, is MajHavoc.

Maybe a few of us can get together and try hosting a game.

A little History about Kali

I've been a registerd user of Kali since it was in beta, I was also a beta tester. It was a DOS product at that time, you had to load a number of TSR's like a PPP stack before you could run Kali, set up was trcky as you had to load all these different clients in hi-mem so you'd hopefully have enough memory left to play your game smile.gif. It's "claim to fame" was to be able to play IPX games over the internet. One of the first gaming companies to work with the designer of Kali, Jay Cotton, was the publisher of Decent (Interplay?), yup it's Interplay. Descent was an IPX based game.

Now all games use TCP/IP, and have there own matchmaking software built in or have thier own Chat/Matchmaking servers built in. So Kali lost some popularity.

Today Kali has approximately 400 chat servers supporting most, if not all, the popular games.

I registered Kali for $20 in 1995 (serial #541), Jay still supports the product with regular updates. I have seen serial numbers over 300,000.

It also has it's own Email client built in, so it's pretty robust and easy to set up.

Most the online gaming programs, like MS's "Zone", Gamespy Arcade, MPlayer (owned by Gamespy now), Heat, and others were knock-offs of Kali, Kali was the first.

I'm not trying to sell ya on kali I just think it may be a great solution to meeting and playing OFP.



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Well I'll be. Kali is still around. Good for them, pioneers need not be forgotten.

I'll check it out (again)



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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Foxhound on 7:53 am on Oct. 30, 2001

Well I'll be. Kali is still around. Good for them, pioneers need not be forgotten.

I'll check it out (again)


Cheers<span id='postcolor'>

Great! Hope to hear from you online with Kali....



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Does anyone remember DWANGO

now that was way back...

Yes I used to Kali for some old games..

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I remember Dwango back in the old 56k Doom Days to play, cost me a fortune in LD, Net was not even availble then that was when I was 20 living up north in Central Manitoba

1994 thats it lol

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Yep old Doom levels and stuff..

The word DeathMatch was the word back then, want to DM?

Those were the days.. Yep my phone bill went high also..

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I'll be hosting a game on Kali everynight I can, less I'm doing something else. The game will be up at around 5pm Mountain Standard Time (GMT-8). I have a minimum ping set to 200ms.

You'll be able to find it easy, just open the game lobbies folder.

If you don't know what Kali is click on the link below:




PS: I'll be posting this under it's own topic.

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I registered kali back in the days of Mech Warrior 2 when you had to use Kali via DOS. After reading this thread I took a bit and dug out my old keys for kali and loaded it back in...lots of nice features and works well.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Suchey on 6:42 pm on Nov. 1, 2001

I registered kali  back in the days of Mech Warrior 2 when you had to use Kali via DOS.  After reading this thread I took a bit and dug out my old keys for kali and loaded it back in...lots of nice features and works well.  <span id='postcolor'>

Woot! WTG!

What's your Kali Nick? We should hook up!



*** Edit ***

My Kali nick is "MajHavoc", what else?


(Edited by MajHavoc at 7:56 pm on Nov. 1, 2001)

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we play multiplayer every day, its far from perfect but we enjoy it, if u want to contact me for a game add this email addy to your msn messenger, and say hello when u see me come online lieutenant_hkg3@hotmail.com

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Jeez.. Kali.. I has been a while.. Keys..Keys.. Where did I put my bloody keys.. Ah Ha..found them. Yip Yah Still works...and there are still people on it. Amazing!! Kali is still better than bloogy gamespy... I might get the update and see what functions they have added. But you will not be getting pings under 200 mS from me.. :-( Crappy phone line.

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Kali, Gamespy, etc... bah - now everyone is spread out all over, makes finding a game even harder...Glad to see that Ghost Recon will use one game search tool (ubi). Too bad OFP didn't have the vision (again) to see this.

Why don't they have a in game browser with lobbies to find other gamers!!! @#$@$ - knew i shouldn't have bought this game!

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