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Sgt. Stryker

New glasses

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Ok, heres the deal. It has to be possible to make custom glasses (eye glasses) right? Can somebody that has the knowlege kindly write a quick tutorial for making custom eye glasses? Not just changing the color of the lenses but i mean a complete new eye glasses model. Well if any one want to help out the community speak up please, we need it bad sad_o.gif .

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Well, if you want to have custom eye-glass models for every soldier, then you have to change every soldier because the eye-glass models are part of the soldier model. The eye-glass is no proxy.

So you can create a new eye-glass model, but it will be only available to your specific unit and not to others. The community would have to agree on a new eye glass model and on the uv-mapping of the textures on it. Then everyone would have to include those model in his soldiers instead of the BIS one.

Hope I could help you with this.

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Grab the addon glasses.pbo, which has a bunch of new sunglasses in it. DEPBO that addon, and look inside to see how it is done. It is very simple to config, and all you really need to do is make a new sunglasses texture. Like vektorboson said, you can't make a new model, but you CAN do more than just change the lens color. Using alpha channel in your new texture, you can also change the 'shape' of the lenses and those things on the side that keep them on your head (what are they called?).

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Green ones = Mine

Blue ones = Lee's (my freind)

Orange ones = Trenchfeet's

made these myself. all you do is change the texture

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look at this, and the german soldiers with goggles, looks possible to me to make the thick rimmed 60s glasses for nam missions


ps pappy, those guys look liek theyre from the matrix, or theyre going clubbin' if i saw that guy i'd be sorry for him to shoot his ass tounge_o.gif

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yeah i know we can make those thick rimmed glasses (birth control glasses) by hidden selections but i think itd be cool to make them a choice in the player edit options.

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