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Mapfact releases h&k xm8

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I havent played whit it yet but I have a quick note Soldiers do not normaly throw there mags on the ground onless it is strictly nessary cause then material command would quickly run out of mags.


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You're right of course, but it's a nice effect. It's indeed a bit of a waste if you trow away a perfectly fine mag.

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sad_o.gif  Don't work for me,just crashes to desktop or tells "Dx8 missing" and wont start Ofp at all?

Probably a conflict with other addon? Problem is i've got over 1gb of addons...

Directx 9.0b installed and tried to put xm8 in res/addons or ofp/addons or ofp/mod/addons don't work in any of them.

Ofp works fine without xm8.

yes, that must be a problem with too much addons. cos nobody else had this problem.

@unhappy customer: i'm not sure, but it could be possible.

Got it working,it was a conflict with SigP90sd.pbo that had something to fight with xm8.

After removing it from ofp/addons works fine now.

Too many great addons out there and i like em all biggrin_o.gif

I'l probably go insane if i'd had to try to deside what addons aren't worth to keep.

So many addons so little space "My worst nightmare"

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you can d/l a fixed version here.

some new mirrors would be nice, thank you. smile_o.gif

that's not yet the jam version.

/edit: totally forgot about the fixes...

Quote[/b] ]1. Im Multiplayer gab es einen schweren Bug: Es wurden beim Magazinwechsel fortlaufend neue leere magazine createt.

Dadurch war das Addon im Prinzip nich MP-fähig.

2. Der zu laute Sound ist korrekt eingestellt worden.

3. Die Klassenbezeichnung der Waffen stimmt jetzt mit denen in der Editorauswahl überein.

1. mp bug fixed: there were too many empty mags created.

2. sound problem (that you could hear it from very far) has been fixed.

3. classnames are now the same like in the editor.

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nice smile_o.gif

Just one question , do the different magazines have different ammo? i.e: the 10 bullet magazines have high powered ammo or something?

(havent had the time to unpbo this adon yet)

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No, they don't have different ammo.

The only reason why we made different magazine versions is the following:

you can fire more ammo in one go without reloading with a 100rds mag, than with a 10rds mag biggrin_o.gif

An other one is, like this you can carry five 100rds mags PLUS 4 10rds. So you can carry 540 bullets with you wink_o.gif .



/edit: Made a mistake, changed it

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No, they don't have different ammo.

The only reason why we made different magazine versions is the following:

you can fire more ammo in one go without reloading with a 100rds mag, than with a 10rds mag biggrin_o.gif

An other one is, like this you can carry five 100rds mags PLUS 4 10rds. So you can carry 440 bullets with you wink_o.gif .



örm biggrin_o.gif

5x 100 + 4 x 10 = ?

back on topic:

540 rounds, thats heavy, and where to carry those Beta C-Mags?

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wow_o.gif  crazy_o.gif SHAME ON ME!!!!

D*mn, was thinking on whole other things while writing... Yea, of course 540...

Of course it is heavy... But with a rate of fire of 85-210 rpm you will have emptied a mag very fast wink_o.gif . So you have to take enough ammo with you biggrin_o.gif .

These Beta-C-mags aren't very big... You can store them maybe in a bag, in which you would normally store 3 30rds mags... But I don't know it for sure!

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Maybe this is just me, but i've noticed with the XM8 DMR with 100rd mags, my rifles aim is very jumpy, while with 10 and 30 it is very steady. Does this happen to anyone else or is this due to possibly another mod I have installed that I need to ferret out?

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that's a feature of this weapon. 100rds weight more than 10rds. that's why it is more "jumpy".

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for all interested ppl, you can d/l the testversion with the flashlight here.

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In the hope that someone who knows might check back here at some point and answer - The addon is supposed to be JAM compatable, even includes JAM mags in the .ccp, but won't let you pick them up from a crate. Have I missed a fix or was it simply decided to disable JAM for realism?

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Im sure the crate would have its own mags, why do you need JAM mags? Surely theres some sort of JAM mags crate?

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Its just when scripting for missions where ammo is supposed to be in short supply having to set down crates of xm8 specific ammo can be a pain, whereas picking up ammo from dead oppponents that fits the gun doesnt seem possible

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Maybe it is JAM compatible, just cuz it doesnt have JAM mags in the crate doesnt mean that it cant take them

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I cant use JAM mags up from JAM crates, dead men or if I add them in the init line is the poblem. Thats what I'm basing my question on

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You should be able to load both JAM_W556_30Mag and JAM_W556_CMag with the XM8, if these lines wouldn't be comments in the config tounge2.gif

So: no, this addon is not JAM compatible.

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Sorry, misunderstood banghead.gif Try DePBOing it and checking out config, should be easy enough to solve

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@raedor: thanks for clearing that up

@ch_123 thanks for the suggestion,I'd tried but problem is now solved

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