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It'strue. Hinds were brought down with Stingers, in Afghanistan. I've seen video of one such shootdown on the internet.

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It'strue. Hinds were brought down with Stingers, in Afghanistan. I've seen video of one such shootdown on the internet.

you just need to hit the right part of any helicopter and it won't be able to fly on

just hit the rotor or the engine....and boom

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So if you saw a video of, lets say Paris Hilton doing some bloke, and it was shown on the internet, then that would be true as well...


.....hang on a minute....

You might have something there biggrin_o.gif

either way cool stuff

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Hinds have 2 engines and more armor plating than some modern APCs. It takes a lot to bring them down, and a lot of dead Mujihadeen would disagree that a Stinger can bring down a Hind.

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I've seen a video of a Hind being shot down by some assholes (Chechen militants). They didn't use a stinger, but what seemed to be an SA-7. (this vid made me very angry btw)

The old Hinds have HUGE engine exhausts producing a HUGE hotspot for an IR-missile. This is why those stingers and SA-7's are so effective against these birds. They hit the engine and that's the end of the bird. Little damage is done by the missile because of the hinds heavy armor, but it's enough the destroy the engine.

If the missile would hit another part of the chopper it would likely surfive.

Quote[/b] ]At the moment, the stock Mi-24 and Mi-8 are not immediately destroyed, and a skilled pilot can auto-rotate them down to save himself. This also works on most addon helicopters of similar size, so far as I've seen. Small helicopters like the OH-58 or the OH-6 series will most likely be destroyed immediately, however.
That sounds good enough to me. Too bad the engine doesn't allow real auto-rotation, though.

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I been asking for a proper Stinger for bloody years now.

Here is some info of the handling of a Stinger, see if anything can be applied by scripting or some other ways.

Quote[/b] ]The Stinger is one shot weapon.

From switch on, there is only ninety seconds of battery life in which to make the shot.

First thing to do is to find the target with the naked eye.

Once visual, click the first stage of the trigger.

This will switch the battery, it will start the passive IR seeker head cooling, and make the optical sight come live.

Track the target with the optical sight, while the seeker head search the sky for a heat source.

The missile will start growling, when the head see the target it will change its sound signal from a low growl to a high pitched buzzing.

Now the head is "lock-to-launch" state.

Once in this state, make the trigger go to its second stage to fire the missile.

If at list half of this happaned when you handling a Stinger, wouldn't this be cool?


So,do you guys think any of this features are possible in OFP?

Would be nice, wouldn't it?



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With a second MANPAD project in the works, I figured the community would like to know the status of this project.

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Quote[/b] ]Forum Rule 3§4)Do not dig up old threads

Threads older than 4 months should not be dug up unless something significant is being added. If in doubt as to what is "significant" PM a moderator and they will give you their opinion. As always old threads will remain open or be closed at the moderator's discretion.

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Asking status on a 10 month old thread is not "significant" - if for some reason you thought it was, you should have PM'd a moderator first. Please don't do this again...

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