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Basic, silly question but...

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I can't for the life of me remember and since Ofpec.com is down at the moment I can't look it up. How do I make a squad start out INSIDE an APC/Helicopter/Plane/Whatever? I remember something about _assignascargo but that's about it... crazy_o.gif

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<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">soldier moveInCargo vehicle

Operand types:

soldier: Object

vehicle: Object

Type of returned value:



Move soldier into vehicle cargo position. (Immediate, no animation).


soldierOne moveInCargo jeepOne


Official ComRef

Also, check the pinned threads at the top, they can usually help you a lot. They don't really take the place of OFPEC, but they can be a good hold over until it's back up.

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Or you could simply just make a vehicle part of the squad and set all of their status things (can't remember name) to in cargo, instead of fromation.

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Place a vehicle (Chopper/truck/APC/boat/..whatever) and give it a name (in this example XXX)

Place a group and write this in the Init-Line of the group-leader:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">grp=group this; "_x moveincargo XXX" foreach units group this;

That's it  smile_o.gif


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To extrapolate on this, is there a way to assign specific units to specific cargo positions within the vehicle? Say if I wanted my player to be in the front seat with the driver instead of in the back? Normally, my player just gets dumped in the back with the rest of the squad and the highest ranking AIs sit up front.

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Hellfish, this depends only on the timing.

The first unit put into cargo will be the one sitting

in the driver's cabin.

You could do: player moveinCargo xxx

followed by all other's moveinCargo xxx

P.S: not sure if "_x moveinCargo xxx" forEach units would

reorganize the seats again (means that player would get a

new set), but if so: just moveinCargo xxx each guy seperately

by a trigger, executed after the player moveinCargo.

~S~ CD

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I knew that, but I'm making a mission where a trigger is activated once the player gets near to a jeep and his team is automatically loaded into the jeep (to avoid unnecessary use of group commands) and then the player has to order himself in the jeep.

If there's no easy answer for this, then I'll probably just autoload my guy into it like you mentioned, and skip the action menu part. crazy_o.gif

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