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Explosions and shells names

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Could someone direct me to a list of explosions. I know of Heat125 and 105, but i want the smaller ones too such as 25-30mm and the mortar/grenade/satchel ones. Ta.

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Try some of these:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

+ Shell73

+ Heat73

+ Gun73

+ Shell105

+ Heat105

+ Gun105

+ Shell120

+ Heat120

+ Gun120

+ Shell125

+ Heat125

+ Gun125

+ Grenade

+ Smokeshellred

+ Smokeshellgreen

+ Smokeshell

Grenade is probably the one you want.


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Finally managed to sort out directable barrage, well, almost. Part from the fact that the person who worte the script i modified wrote "BombCenter" instead of "BombCentre".

I am gonna shoot him, lol. Spent two days trying to sort it out!

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You must use mortars! :P

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">mortarshell

That's true mortar artillery ;)

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Thats what i planned to use. The mortars, cheers.

I did have to get it working first though smile_o.gif

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if u read this there is also

"laserguidedbomb" i know u wanted small but if u want big  smile_o.gif  wow_o.gif  smile_o.gif

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I wanted big too, like satchel charges. A variety is good smile_o.gif

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My first client. Yay. biggrin_o.gif

Open your emails carefully, there may be a barrage inside smile_o.gif

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Lol  biggrin_o.gif

Ok, ill be careful......  

::opens email very slowly and hides under desk::

Aook smile_o.gif

Ps: Haven't checked my email yet....

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You ever gonna test it and tell me what you think? The stuff i sent u has a tiny example mission so it shouldn't take long to try. I want feedback smile_o.gif

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Since we are on this topic I would ask something that has

something with shells to do:

How to make flak ¨rain¨ or explosions in the air on randomly


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Use an arty script, setpos it in teh air, and create 2 at teh same spot and it'll explode in mid air.

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You can also use the in-game explosion for flak effects.

_blast = "explosion" createvehicle (pos)

This has no damage associated with it, but sure looks the business.

For one of my Nam missions, I created a wave of mid air flak explosions around a chopper. looks good at night, and frightening to fly through.

You can also use "bomb". This is good because you can 'detonate' it when you like, as opposed to ammo which destroys on contact. (_bomb setdammage 1)

Dont forget when creating these things, to only make them on one client, or on the server.

I found that even camcreated ammo is producing multiple hit effects.

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Im no good in scrips. So if I make

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_blast = "explosion" createvehicle (pos)

on a chopper, for example, I'll get the explosion nearby the


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@ colossus

Check out this thread at OFPEC. It should be just what the doctor ordered! wink_o.gif


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