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I want to show you some pics of my nearly complete HESCO Bastion addon.

When i was trying to make an authentic afghanistan mission with CATs brilliant map i missed something. Todays bases on foreign missions must be build up at high speed, so they use HESCOs. So i decided to build them.

Heres a first look.



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Cool!  Very nice.  I was in an Army Engineer unit but we were never trained on how to make those, but perhaps my unit learned how before going to Iraq.  At any rate, I remember seeing those wierd looking walls on video clips of Afghan bases especially remote forward bases.   But they look simple enough to put up.  Do they simply have soil inside of them?

Here is there website but I didn't see them mention what gives them protective properties other then that they seem to hold soil in them:


Anyways, that's a great addon.  Very realistic.

Below is a pic of a HESCO wall in real life.


It would be cool to also see some HESCO bunkers.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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what are they exactly? is it like a larger version of sandbags with wire to reinforce it? (thats what it looks like from the photo Miles just posted)

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very nice. nothing fancy, but something much overlooked by addon makers. Very good job. I hope you don't stop with just these walls.

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I agree, I hope they make some nice HESCO bunkers. I've seen them in Afghanistan in a column shape with a small entrance. Apparently these serve as bunkers of sorts and also protect generators and other sensitive equipment.

However they don't replace a good ol' trench. I saw video of US troops taking incoming mortar fire and I was seriously shocked that they didn't have very many trenches on the base. They mainly took cover inside the HESCO bunkers but had to move to trenches across the base because the mortars were zeroing in on their HESCO shelters which can't withstand a direct hit from a mortar round.

Still they seem to represent an easier protective barrier to set up then sandbags which require a lot of man power. I'm assuming that HESCO walls can be filled rapidly with earth moving equpiment like the US Army Corp of Engineers "C's", front-loaders, and bobcats.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Hescos are collapsible canvas-lined, metal-mesh frames, which are linked together and filled with soil, to form a barrier. Because of their strength, portability and ease of use they are everywhere in all sorts of different applications. If you could do it with sandbags before, you can now do it with these things faster and easier. I know in the states, the Army Engineer Corps uses them around flood areas, and they are being looked at in California due to the soil erosion problem after the Wildland Fires of '03. In Iraq and Afghanistan they are used all over the place pretty much the same way sandbags were in previous wars.

If I remember the sales pitch right, what used to take 10 men 7 hours, now takes 2 men and a loader 20 mins.

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looking good mate!

please make them fit to ground!

select the whole modell in oË› and change in the points>preferences in the surface windwo the thing: keep height (fence) that would be great, if you could do so!

keep it up m8!

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Btw, while doing a quick search around, I found the HESCO Bastion Concertainer® Info and Application Handbook:


it includes "Protection Factors for Fragments and Blast" and other interesting notes.

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Heya Mike12321. Perhaps adding some sand or grass to dirty up the fences near the bottom? Jut to give it some transition to the ground so it's not sticking out clean and bright as day.

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PERFECT! Very nice addon. I've seen these walls a lot and they will make a good addon for OFP. I hope you will make two version; one for desert (as they are now) and one for woodland (with dark-brown mud at the bottom).

I also hope you will make bunkers with these things. They aften make a square bunker with wood for the roof (with sandbags on top).

It's a simple bag with soil and reinforced with a steel grid to maintian shape and to hold them together. Very effective for stopping bullets, shrapnel, RPG's ect, ect. Because of the thickness of these walls they are very effective. They are also cheap and very easy to repair. It's also quicker than using sandbags.

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Reminds me of those walls in the Base on Starship Troopers, where all those soldiers are found dead.

Nice work though, hopefully you (Mike) will be able to make a HESCO Pack, like that Base pack by MapFact (or better still, combine a HESCO Pack in that Mapfact pack, more people would use it then i should think).

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Thanks for all the positiv responses,

as i wont be able to come online during the next 2 weeks cuz of work you´ll get the hesco pack at the first weekend of april, i hope its not to late for you.


@Metalmalte: thanks for your tip, now the walls are one straight thing without all the bumps

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You know, Miles, a trench won't exactly hold up to a direct hit from a mortar round, either biggrin_o.gif or at least the soldiers taking cover in it wouldn't. I get your point though. Sadly, OFP doesn't have anything for trenches. I had an idea for foxholes, though-Make them empty objects that you can get into. When you get in them, all that is displayed is a crater texture on the ground, with only your head showing. IIRC, someone made Hueys awhile ago that you could shoot out of when you boarded on them with whatever gun you had when you boared them. You could do that with the foxholes, too, so that you can fire your weapon out of them.

Trenches would be the same way, except that it would be a long line of straight "foxholes".

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