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Buildings showing up in wrp editor

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I need help. I've always had trouble with getting buildings to work in wrp editor, you know, for the wrp tool to see them and stuff so I can put them on the map. Now, what do I need to do to ensure that it will see it?

I mean, I got the part about binarize them down and making it have a map property, what else?

Do I need cfgmodel in the cpp to make it work possibly or what?



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dude slow down u could have mailed ask me bout this

i mean im making ur visnorsk map!

ok first unpack all ur needed files

like o.Pbo data3d.PBo and all u want

put them into a root folder (mine is called bis and located at


fire up wrptool

select settings > change settings

click under textures(paa/pac Files) "ADD"

look for ur bis folder selct it only!! click "OK"

now u see a line like this


do this the same for the p3d files

if done click "OK" below

most people don´t get it making an root folder for this

don´t select any folders inside the root folder!

now u can open ur object browser and place p3d where ever u want

Note: to see the models they have to be mlod

if they´re not u get a littel box with a question mark in it

the object is there but, wrptool can´t read it (we had the same problem dídn´t we bmg??)

u can use this "lost" object an d place them and they also show up on the pbo´ed map but it´s hard to place them

u actually don´t need aven a config for it

but if u want to play it in ofp they don´t show up

they are there but model is no defined

had that prob whit jean-claudes normandy map

(FERNS *sniff*)

hope i could help



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All the normal information is listed in the WrpTool PDF manual, its all there. Only thing not mentioned in the manual (I believe) is that Agent Smith's industrial pack buildings wont show up in real p3d shapes. However you still can fully place them.

If you have any specific questions, ask away I'll try to help as best as I can.

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1 more thing brothers

do i like need a cfgmodels thing for the cpp. to get it to work sometimes in wrp edit> biggrin_o.gif

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Well, then, I guess i'll have to take the cfgvehicle area off that says for the building to crush down like a bush when its destroyed or how many points it can take before its destroyed or not being able to see it anymore in empty objects.....

so for reals, do they really need cpp.s or not mad_o.gif

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Well they need cpp's if you want to use them in the editor, but damage, editor appearance, etc are all in the model. Theres no cpp for the buildings on my island but they all work fine in wrp tool and ingame.

If you go to the thread for my island agent smith posted a link his thread with all of the model properties you can use for things like how it is damaged.

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