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Stoner rilfe sr-25

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Nice rifle.....just highlights how dated our weapons have become at BAS.

Oh..and thanks for the backup 4-in-1 and mountain.

Yes we do "do our research". Of course having Damocles, a member of the armoury for the Ranger battalian and SOPMOD program helped some :-)

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Good Job INQ!!would be great if BAS use this one as an replacement

Whilst it would be nice, it uses CS skins (I presume still in *.jpg), and a very high poly model.

For these reasons, we wont be using it in any way, shape or form. Nice work as it is, its not what we would use.

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Good Job INQ!!would be great if BAS use this one as an replacement

Whilst it would be nice, it uses CS skins (I presume still in *.jpg), and a very high poly model.

For these reasons, we wont be using it in any way, shape or form. Nice work as it is, its not what we would use.

too bad~~ sad_o.gif

anyway, preformance come first

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The gun hits high. Take a few shots at the ground and you will see.  crazy_o.gif

I agree. But sometimes the SR25 is very accurate, sometimes you can't hit a barn.

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This is a good weapon, but IMO a replacement for the BAS one isn't needed, plus this one lags more...

EDIT: Fourth star! biggrin_o.gif

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This 84bit encryption is a very good joke tounge_o.gif

Just use good ol CUTPBO.exe and then depbo the new file with PBODecrypter V1.3 , after this you can decompile the cpp

with the same programm

Happy MODing !!!

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This 84bit encryption is a very good joke tounge_o.gif

Just use good ol CUTPBO.exe and then depbo the new file with PBODecrypter V1.3 , after this you can decompile the cpp

with the same programm

Happy MODing !!!

wow thanks. im currently scanning the few ofp sites i have lookin for this. if anyone knows a specific site to look id apprecate it smile_o.gif

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This 84bit encryption is a very good joke tounge_o.gif

Just use good ol CUTPBO.exe and then depbo the new file with PBODecrypter V1.3 , after this you can decompile the cpp

with the same programm

Happy MODing !!!

wow thanks. im currently scanning the few ofp sites i have lookin for this. if anyone knows a specific site to look id apprecate it  smile_o.gif


thanks very much for the help, I knew it was something silly like that.. smile_o.gif

@Pappy Boyington,

I think this is what you are looking for.


*Rubs hands*... can't wait to try this when I get home...  biggrin_o.gif

EDIT: It works!! wow_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]no it means he doesnt want to piss off BAS or BAS fans  

For petes sake. Pissing off BAS fans? Okie..

It's nice 3d art. However like others have said. Very high poly. I didn't know BAS made one that is lower poly/detail. Might give that one a check.

Quote[/b] ]This 84bit encryption is a very good joke  

Just use good ol CUTPBO.exe and then depbo the new file with PBODecrypter V1.3 , after this you can decompile the cpp

with the same programm

Happy MODing !!!


Yes, yes. Beefcake! BEEFCAAAAAKE!

I know pbo decryptor doesn't work 100% on cpp files or so I've heard, but I can always just use a fully functional template of another weapon and fill in the blanks from the decompiled bin.

Yes. This is just what I needed.

Quote[/b] ]im curious thou. as to why you lock your addons with an 84 bit encryption, then binerize the model, and binerize the config. i understand there are alot of dishonest people in this community. but that just takes paranoya to a new level  

This is less paranoia than anything really. Addon developers like BAS, DKMM, and Inquisitor are so well known in the community that unless someone stole something small it would be noticed by the community and would probably be ran through the wringer for it, or austricized completely. I don't condone stealing and pawning other people's hard work off as your own, however I am a mini-modder as it's been creatively phrased by Pappy too. So I think it's more of an ego thing on the behalf of the author.

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EDIT: It works!!   wow_o.gif

on all cept his OICW. oh well. thanks for the tip biggrin_o.gif locke

No no it works on that too.

Make sure you have your file in a nonspaced directory. And have both files in the same folder


Don't Change the new file name that it uses

Then use PBOdecryptor 1.3 to extract the thing.

It works for me? rock.gif

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i think the weapon is to strong when u hit someone in leg or arm the person dies.INQuisitor Fix this plis,

BTW wery good work smile_o.giftounge_o.gif

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I am dying to know which company's scope and mounts are on this rifle and what kind of reticle that scope has. biggrin_o.gif

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I want to know why in the readme file of pbo decryptor 1.3 it says you can't decompile bin files from addons.

You clearly can. I just did with a .bin'ed cpp file in a us MG pack... author I don't recall.

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EDIT: It works!!   wow_o.gif

on all cept his OICW. oh well. thanks for the tip biggrin_o.gif locke

No no it works on that too.

Make sure you have your file in a nonspaced directory. And have both files in the same folder


Don't Change the new file name that it uses

Then use PBOdecryptor 1.3 to extract the thing.

It works for me?  rock.gif

well ive got it in

C:\Documents and Settings\Name\My Documents\Everything\OFP

and it worked on the httv and the sr25 but it wont work on the OICW nor the csla_air.pbo

and change the new file name?  it just (so it apperes) to overwrite the orginal file. i thought maby the "my documents" thing threw it off. so i made a new folder in C:\Folder  and the same results.

Edit i re-read the readme. and that made it worse. now im confused as hell

1. Copy your O.pbo to a temporary folder, copy the cutpbo.exe to the same folder and run

with "cutpbo.exe O.pbo". The result is the file new-o.pbo with 46 bytes less then original.

ok is there a settngs thing or a txt file that i copy this into? or wtf. how do i "run with"

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EDIT: It works!!   wow_o.gif

on all cept his OICW. oh well. thanks for the tip biggrin_o.gif locke

No no it works on that too.

Make sure you have your file in a nonspaced directory. And have both files in the same folder


Don't Change the new file name that it uses

Then use PBOdecryptor 1.3 to extract the thing.

It works for me?  rock.gif

well ive got it in

C:\Documents and Settings\Name\My Documents\Everything\OFP

and it worked on the httv and the sr25 but it wont work on the OICW nor the csla_air.pbo

and change the new file name?  it just (so it apperes) to overwrite the orginal file. i thought maby the "my documents" thing threw it off. so i made a new folder in C:\Folder  and the same results.

Yup it's not working for you because it doesn't Overwrite the file at all, it is supposed to make a completely new file like so


(mind you it seems to call all of INQ's stuff the same thing, so you'll have to rename the folder after you'd DePBO'd it., so as it doesn't overwrite the next INQ addon you open)

So I suggest you move both files to say a C:\TEMP\ folder (note no spaces in the folder name... just a simple directory name with no spaces in the name. This is the same principle for goes for OFP programs like WaveToLip.exe which only works in non WIN32 file structures)

There you simply copy both the offending PBO and the CUTPBO.exe file into the folder. Then go to your START button, then RUN and type in the following:


And it should work.

If it doesn't then perhaps your the INQ_OICW file is corrupt because it definitely can extract on my machine.

Anyway let me know how you do. biggrin_o.gif

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Good Job INQ!!would be great if BAS use this one as an replacement

Whilst it would be nice, it uses CS skins (I presume still in *.jpg), and a very high poly model.

For these reasons, we wont be using it in any way, shape or form. Nice work as it is, its not what we would use.

too bad~~ sad_o.gif

anyway, preformance come first

JPEGs are without compresion,and compresion in ofp is not for fun,it have some job as every compresion in others games,If you use JPEG format for a texture it will be more lag,and if you have more snipers, 50-60 milita soldiers,some blackhawks and marines,it will be lag smile_o.gif for that is here ofp COMPRESION and Levels Of Details (LODs).Using high-ress models in 1.LOD is also not needed,because it lag uselessly if you have more unit,high ress model and textures are only good in ViewPilot LOD,as that doing BIS-ViewPilot of weapons in resistance have something about 1500-2000 points and 1.resultion LOD only 250-500.

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that's right. One of the things that could be done if you really want to use jpeg textures it to use them in pilot LOD only. The rest of the LOD's should be pac/paa. I do like a high-poly weapon in first LOD, though

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Good Job INQ!!would be great if BAS use this one as an replacement

Whilst it would be nice, it uses CS skins (I presume still in *.jpg), and a very high poly model.

For these reasons, we wont be using it in any way, shape or form. Nice work as it is, its not what we would use.

too bad~~ sad_o.gif

anyway, preformance come first

JPEGs are without compresion,and compresion in ofp is not for fun,it have some job as every compresion in others games,If you use JPEG format for a texture it will be more lag,and if you have more snipers, 50-60 milita soldiers,some blackhawks and marines,it will be lag smile_o.gif for that is here ofp COMPRESION and Levels Of Details (LODs).Using high-ress models in 1.LOD is also not needed,because it lag uselessly if you have more unit,high ress model and textures are only good in ViewPilot LOD,as that doing BIS-ViewPilot of weapons in resistance have something about 1500-2000 points and 1.resultion LOD only 250-500.

The discussion about jpeg textures is really stupid (of course not, if you play on a PIII 500)!

have you ever test it?

Mission Battlefields unedited: 32fps

Mission Battlefields edited:

-resistance landscape and textures

-sucheys usmc and naval infatry instead of normal soldiers

-high detail weapons instead of normal bis ones

-csla bmp´s and sig´s m1a1

-gmr "messy battlefied" mod + kegety´s hisky


my system: AthlonXP 2800+, GForce 4 ti4400, 1 GB DDR RAM

to the comparison:

BAS SR-25 ~1400 faces

my SR-25 ~1900 faces ;)

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hehe,but not everyone have 1GB RAM,I have only 512 and there´s A LOT of people who have 256,128...and worst cpu,when you making addon don´t think only about you,think also on peoples who have worst PC.

BTW: recommendation setup for OFP:RES is:

pentium 3/4 or Athlon 700 CPU

256 MB ram

16bits sound card

3D cart with 32 MB ram ,try your "eddited mission" on this preferences smile_o.gif and U´ll see it will lag smile_o.gif

or you can it also try on minimum preferences and u´ll see it wont be playable

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minimum specs are a sales argument to tempt people to buy a game what they never can play

i prefer quality and quality needs power

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jpeg textures create large impact and lag even on my PIV 2.8 with 1 GB RAM and a Radeon 9800.

Capt Frostbites suggestion was a good middle way if you want to use jpegs.

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dunno know why but my 2500+ system with 512M ram and a

R9500 pro lags like hell if there is numbers of AI in OFP, the CPU benchmark drop from ~5200(which i used to get) to just ~2700 this month.... crazy_o.gifsad_o.gif

anyone knows why?

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