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Server admins, what are you doing!?!

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Ok, update. 3 minutes ago I joined up on the #DK# server and got some smart a@# remark and booted. I took your guys' advice and communicated some more and said "hello". What punks these guys are. And no, I didn't go back and say anything.

I think everytime this sh$% happens, I'll post it right here.

it's the kids I think ...oh well.

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KDog, Like some of the other admins stated. Its nothing personal. As an admin your responsibility is to ensure the quality of gameplay for all who come to play. I post it on our website and in the message of the day on our server "No Pings over 200ms. Now sometimes we make an exception when some one with a 250ms ping comes in, but if we have a full house of low pingers, the low pingers will most likely get next choice after friends and squad members. Dont get upset about it, its just business.. Best bet is to get in with a kewl clan that doesnt mind high pings. But you cant be upset at the admins for ensuring quality of play for the others on the server. biggrin_o.gif

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If a persons ping is causing them to have an advantage, intentionally or unintentionally over other players, or if it is degrading gameplay and fun, then the person with the high ping needs to leave or be kicked. Obviously, if they aren't having an effect on gameplay, then they shouldn't be kicked. But people who pay more money for connections, or have more servers in their area do indeed deserve more priveleges than a person who doesn't. Its nothing personal, but if you are messing up a game then you should be booted.

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Operation Flashpoint servers are runied by Power Drunk Noob Admins.   Once they get that admin power they become Kick Happy.  Ok to give abuse to ppl that join but they aint gonna take it back.  Whats more is if your 56k the only game type you wont be kicked from is co-op.  Im glad I updated to Broadband as in CTI anything over 300 ping is auto kicked by admins.  Infact the waiting time for games can be decided by who is admin.  I was playing the other day,, or more waiting and Admin decided to kick ppl who's name he didnt like,, after 30mins we were ready to get going.  Then the admin restarts game cuz his position start in CTI wasnt to his liking.. End result 50mins on, no game and everyone slowly left...

I play for fun like everyone should,, but taking 50mins off my life for nothing,, I want compensation ;) or at least Retribution. If anyone wants to NAME and SHAME these wasters,, I got a list full ;)

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If that should have happened on our server i would be happy about this list, you can pm me. I am not saying that we would never kick anyone (read my post above) but antisocial behaviour from admins is not tolerated either. But we have to KNOW when one of the admins misbehaves.

Frankly, i think this is the case with most servers. And most servers have a contact adress where you can send your complaints to. I had good experiences using that method. Once i was on a server where an admin abused his powers and i wrote to the head admin and got an answer that he would talk to that guy. People that run public servers WANT public players on there, else there would be no need to run the server public. And in order for public players to come there you have to make them feel welcome, ie treat them with the same respect you want to be treated on other servers.

But admins are human too, and there are always two sides to every story and so there will always be people that are unhappy about this or that. So don't expect each admin to be stripped of his powers just because you complain. But if your complains are valid then most likely something will happen. We just reprimanded one admin for an inconsiderate action a few days back after a complaint from a public player, which turned out to be quite ok from his point of view, and was in hindsight, after all sides had been heard, not as bad as it may have looked from the outside (ie the complaining player), but nevertheless has shown a bad a light on him and us.

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Having just read this:
Quote[/b] ]and five games you really should avoid...
Quote[/b] ]5. Operation Flashpoint

Not because it doesnt work, but because the mostly US community has a tendancy to boot those bringing high ping to a game.

In an article in PC Gamer (PCG 133) about 56k online play.

I must say I'm shocked. I allways thought that our community was fairly good when it came to high ping players (I know as a 56k user myself I can get some good pings, and I can get some bad pings...) Now I don't know what servers they tested on, but its a pretty poor show when the community is thinning out as it is.

Shame on you tounge_o.gif

fk the 56k'ers man, and im canadian lol

I've been thru this b4, there is no way i will reduce my game play for for them, we pay for a higher end server and will use it

same goes for detail and view distance, we love WGL CTI and the view it provides, OFP is wicked at 2500 or 3000 in MP, having some twirp come and say he remade the map so its at 1500 shocked me and our squads, we all laughed at the guy

its harsm man i know, but most of us spend lots of money on OFP and games, look at our server, if i wanted 56ks to play i would have a server like devgru smile_o.gif two OFP servers on a 1.7 celery lol, our TS server is faster then that

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i just thought as admin i add my 2 cents. This mostly applies to all Fraghaus admins too.

We do´not kick people for high pings. Even i have a 175 everage. We kick people for their behaviour. As Benu said if you connect without saying something to the guys already there i watch how that guy develops in game.

Honestly we are a old community with most members over 2 years ofp experience. Fraghaus has a game server for kinda every game in MP so we get guys hanging in all games.

OFP is still not or not anymore played by that many kids. they all went for the Fast Ego shooters. OFP was always a game of patience.

So a: Go Go Go or asking for the game to start is getting warned and then kicked. Patience will get you much more OFP games than leaving for the next server:)

During the last year the number of kicks went down cause there is much less active players playing OFP:(

All i can say for being an admin for more than 4 years in all type of MP games.

The admin power is given by the owner to you. It is not the invitation to do whatever you want when he aint present.

It is the ability to keep the fun for everyone, not for just u as admin. Personally i see my power in a entertaining way. Not as a force. But i know how to make my judgments and i am used and known to make them fast:)

Day tounge_o.gif

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Good that a moron like the author of this article avoids OFP. I think that was one of the reasons why our community remained so exclusively good.

I actually like to see when people with high ping join. I know it might upset the server but as long as it doesnt go up to 600 I doubt it causes great lags. Not everyone has or can afford DSL. But we are not an arrogant community only horny to win but one that enjoys the "get-together" spirit!

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lol. I'm a 56k'r (for now) and rare MP player and I know (not from experience mind you) that me joining and sustaining play on a server that's exactly half the world away is a big no no.

56k'rs, should they wish to play online, should actively seek a server close to them. If they want to be accepted, they should first show at least some effort. wink_o.gif

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for the record we do kick allot of 56kers but in some cases we can tell they live near our server and it does not take them long to load up (allot of us have 5-10 sounds files), one such case is our RN killyah, we let him join based on his goould conect with 56k not that bad of lag and his promise to get highspeed

he's learning hes not as good of a player now that he plays more real time lol

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when i played online using a 56k the two words that kept spring to my mind was leper and outcast sad_o.gif

Agree with that one, im 56k, i dread joining game servers, because there is always someone who goes "OMG your ping!" and then the admin will kick if he feels under pressure, if he wouldnt have before.

I've even been banned from a game server on account of my ping, i think it was a self-voted in admin, just banned me straight off for having a 400 ping (and i had just joined, it would have settled down)

The OFP is sadly not as caring and sharing as some of you would like to believe, try being on the wrong end of it...... sad_o.gif

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... only tested on gayspy, since ...

that's a good one biggrin_o.gif

I thought it was gamespy.

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No HPB kicking here, as long as the ping is in a reasonable range. Of course with a ping >500 in game (after connecting and loading) it doesn't make much sense anymore, neither for player nor for the server/rest of clients.

I don't mind being shot by a laggy player after filling him with lead, what I do mind are high pingers using choppers or vehicles with high ROF coz they're gonna choke the server sooner or later, resulting in high desynchs for everybody.

So with a bit of common sense by the player and tolerance and maturity by the admin everybody should be able to enjoy a nice game of OFP online.

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@ Malbeuf:

Guys with a closed ( straight ) mind like you are just to great to see around the corner.

There is still areas where DSL is not available, not that i want to say that say should just go play everywhere. But looking for a close server is fine. And your statement with 200pings max just blows to me. What about ping spikes where your ping goes from 150 to a 450ms for half minute, ehh boot the whole server.

Who makes the exceptions and who decides who is out.

Well but your small sight wont be able to see all that. Maybe your machine is too fast to even see the 56k connecting=P.

See the light???


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I've even been banned from a game server on account of my ping, i think it was a self-voted in admin, just banned me straight off for having a 400 ping (and i had just joined, it would have settled down)

Not even admins with the admin pw can ban you, as there is no ban command in ofp. Only admins with direct file access to the server can ban you, as they have to edit a file and put your player id in there...

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Laggers Destroy the game..

for me i Donate to run a server if the guys ping is over 300 ping in the lobby say bye bye and yes i wait for it to settle but for the most part 56k'ers shoudn't even bother playin CTI games they just Desync the server out with it when shit starts to fly biggrin_o.gif

and if people don't have highspeed in there area MOVE!!!

well mabe they should think about the people that pay to keep the server running and understand ourside.. as our server is CTI 90% of the time With WGL MOD witch has a much greater view Distance..

if im playin DM's or CTF's i dought id kick out a 300 ping or 350 or 400 over 400 toot-a-loo biggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

thats my few cents of good old Candian Dollar


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Personally if a player brings in specifications that would result in all players having a less enjoyable game, i would ask that player to leave, politely. If a "n00b" joins your game, and is unsure of what to do, then welcome them and help them as much as possible. In fact i don't see why BIS don't make a server so they can train "n00bs" up for the real ofp experience.

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I hate CTI anyway, so not a problem here.

The server i got banned from for a high ping (400 on joining) must have been the guy who actually ran the server then, in that case, screw him, if he wants to make people outcasts just because they have a high ping, let him.

I am not moving house so i can play OFP online.....not that i need to, Broadband is ordered now, so.....i will be on the "other side" in a few weeks

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Ermm im on 56k and thats my JOINING ping. I thought i made that clear:

Quote[/b] ](400 on joining)

Ping usually drops to 200 or so once im in. Which is the best i am going to get off a 56k.

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56k.jeeez i have 1.8 mb connection and ihave 180 ping in some texas server tounge_o.gif pathy close any program using internet during playin wink_o.giftounge_o.gif

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Whoop-de-do, what it is to have rich parents......

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I may sound harsh, but nobody has a RIGHT to play on any given server. The guys running the server pay money for that server. We are just in the process of getting the funding for our new server settled (looking at our internal board it seems we have the money toghether now), so i guess i am in good position to tell you that running a server costs a good deal of money for most of the people. Not every clan has members in the range of hundreds to divide costs among, some are only a dozen members or less (at least we are). And when those guys have to shell out big money each month to run the server it is in their rights to decide whom they want to play with. As it is your right to not ever play there again if you didn't like it there.

But i don't really get where people are thinking their RIGHT to not be kicked on any given server should come from.

As i have said, we are a public server and will kick more because of behaviour than because of ping. Actually, our current server is good enough for us, we especially are changing to a bigger server to be able to host for more public players. But if your ping does not settle to someting in, lets say, the 300 range, or some of the paying members demands you should go for one reason or the other then you have to go. Not that this is the norm on our server.

Don't like it? Rent your own server and make the ofp world a better one.

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I may sound harsh, but nobody has a RIGHT to play on any given server. The guys running the server pay money for that server. We are just in the process of getting the funding for our new server settled (looking at our internal board it seems we have the money together now), so I guess I am in good position to tell you that running a server costs a good deal of money for most of the people. Not every clan has members in the range of hundreds to divide costs among, some are only a dozen members or less (at least we are). And when those guys have to shell out big money each month to run the server it is in their rights to decide whom they want to play with. As it is your right to not ever play there again if you didn't like it there.

But I don't really get where people are thinking their RIGHT to not be kicked on any given server should come from.

As I have said, we are a public server and will kick more because of behavior than because of ping. Actually, our current server is good enough for us, we especially are changing to a bigger server to be able to host for more public players. But if your ping does not settle to something in, let's say, the 300 range, or some of the paying member's demands you should go for one reason or the other then you have to go. Not that this is the norm on our server.

Don't like it? Rent your own server and make the ofp world a better one.

You kick some ppl coz of there behavior .the only ping problem I have not in ofp it was in ET coz I set the wrong kind of connection . And the only time I have been kicked from ofp server it was coz I shot 4 of my team the admin was one of them.


I love shooting that guy sad_o.gif

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I am investing in my own game server so people can like or lump my high ping.

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