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Marine missions

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Has anyone made any missions, preferably CO OP using Suchey's Marine Assault Pack? I've done some searching and have really only been able to locate one co op mission. If anyone can point me in the right direction i'd greatly appreciate it.

Semper Fi

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Are there ant sp missions or campaigns using the assualt pack.

Munk don't tell me to sign up with the USMC clan because I have already tounge_o.gif

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Why would I tell you to sign up for an MP squad when you want SP missions? rock.giftounge_o.gif

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I think i've learned my lesson when it comes to signing contracts ;p I don't really feel like reenlisting, but if you could hook it up with some co op missions I could change my mind.

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Play a few games with us and then check your MPMissionCache folder tounge_o.gif

Or you can make your own? rock.gif

Take your pick... wink_o.gif

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you sig just has a pic of Ronald Reggan say people waste there lives and Marines dont. Some clan. tounge_o.gif I dont feel like joining the Marines tounge_o.gif

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Lol, forgot the .uk at the end tounge_o.gif Now try it!

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So far we've only played Coop's and CTF but then again we've only played 3-4 games tounge_o.gif Safety's working on getting a server sorted, should be sorted by the 28th was the last I heard smile_o.gif

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Bump, bump, BUMP sad_o.gif !

Are the marine pack units so underrated? I too would like to have some SP good quality realistic marine missions, force recon, spetznaz, russian infantry, whatever... along with Vit's apc pack... something like that, please rock.gif

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Their's a guy on the invasion 44 forum that as nearly completed a set of missions for the marine pack (don't know why he posted them on 44 forum) i have alrady downloaded 2 of them that are finished and they are very good missions!!

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valley breeze is the only SP mission with suchey marines I have played so far. search this forum for it, I think I got it here

EDIT: ok, found it thanks to the "best of missions" thread we keep over at the games.telenet.be forums

Valley Breeze by Matthew Rochelle

EDIT: I will upload the mission to ofp.at ASAP

EDIT2: done

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Thank you, thank you smile_o.gif .

unfortunetly invasion44 site appears to be down, there anywhere else where i can grab these?

Cannot load mission missing addon bas_repairh crazy_o.gif , i get this on the valley mission and curiously at this time from BAS i only have Jam2... wich means i still dont have any sp missions for the marine&rni pack mad_o.gifsad_o.gif ...

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Action Man does the rescue, thanx smile_o.gif , but these are MP coop and im not sure how well they will work in sp? Ill try'em out anyway.

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Hmm, i would really like to find a good quality sp mission with good cinematics, scripting, objectives and also realistic. I could try the coops from MTCO but those problably require the whole mtco addon pack to run and problably aint what im looking for, thank you all anyway smile_o.gif .

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Here are some of my COOP-Missions, using the MARPATs (and VitPack):

--     coop12_USMC_Ambush    [island: Malden // Addons: MARPAT-Pack; VitPack1.2 (or 1.3); EditorUpdate102]

--     coop12_USMC_Sarum_Gate    [island: Nogova // Addons: MARPAT-Pack; VitPack1.2 (or 1.3); EditorUpdate102;

       BAS (Pavehawks, Soar, MAH60, MTLB-Pack, Keg-WeaponsPack, WinterNogojev]

--     coop14_USMC_Larche    [island: Malden // Addons: MARPAT-Pack; VitPack1.2 (or 1.3); EditorUpdate102;

       BAS (Pavehawk, Soar); Baracken-Addon; MTLB]

Have Fun!  tounge_o.gif


--> Download the SES-Addon-Pack or the GDT-AddonPack (GDT via OFPWatch) and you'll be abel to play them without problems.

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Another homemade Coop-Mission:

--     coop 12 USMC Lands End     [island: Malden  //  Addons:  MARPAT-Pack; VitPack1.3 (or 1.4); EditorUpdate102;

BAS Choppers; Mapfact Baracken; DKMM_RSC]

Have Fun  tounge_o.gif


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