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k, I got em uploaded, now if someone wants to make them into bushes just PM me.

These are just some jpeg copies I put on black backgrounds











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Ladies and Gentlemen,

Announcement! smile_o.gif

I'd like to inform you that Third World Explosion Team has set up the forum for your convinience. You're welcome to visit us and tell us what you think about our projects. Should you be an island maker, you can tell us what you need for you new island. Finally, we'd like to encourage you to contribute to, or join our team.

Our Forum

We're looking forward to your visit!  unclesam.gif

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Third World explosion team needs tropical plant textures. Anyone in the community willing to donate to our texture library will receive a nice little gift in return from 3WX.

So, if you have some decent plant/tree textures, please submit them to our texture library.

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One thing you guys might want to keep in mind regarding the 3rd Wold environments is the use of neon lights. Seriously, that's one of the more vivid memories I have of my time in the Mid East - every store had a bright, gaudy flourescent or neon light advertising it.

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I've been thinking about that. I wonder if there is a way of scripting it so they turn on and glow at night?

I need to find a lot of signs, like business banners, billboards, streetsigns, etc... in arabic too.

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Yes, there are ways of doing that. If you want to pm/email me I can give more info smile_o.gif

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It's time to refresh this thread to show you all that we're still alive and doing well.

Here's a bunch of pictures from updated Industrial Pack (3WX edition) that I'm currently working on:

1. Oil well, 100% done.


2. Administration building, 100% done, non-enterable


3. Grain silo, featuring the longest ladder ever seen to OFP tounge_o.gif (35m!), 70% done.


4. New refinery objects, 5% done, temporary textures.


5. Coal heaps, thanks to Lockheed Martin$ch & raedor, 100% done.


6. 2 new enterable warehouses, thanks to Solo & Leone. (no picture at the moment tounge_o.gif), 100% done.

7. In the pipeline:

- Oil pumping station.

- A few crates models to fill all these warehouses with something. wink_o.gif

- Different pipeline sections.

- Floodlights.

ETA: 3 weeks (+/- 1 week).

You're welcome to make requests for new (industrial) buildings and objects (include reference photos, etc.!!), but I can't gurantee any of them will be fulfilled. wink_o.gif

If you have any models, that you can donate to be include in this pack, I'll gladly do this. smile_o.gif PM me for details.

Also, FYI, there's an update of Harbor Pack is planned too (ETA unknown) and I have plans to make an oil rig and off-shore oil transfer terminal, so you don't need to ask for that.


Please excuse me, that I haven't listed all the people involved in the process of development of this pack. Be sure that everybody will credited in the readme. Also, great thanks to Leone for his invaluable help. smile_o.gif

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what ever happened to the bush textures I gave you guys? didnt you make them into bushes??? i never saw a thing...

PS damn nice buildings...  wink_o.gif

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One thing at a time Drow smile_o.gif

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  (Leone @ April 20 2004,19:36) said:
One thing at a time Drow  smile_o.gif


sry tounge_o.gif

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im working on some plant textures, i hate doing plams such a pain in the arse to make all the holes alpha, but yeah a gigantic plant pack would most definatly be cool.

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i figured out an easy way to do palms and such (if they have a white background) so I will show ya later tonight maybe Stryker.

hint hint - Select / Color Range

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  (drow @ April 20 2004,10:03) said:
what ever happened to the bush textures I gave you guys? didnt you make them into bushes??? i never saw a thing...

PS damn nice buildings...  wink_o.gif

drow, I have a big tropical plant pack (around 50-70 plants, trees, grasses, flowers, vines and shrubs) in the works, including some of the textures you sent and some that are even better, but rl issues are creeping up for me right now since it is end of semester and I have papers due and finals to take. If I don't end up with summer classes (which right now it looks like I can't afford) you can expect major progress in the next month or so. Check our forum for screenshots on this topic. Leone has seen some of the textures available and even helped me convert a few of them. The models are simple enough to make, but the time to get them made is much harder to find.

I'm also doing several middle eastern buildings too, so that is splitting my modeling time up. Right now Leone and Agent Smith are the only two guys doing a lot of work!

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Even I'm not doing that much! Working mainly on my islands ATM biggrin_o.gif

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no worries,

it didnt take me that long to make the textures man, im not complaining.. just reminding yall wink_o.gif

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OMG I FIGURED IT OUT!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOOOO anyways... this will be much easier now  biggrin_o.gif

*never mind it still doesnt look right i'll guess i can wait till tonight.

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Maybe you can share your knowledge, Sgt. Stryker?

Edit. BTW, no comments, no requests, no new ideas, nothing from you guys? I'm surprised!  tounge_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif C'mon, you can do better than that!

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How about debris? Like what BAS did with Tonal - low poly burned out cars, trash, refuse, wrecks, etc. for decoration and cover?

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im all for ruble piles and stuff, trash piles, new BIG trees with high canopys, AKK is working on a few so far I think they look good, but BIG trees is a neccesity. Rocks? Lotsa new rocks. Temples and ruins? always makes for a fun game..... base cluter like ammo boxes, barrels, trash piles, garbage cans, stacks of plywood, stuf flike that. BTW I love your new buildings smith and i have no secret i was just sick of takeing the eraser in the little areas in between the leavess and such. I kinda got a way working to where i can (as drow said) select- color range, but sometimes it doesnt work right i dunno.

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stuff like aztec ruind temples would be great and a really tall canopy forest would be nice

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You know what does a good representation of Tonal? Mexico.

Really, cross the border and take some pics. A good learning experience.

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1) ok i wont reveal my source but i start with a plant pic on a white background...

2) next, I copy that layer so now i have 2 identical layers one on top of the other,

3) next, I inverse the top image (make it a "negitive"), then i de-saturate it so its black and white, next i use "levels" to adjust the image untill its only white and black, to remove all the greyish areas ("contrast" might work as well as "levels", try it out)

4) now you can go to select/color range (in select menu)

it asks you something, just hit ok (tho in the future you might want to learn what its asking you... i havent yet tho)

now all the black is selected (it is the shape of the white space on the lower image)

5) click onto the lower image, hit backspace and vwalla, no white...

thats just the first part...

6) then youll need to put an "inner glow" effect (set the color to a green a little darker than the plant pic) on the pic to color away any white that may be remaining on the edges.

7)  ask me, because this made no sence to anyone  tounge_o.gif

(this mini tutorial doesnt even cover alpha texture stuff, and you'll need to write over your targa plug-in for photoshop to get it to make alpha textures with no white outlines!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

PS if this does make sence to yall, i expect to see some/more better plants in ofp soon!!!  biggrin_o.gif

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  (Hellfish6 @ April 20 2004,14:33) said:
How about debris? Like what BAS did with Tonal - low poly burned out cars, trash, refuse, wrecks, etc. for decoration and cover?

Actually, I've been toying with this idea. It's hard to do the textures for it though. I have found a way to make chips and divots in concrete walls to make them look weathered, worn and scarred.

I thought about seeing if one of the scripting gurus like Dinger can help me figure out a way to do some dynamic damage modeling for the buildings. You know, have the model change to reflect damage according to the size and force of the impact. Like using a helicopter dust script, you could make dirt flecks and debris the same color as the wall surface being struck kick up with bullet impacts. Shell impacts could cause a substitute texture to appear wherever the damage occured, to show a large hole in a wall, or bricks scattered around nearby.

Refuse, wrecks, trash and odd little objects are being done. I get weird looks from my neighbors when they see me photographing fire hydrants and newspaper vending boxes from four angles. I think I have a picture of every rustic looking gate or brick wall within a six block radius of my apartment!

@Sgt. Stryker

Ask and you shall recieve. I have some commercial models in 3ds format for emergent trees. Those are the moster sumbitches you find in triple canopy forests. They are literally the king of the jungle with canopy tops reaching 250 feet in height. I'm looking for some good textures of Kapok trees, Mahogany, Teak, Mangrove etc.. I plan on having them snaked in vines, creepers with parasitic plants and bushes growing off of the trunks. If you can help find textures, I'll give you some real jungle.

As far as base cluster, I have empty arty shells planned. Broken ammo crates etc.. Tarps, ration stacks etc..

I find the best textures simply come with hard work. Use the magic wand tool, set it at low tolerance and wipe away the extraneous texture, but then hand edit the remaining stray pixels to get rid of that funky bright outline that always seems to show up. Oh, and also, you can pirate a lot of commercially prepared textures on e-donkey. Saves a lot of time and money. Just don't sell them.

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hmmm theres got to be a better way (at least i cant get it to work) I wonder if theres any way to assign all white colors as alpha? thatd make life so easy.

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  (Hellfish6 @ April 20 2004,23:33) said:
How about debris? Like what BAS did with Tonal - low poly burned out cars, trash, refuse, wrecks, etc. for decoration and cover?

We've got some debris coming within "3rd Party Objects Pack", that could be released relatively soon. We've just got stuck on getting pemissions from people. sad_o.gif

More information on this project

Everybody willing to donate his objects is very welcome. smile_o.gif

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