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Does dofire work on objects??

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If I try and get my soldiers to act like they are practicing on the firing range, say firing at the wooden targets across the way, i'll put like for a trigger

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

trainee3 dofire wooden1

But the problem is he still wont fire on the wooden target.  Now when I make the target a soldier he will fire on it.  But how do I make him fire on the wooden target!!! crazy_o.gif


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If you try "doTarget" before "doFire"? rock.gif

It must work as it does this in the CwC campaign.

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That is a question that i never solved myself and never see anyone to solve.

How to have a unit to aim then open fire exactly to a Target E ?

When you are using a tank , there is no problem , as you can use some trick to force it to fire ( example after a dotarget or dowatch or reveal a gamelogic or object location , you just use a  unitname fire "gun120"  for a M1A1 by example and it works) .

But when you are using those default OFP infantry soldiers (so not customised gun with a .cpp modification that work against armor or any other kind of addon) nothing will work.

I searched in this forum , i searched in OFPEC forums , and the same answer came : it does not work simple . Lot of suggestions were made , but unfortunately nothing work.

The only solution were to use some custom-made target addon (invisible ones or not) , and in those cases it works (if i remember well in OFP BIS used sometime some invincibles soldier not accessible from the editor).

But the question remains : how to force a unit to fire on an object that the IA does not recognize as a threat or that the AI code say "your weapon is not enough to destroy it" , and all of this using only the default OFP soldiers ?

For the Target E object, i even tried to modify in the SQM its side to EAST or WEST (according to the AI side aiming at it) : nothing

I tried ingame to group (if using a civilian Target E) the object with an enemy unit (with the F2 or with [unit] join evilguy ) : nothing

I used a gamelogic that i teleported to Target E position , to have the soldier to fire at it : nothing.

The soldier will always target it (no problem to that) , but will always refuse to shoot.

If i make the AI dofire on an empty jeep , the AI will shoot at it all its ammos even if it will not destroy it .

But even if i put this empty jeep far behind the Target E , since the Target E is embarassing the AI line of sight , he will aim but not shoot.

So i tried to bury the jeep under the Target E : nothing

For a cutscene, i can imagine with some camera effects a workaround , but in the real game :

how to solve this problem that occurs in every forum i can read without using any addons or .cpp file modifications or without being inside a cutscene ?

The one that will solve this problem will be a hero smile_o.gif , as no one from my forum search ever solved it.

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Thank you! U just solved my problem that i was searching for it's answer for ages!!!! Now i know that there's no solution!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! now i know nothing will make it shoot the target!!!

There were many suggestions around the different forums, but neither worked!!!

At least u had bravery to say that there's no solution!! cheers!!!!!

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You must continue to have hope my friend.

Someone wise and clever will find the way

there must be one tounge_o.gif

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Yeah right.

There must be a way!

Try targetting a GAME LOGIC type unit. I have a sneaky feeling that will work...

EDIT: Put the game logic just behind the target you want to shoot....

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You might try to place the fake target between the soldier and the actual target. Of course, a jeep won't do in this case smile_o.gif Maybe a gamelogic or a little bullet, something that he will most likely miss and thus hit anything behind.

However, there might be some problems to calculate the proper height for the fake target. Ground level is obviously bad, fix 1m above ground and you miss when you stand on elevated ground...

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How about putting one of the invisible targets at almost the same place as the object you want to be fired at??

I think that should work.

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OMG!!! crazy_o.gif

Again your suggestion crazy_o.gif

Try then post!!!

sorry for offensive. I didnt mean to biggrin_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Try then post!!!

Some people have to work during the day, that combined with a memory problem makes it impossible for me to try and then post.


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As i said, no offencive smile_o.gif

But such suggestions were made hundreds time already smile_o.gif

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That is unfortunately true

Sometime you think about a way that should logically work. I know, i do it several time when i plan a mission or when i read a question on this forum.

But when you try it in the editor : nothing.

I tried so many time to make the AI accomplish this simple thing using as many trick i could think about : nothing.

So unfortunately it is true , a very lot of suggestions have been already made on this special case (and that since the Cold War Crisis time , very before Resistance appeared) , but when they were tried ingame , nothing.

I cant remember how many time i was near to throw my PC through the window , trying to solve this very simple problem a year ago.

Now i stop asking myself , and i wait for an answer that works really on the theory paper and on the game wink_o.gif.

But until now nothing sad_o.gif

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now if BIS used a invissible soldier or target.......what was it?? the blackbox one???

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I have to say , that if i use an invisible target addon (i adapted the 1.75 one to my 1.46 version, if someone is interested by it, PM me) there is absolutely no problem.

what is a problem is that i cant find any other solution with default editor units/object or whatever to make an IA to shoot at a Target E object

gamelogics already tested without any luck unfortunately.

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Well, I wish it would work. I recall someone saying something about how BIS used there own invissible targets. I regret to say that is false for I have glanced at the ones that would have used it such as the last intro and a few other things and they use cars or something else to burst ammo from soldiers into

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Hi bmgarcangel

Just use an invisable target object it works everytime; we used it at the CoC.

Kind Regards Walker

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I might include it in one of my addons i'm releasing with my Opeartion Visnorsk Campaign

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The invisible units/armor i converted for my usage for 1.46 are the ones as Lesters created for Resistance .

As there is no solution actually with default OFP editor units , you have to use them i think.

For 1.46 it works perfect.

Very unfortunate to have to use an addon for something as simple as having an AI to shoot at a Target E ingame sad_o.gif

Download them here (resistance version)


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