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Unified zombie pack release imminent

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is this mod dead ?

this mod is... UNDEAD

Well at the moment there´s not much to hear about it, but there are still some people working with it.

Perhaps, when I will find the time, I´ll make my "Land of the dead" - CTI Type map...

Would you like to play something like that ?

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I tried the headless zombie in that command but the editor said this vehicule doesn't exist. It sprobably just not write corectly since zombieexwoman1-2-3 etc work.

"Headlesszombie" Createunit [getpos T1,group zgrp1,"newSold=this",0.5,"PRIVATE"]

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I have another idea for having zombies 'in' the town when you clear it. Place zombies in the town and a game logic with medium difficulty, nothing in it's init script. Then, when west is present in the town, gblalltargets = [whatever]. No spawning scripts then. wink_o.gif

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I tried the headless zombie in that command but the editor said this vehicule doesn't exist. It sprobably just not write corectly since zombieexwoman1-2-3 etc work.

"Headlesszombie" Createunit [getpos T1,group zgrp1,"newSold=this",0.5,"PRIVATE"]

I think it´s called "HeadlessZombieEx" not "Headlesszombie"...

Works in my mission...

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I tried the headless zombie in that command but the editor said this vehicule doesn't exist. It sprobably just not write corectly since zombieexwoman1-2-3 etc work.

"Headlesszombie" Createunit [getpos T1,group zgrp1,"newSold=this",0.5,"PRIVATE"]

I haven't tried that one. You can place muliple zombies with one trigger.

Quote[/b] ]"zombieex2" Createunit [getpos T1,group zgrp1,"newSold=this",0.5,"PRIVATE"]; "zombieex3" Createunit [getpos T1,group zgrp1,"newSold=this",0.5,"PRIVATE"]

just use the ; between the different zombies.

And i do know that you can use DrTongue my using "DrTongue" Createunit [getpos T1,group zgrp1,"newSold=this",0.5,"PRIVATE"]

But i don't know about the crawler and the headless.

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I have another idea for having zombies 'in' the town when you clear it. Place zombies in the town and a game logic with medium difficulty, nothing in it's init script. Then, when west is present in the town, gblalltargets = [whatever]. No spawning scripts then. wink_o.gif

Yes, i also did that. Everytime the zombies spawn, the game pauses for a second.

But when i want to clear the 2nd town, those zombies also have been activated. I wish i could make one town activated at a time. But without spawning.

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I have another idea for having zombies 'in' the town when you clear it. Place zombies in the town and a game logic with medium difficulty, nothing in it's init script. Then, when west is present in the town, gblalltargets = [whatever]. No spawning scripts then. wink_o.gif

Yes, i also did that. Everytime the zombies spawn, the game pauses for a second.

You need to place the zombie types you want to spawn first in the mission editor (just somewhere in the sea), so the are pre-loaded, otherwise OFP has to load them while you are playing and that gives these pauses wink_o.gif

EDIT: For those who dont like making spawning scripts, i fuond a nice one buried somewhere in my OFP folder:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_Town = _this select 0

;- 25 + Random 50

_x = (getPos _Town select 0)- 25 + Random 50

_y = (getPos _Town select 1)- 25 + Random 50

_z = 0

_i = 0


? _i > 12:exit

_unitArray = ["zombieex1","zombieex2","zombieex3","zombieex4","zombieex5","zombieex6","zombieex7","zombieex8","zombieex9","zombieex10","zombieex11","ZombieExWoman1","ZombieExWoman2","ZombieExWoman3","ZombieExWoman4","ZombieExWoman5","ZombieExWoman6"]

_Ax = 1+ random 16

_unit = _unitArray select _Ax


_unit createUnit [[_x,_y,_z], group TOWN, "Z1_town=this"]


[Z1_town] join grpnull

_i = _i + 1

goto "loop"

[triggername] exec spawn.sqs

Just name a trigger, and put

[triggername] exec spawn.sqs

In the On Activation field, set the conditions to whatever you want.

It spawns 12 randomly chosen zombies on the place of the trigger smile_o.gif

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Also your script rocks.

Thanks, altough im not sure if i made it completely myself, it might have been based of someone elses script so i wont take credit for it as someone might come in and scream at me.. tounge2.gif

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Yes, i also did that. Everytime the zombies spawn, the game pauses for a second.

But when i want to clear the 2nd town, those zombies also have been activated. I wish i could make one town activated at a time. But without spawning.

When clearing a village with a trigger the second trigger will always be activated no matter what. We have no choice but using the spawning which is great and easy now wink_o.gif

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<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">CrawlingZombieEx, HeadlessZombieEx, ZombieDrTongue

Crawler, Headless and Dr Tongue classnames

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What about the normal soldiers. Lets say the medic i tried soldiermedicex and doesn`t work. How to spawn res side too?


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Well, getting the name of the zombie is pretty easy, just use:


Type is either Solder or officer (if officer, you don't need the class)

Side is either W, E or G (where W=West, E=East and G=Res)

and the only class you would really need to use would be "B", "Crew", "Pilot", "Saboteur", "Sniper" or "Medic" (or "MG", if you *REALLY* want resistance in Flecktarn :P )





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I have a question and i can't find the answer..

I have made a CTF level. I made the players civilian named S1, S2 and S3. When the flag is captured you hear a scary sound and 5 zombies appear around you and start to attack. When i die, they attack the other players aswell. But when we all died, they just stand there like.... zombies not doing anything.

I have put the gamelogic medium difficuly. I have put

Quote[/b] ]gblAllTargets = [player] + [s1] + [s2] + [s3]
in it's initialation field.

I also put

Quote[/b] ]gblAllTargets = [player] + [s1] + [s2] + [s3]
in a trigger which is activated by anyone repeatetly and in the zombie i have put on an island far far away with the code:
Quote[/b] ]zgrp1=this; gblAllTargets = [player] + [s1] + [s2] + [s3]

Normally it works well, but what do i do wrong. They attack me 1st aswell as my other players, but after we die they do nothing.

Plz help

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I cant remember excacltly but i had the same problem some time ago, IIRC you either lose your name and when you respawn you have to give your unit his old name again. Or you have to readd all the units again (just activeate a trigger with gblAllTargets = [player] + [s1] + [s2] + [s3] in it).

But doing both sounds the most logical thing to do:

When player S1 dies, and respawns, name him S1 again, then add [s1] to the gblAllTargets list again. smile_o.gif

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How do i rename my respawned player? And how do i re add him to the gblalltargets list?

Thanks in advance

gblAllTargets = gblAllTargets + [s1]

To readd him again.

I cant remember you how rename a player when he respawns, IIRC there was something like a onplayerrespawn.sqs, but i never make multiplayer missions and OFPEC.com dont have their editors database, so you should ask in this forum or on www.ofpec.com  smile_o.gif

EDIT: You should try using the search function first, but i doubt that anything usefull will turn up (and i cant think of any terms to search for) smile_o.gif

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Thx smile_o.gif I will look it up (i just downloaded a .zip file called "uber-editor-tutorial.zip" )

Well i haven't found it. And only using gblalltargets = gblalltargets + [s1] doesn't work. So i must rename the player after he respawns.

Edit: nvm, i figured it out. I created a trigger with in the condition:

Quote[/b] ]NOT(alive S1)

And in the on activation

Quote[/b] ]gblAllTargets = gblAllTargets + [s1]

And the cooldown timer set to 22 second so it's activated when i spawn.

And in the game logic i have

Quote[/b] ]GblAllTargets = GblAllTargets + [unit]

I don't know what helped, but i just keep it all in my level smile_o.gif

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Also i haven't found out to respawn a already dead soldier. I want that dead soldier to get up when i activate a certain trigger when close to the soldier. Any idea how? I tried looking in the forumfor the command but couldn't find it.

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my script for the gblalltargets and player-respawn-problem...

This will work with dedicated servers.

first I wrote this in my init.sqs:


publicvariable "playunits"

"[_x] exec {playertarget.sqs}" foreach playunits


And this is the playertarget.sqs:

? !(local player): exit


@ !(alive player)


publicvariable "gblAllTargets"

@alive player


publicvariable "gblAllTargets"

goto "loop"



of course, the line in the gamelogic is gblAllTargets=[s1]+[s2]+[s3]+[s4]+[s5]

"gblAllTargets= playunits" did not work.... wonder why


I´ve found out that after I respawned the second time, the zombies will not attack again... only the ones that spawn after I respawned attacked me, or if they were "eating" while I respawned... icon_rolleyes.gif

Where´s the bug?

OK THAT`S WEIRD: It works only if you do NOT have an marker called "respawn_west" on the map... I do not understand why, but that´s it. banghead.gif

So respawn=2 is ok in your description.ext but not respawn=3

but you have this @alive player in the scipt, so you can transport your players to the base manually after they respwan with:

player setpos getpos WestHQ (a flag or building called WestHQ is needed here)

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Also i haven't found out to respawn a already dead soldier. I want that dead soldier to get up when i activate a certain trigger when close to the soldier. Any idea how? I tried looking in the forumfor the command but couldn't find it.

for a single dead soldier...

place a soldier on the map. set his health to 0.

give the dead soldier a name, eg "deadruskie"

place a trigger around him with 10m radius (or just as you like it...)


"west present" if your player-unit is west

on activation:

[deadruskie] exec "\zombiescripts\initmalezombie.sqs"


or for more units, put them in an array

and write on activation:

"[_x] exec {\zombiescripts\initmalezombie.sqs}" foreach ARRAYNAME

(all units in the array should be male wink_o.gif )

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thx dr pepper but any other way to use this without the sqs file because i don't use any scripts at all. I use triggers which are working good for the normal spawning wink_o.gif

Btw sorry for bad english lol

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You don´t need to write an own script.

The "zombiescripts\initmalezombie.sqs" ist already in the zommbiescripts.pbo, which you already have in your addons-folder, don´t you ?

zombie1 gave you this link:


So. Just try it as I described it...

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