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Unified zombie pack release imminent

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  (Dr.Pepper @ July 20 2006,13:19) said:
on activation:

[deadruskie] exec "\zombiescripts\initmalezombie.sqs"

OMG this is the best new i heard today. smile_o.gif This is sooooo great

Edit: i still have trouble by resurrecting dead players as a zombie. I tried using the hard game difficulty but i want it at medium


1. i put a game logic named server.

2. i put in game logic zombie medium difficulty

In it's initialation field i put

  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]gblHumanResProbability = 1; gblZombieResrWait = 5

3. i put in game logic zombie resurrection daemon

So i hoped this would resurrect my dead players as zombies within 5 seconds. But it doesn't.

If i make a new level from scratch and put no respawn markers and have no respawn in the description.ext file, i just become a seagull.

If i use my CTR (capture the relic) level where players are civilians and i put a respawn_civilian marker and in my description.ext file i have..

  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]respawn=3


players just respawn as a normally CTF-game.

What do i do wrong?

Thx, and zombies rule.

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Gorgi i don't think you are doing anything wrong. I once did it the same way you did without the resurection daemon and it was working fine. Now sometime they just stop respawning for no reason. I believe its maybe the script version that might be a little different!?

Oh and dr pepper thx, the respawn from a dead soldier did work wink_o.gif

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You cannot spawn as another unit type in OFP, so if your player was SoldierWB before, it cannot respawn as Zombieex1. Its an engine limitation. There is a workaround: When the player respawns, setdammage him at 0.8 damage, and give him strokefist. That way he got blood all over him, and he can punch people like the zombies do. smile_o.gif

EDIT: And if you want him @ the east side for proper scores, let the palyer join an east unit with

[playername] join eastunitname

, and then

[playername] join grpnull

so he is out the group again so he doesnt recieve orders smile_o.gif

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Kewl, so i can just give players

  [b said:
Quote[/b] ] removeallweapons this; this addweapon "strokefist"; this addmagazine "strokefist"

and i will be able to punch zombies ?


im gonna try now

edit: sad_o.gif darn doesnt work. back to the drawing table

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You can also try "strokegun", which is stronger, and then you can use your rifle to slam them in the head wink_o.gif

EDIT: It doesnt work? Thats strange, i just attacked some zombies with strokegun.

And about respawning players as zombies: The thing i described should work, IIRC some old version of nogova virus IV used the same technique smile_o.gif

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I *think* you can make any unit behave as a zombie by using

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[this] exec "\zombiescripts\initmalezombie.sqs"

Although, I haven't tried it yet, in thoery the unit now acting as a zombie will be able to attack any of the GBLalltargets units (simpley walk up to them to attack), you'll be force to eat them once you've killed them though

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  (Dr.Pepper @ July 20 2006,13:19) said:

"west present" if your player-unit is west

on activation:

[deadruskie] exec "\zombiescripts\initmalezombie.sqs"

This works great, but when playing multiplayer the clients dont have them stand up. On the server side pc they do stand up but the other computers they float over the ground.

Any fix to this?

But for the rest it works like a charm and is better then to "spawn" zombies out of nowhere smile_o.gif

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is this the pack the has the skeletons with guns and the heavy armour skeletons with guns?

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No, but if you would have searched 'skeletons' on ofp.info then you would have it on your HD already tounge2.gif

Btw, anyone knows a 'food/eating' script? im working on a survival mission but the only way i could thing of was making an addon (a weapon/magazine thing) and counting the amount of magazines (which would be called 'food packets' or something) and force the player to 'eat' (removemagazine) once in a while, and if he doesnt have any of the 'food packet magazines' setdammage him or something. But im too lazy to write it all (+it would take me 2 days). So, if someone has something similiar lying around i would be very interested, otherwise ill have to make my own.. tounge2.gif

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  (Gorgi Knootewoot @ July 21 2006,22:46) said:
  (Dr.Pepper @ July 20 2006,13:19) said:

"west present" if your player-unit is west

on activation:

[deadruskie] exec "\zombiescripts\initmalezombie.sqs"

This works great, but when playing multiplayer the clients dont have them stand up. On the server side pc they do stand up but the other computers they float over the ground.

Any fix to this?

But for the rest it works like a charm and is better then to "spawn" zombies out of nowhere smile_o.gif

Well, actually it does NOT work that great, because the units behave like zombie, but they ARE NOT the "real" zombies... They don´t get the "Zombie-Armor" either and you can kill them with just one shot...

I found a better thing:

"[deadruskie,1] {exec \zombiescripts\hasbeenbit.sqs}"

or, if the deadruskie is the leader of more dead units:

"[_x,1] exec {\zombiescripts\hasbeenbit.sqs}" foreach units group deadruskie;

The only thing is, that this takes the same time and probability to respawn a dead unit as a zombie which is set in the game logic...

If you want to change this time, you have to make your own version of the game-logic.

Replace the medium- or hardgamelogic with a normal logic called "server" and write following in the init-line:

[] exec "lotdgame.sqs"; gblalltargets = [your victims ARRAYS]

(what the variables in the lodtgame.sqs stand for is explained in the zombie mod readme)

But the important things are:

- Zombies are destructable,

- Every human unit bit by a zombie will respawn as one

- it will take 30 seconds to respawn a killed human unit as a zombie

So, here´s my lodtgame.sqs:

(I´m not really sure if you need the publicvariable-lines in this script, but I had not time to try it with a dedi-server)


gblIndestructibleZombies = 0

publicvariable "gblIndestructibleZombies"

gblZombieEvalTime = 6

publicvariable "gblZombieEvalTime"

gblZombieResrWait = 5

publicvariable "gblZombieResrWait"


publicvariable "gblHumanResrWait"

gblHumanResProbability = 1

publicvariable "gblHumanResProbability"

gblZombieDamage = .30

publicvariable "gblZombieDamage"

gblZombieCarDamage = .15

publicvariable "gblZombieCarDamage"

gblZombieAPCDamage = .05

publicvariable "publicvariable"

gblZombieTankDamage = 0

publicvariable "publicvariable"

gblZombieBuildingDamage = 0.01

publicvariable "publicvariable"

gblZombieDelPause = 2

publicvariable "gblZombieDelPause"

[] exec {\zombiescripts\initialise.sqs}

[] exec {\zombiescripts\initresurrect.sqs}



  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]

This works great, but when playing multiplayer the clients dont have them stand up. On the server side pc they do stand up but the other computers they float over the ground.

Any fix to this?

Multiplayer-editing is always much more difficult in OFP than SP-editing, so you cannot avoid a bit scripting...

the problem is that the "initmalezombie.sqs" and the "hasbeenbit.sqs" too are beginning with

"?!local Server: exit"

So they only run on the server...

Only solution I have is to copy the scripts into your missions-folder and modify them:

- delete the line "?!local Server: exit"

- you have to let the server know, when you chance a variable, so you need the "publcvariable"-command everytime you change one of the variables the zombies need.


gblBitList = gblBitList + [_u]

publcvariable "gblBitList"


  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]



As I said in a post above, I realized some problems with respawn markers on the map.

But I found out and wrote how it works with respawn=2.

Take a look at my post from July 20 2006,11:53

And you just cannot respawn players as zombies (though their dead bodies will be zombies).

Yes, you can do this setdammage and strokefist thing, but your player-zombies will be very weak and they will be killed fast.

I have not tried out D@ve´s idea yet, but it sounds good...


  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]

...But im too lazy to write it all...

Well being lazy will not help to make a good mission :P

Now get going and write your configs and scripts.

Your idea sounds like a good to me.

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I extracted the "initmalezombie.sqs" and the "hasbeenbit.sqs" and put in a trigger

  [b said:
Quote[/b] ][] exec "initmalezombie.sqs"; [] exec hasbeenbit.sqs"

I deleted the line "?!local Server: exit"

But i get a message when i start the game:

  [b said:
Quote[/b] ] '_z = _this select 1 |#|': error zero divisor

It is from the hasbeenbit.sqs file

It looks like this

  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]

; Param 1 = unit that has been bit

; Param 2 = zombie that bit unit (not used at the moment)

_u = _this select 0

_z = _this select 1

? _u in gblBitList: exit

gblBitList = gblBitList + [_u]


? !alive _u: goto "resrect"


goto "waittildead"


gblAllTargets = gblAllTargets - [_u]

gblBitList = gblBitList - [_u]

; Now bring the dead chap back as a zombie!!

[_u, _z] exec {\zombiescripts\resurrectdead.sqs}


this is how i extracted it whitout altering it execpt deleting the ?!local Server: exit line

And when you said i need to chance this:

gblBitList = gblBitList + [_u]

publicvariable "gblBitList"

Do you mean in the "initmalezombie.sqs" and the "hasbeenbit.sqs" all the variables? so it loosk like this?

  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]; Param 1 = unit that has been bit

; Param 2 = zombie that bit unit (not used at the moment)

_u = _this select 0

_z = _this select 1

? _u in gblBitList: exit

gblBitList = gblBitList + [_u]

publicvariable "gblBitList"


? !alive _u: goto "resrect"


goto "waittildead"


gblAllTargets = gblAllTargets - [_u]

publicvariable "gblAllTargets"

gblBitList = gblBitList - [_u]

publicvariable "gblBitList"

; Now bring the dead chap back as a zombie!!

[_u, _z] exec {\zombiescripts\resurrectdead.sqs}


But still they float sadly sad_o.gif

Thanks again smile_o.gif

Edit: maybe because i have an older version? I have a file named unifiedzombies_b3.rar . Is this the latest version? As i read in it's .txt file in the zombiescipts.pbo there is a release candidate 4 which adds zombies to the resistance side. But i don't have zombies in the resistance side. Anyone got a link to the latest version?

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ok,... try this:

do not write [] exec "initmalezombie.sqs" in your trigger.

write: [unitname,1] "exec hasbeenbit.sqs"

ofp needs to know on which unit it should use the script and with the ",1" you avoid the error-message

  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]  

'_z = _this select 1 |#|': error zero divisor


your hasbeenbit.sqs looks right...

but to the next error...

  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]

But when i put in those lines i get on the client pc's

'publcvariable |#|"gblBitList"': unknown operatorblabla

(whoops, typo in publcvariable :P)

hmm well, ok I see...  

Althoug you write publicvariable right wink_o.gif,

it might occur that the gblBitList is different on server and client-PCs.

Seems like the whole zombiescripts could use an upgrade for better multiplayer-editing

with all variables shown to each client-PCs...

If you give me some time, I´ll try to do it.

I would try to add some soundactivation for the zombies too.

I hope Zombie-mod won´t mind.

I think the condiadte 4 has not been released yet, and scott is not working on it anymore... Am I right ?

What´d you say ?

Would you test it and report for bugs then ?

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Thanks, ill try right away. Also i first wrote

  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]publc

instead of

  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]public

so that error is gone now smile_o.gif

In the trigger i got in On Activation:

  [b said:
Quote[/b] ][unitname,1] "exec hasbeenbit.sqs"; [unitname,1] "exec initmalezombie.sqs"

But he still floats. Looks funny though.

I also would like to test RC4, but i dont have much time at hand. 2 kids and a wife. But i might be able to help after the kids are asleep.

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  (Dr.Pepper @ July 18 2006,01:36) said:
  (Texas-Ranger @ July 17 2006,22:19) said:
is this mod dead ?

this mod is... UNDEAD

Well at the moment there´s not much to hear about it, but there are still some people working with it.

Perhaps, when I will find the time, I´ll make my "Land of the dead" - CTI Type map...

Would you like to play something like that ?

Oh man would I? lol hella yeah i would...

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CTI? Zombies? o.m..g that would be a dream come true. But i wonder how it would work? would players v AI zombies that randomly spawn and take towns or somthing?

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  (Gorgi Knootewoot @ July 23 2006,14:11) said:
What is CTI?

CTI is like an OFP strat, you build a base and recuit troops, ultimatly to conquer the island wink_o.gif

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Nice pics there Gorgi. wink_o.gif

EDIT: okay, I just got the video, and it is very good!

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I played all your missions and they are all very good smile_o.gif

And i did it with y2k3 mod version 7.2 and zombie+blood=more fun

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have anyone a link to the Video?

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im not really in the mood to start reading all this stuff but is anything released?

ive been playing resident evil again (2 & 3)

and i need UNDEAD! biggrin_o.gif

it seems that this is a good place to start looking...

do you guys have some perhaps?

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Check the farmland mod thread--great undead stuff there. Unfortunately, the modders are switching over to ARMA and some of the goodies will not be released for us diehard OFPers.

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