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Unified zombie pack release imminent

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So this mod is completely dead now? sad_o.gif

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Well, the other members aren't doing anything and want me to make the whole FML campaign. sad_o.gif

I'm still making SP missions though...

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Didnt Zombie_mod say that he would return for ArmA? I hope so, and if he doesnt i hope the scripts will still work in ArmA wink_o.gif

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Yeh, I think he did. Oh, and our mod actually isn't dead. We still have Horror pack III unreleased. It includes zombies using slow zombie anims, fast zombie anims, new models, zombies with more armour and using zombie faces instead of just blood... Yep, it's heaps cool! smile_o.gif

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ahh good, is this nearly at some kind of a beta/finished state or is it still just a wip.

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GAAAH! How do I make the zombies do anything but stand there!? I make a game logic object for medium diffculty and named it SERVER! the zombies do this weird animation when it first starts but then just stand there! what am i doing wrong?


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Ok i fugured out how to make em run and attack but when they kill people how do you make it so they become a zombie to?

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Every download link is dead. (haha, dead... did you get it :P )

Anyway, i was here to download it but i haven't got a working link for the zombie mod. anyone got an idea where i can still get the latest version?

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Thx mate, u Pwn.

Also i tried searching the forums on how the spawn game logic works but connot find it. Neither can i on google.

How does the game logic work in order for zombies to spawn? Im a real editing noob smile_o.gif

I placed a game logic and chose resurrection deamon. But isn't there a readme.txt or something that explaines everything?

Thx again

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The spawn logic needs one of the spawn difficulty logics present, it'll spawn zombies continually as long as any unit within the gblalltargets array is present wink_o.gif

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Zombie1 the link you gave is good but i found out a couples days ago it doesn't have the latest scripts. Only beta3. I have #3 service pack 1A

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does anybody know how to make zombies respawn where they started ? not just respawn where they died..that sucks bad pistols.gifpistols.gifpistols.gifyay.gifyay.gif

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With the current zombies no, but it's possible. wink_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]Zombie1 the link you gave is good but i found out a couples days ago it doesn't have the latest scripts. Only beta3. I have #3 service pack 1A

Hmm, it should be the latest one...

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I have a hard time trying to figure this one out. I have read alot on the forum but it doesn't work. I want to clear a town full of zombies but before i have time to get there the zombies are already running at me so once in the town there is none left. I want them to wait there until i get there you know. It work with a trigger but when using 2 triggers because i want to clear more than one village they all start running at me when only 1 trigger is activated. Please help

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you should spawn them instead of having them already placed.

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Make a trigger with the following code:

Quote[/b] ]"ZombieExwoman2" Createunit [getpos T1,group zgrp1,"newSold=this",0.5,"PRIVATE"]

This creates a zombie near a logic/trigger called T1

and you need 1 zombie placed on an island far away (so it wont be killed) with

Quote[/b] ] zgrp1 = this

in it's init field...

(to spawn other kind of zombie you can replace


with things like ZombieEx3 or other numbers...)

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ok it work now. Except if i want more then just 1 zombie do i have to use that line each time in a different trigger?

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Now, your really asking two questions there;

1. Is Unified Zombie mod dead?

Depends how you look at it, apparently Scott's stopped work on the zombie mod for OFP

2. Is anyone still making zombies?

Yups, FML mod is making zombies, look around for some piccies! Hooray!

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