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Multiple monitors

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I remember at one time one of the patches allowed for a mutiple monitor setup using a card from Matrox. Can a multiple monitor setup be made with just two monitors instead of three? If so or even if not, is there some config file or extra step needed for OFP to run such a setup. I did a search here and at Avon's but came up with ziltch.

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i missing one thing in OFPR and thats support for ATI/nVIDIA dual monitor output (e.g. 2nd screen as map)

hopefully 1-5 monitor output support will be implemented in OFP2 (or plllz 1.94final smile_o.gif

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isnt this just liek having a widescreen (but multiple screens) the image on 1 monitor streched over 3 monitors? crazy_o.gif

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no, its like having three seperate screens.

Each screen has its own resolution, its not like one stretched to fit 3.

Of course, this means that the gfx card is throwing 3 times as many polys around... kind of..

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Hm, I can remember a shortcut command "-twomon" (used like -nosplash). Is it in use (1.94) anymore. Anyone got Two Monitors working?


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Well, it doesn't work for me either (found the "-twomon"-thing searching Google-Groups).

But I saw the pictures on the matrox page (link above) and have to admit that it looks really nice. So where must be a way to do this with 2 Monitors (and an ATI card).


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