=Matt= 0 Posted December 24, 2003 hi, today i finished editing the missions for my race pack... its a selection of racing addons, cars and tracks, with a mission for every track, to be played in mp or in single, to make lap records (there is a forum to post them on our community). In the mission, u can chose weather conditions, nr of laps, every player choses his car, and there are checkpoints to complete a lap. A kind of autoheal script runs on the cars(maybe a patch with addons modified to have better collisions without damages soon) Vechicles (addons are already set to run togheter) - Bmw m5 - Ferrari 355 - Ferrari 360 modena - Mercedes CLK GTM - Mazda6 - Golf GTM - Porsche 911 - Suzuki motorbike Tracks: - Carlston - HillDrive 1.0 - Hockenring 1.0 - Hydrix Racetrack - IceTrack 1.0 - Racing World we have a server where u can play it: A.I.N. & OfPOnline Server password: racing v1.94 <span style='color:red'>DOWNLOAD FROM</span> ofponline or ofprace Thanks a lot to: -[TS]Topper who helped me out making missions for the most addons, http://www.ofp-race.com (now dead...:() -KaRR for many parts of scripts leeched -Kegetys for fantastic Spectating Script -[TS]kam2000 and http://www.operationflashpointonline.tk our italian ofp community Racings maybe dont interest a lot of ofp players, but take a look, its damn fun to do it in mp merry xmas to every1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scorpio 0 Posted December 24, 2003 Nice job! I always loved racing in OFP. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gollum1 0 Posted December 24, 2003 Race pack? I thought we already had most races, what with the Opfor pack and SEB Vietcong. Oh. Wait a minute. Iii get it. Nice pack, altough I'm not into civilian cars all that much. Going to be cruising around Nogova with these. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
=Matt= 0 Posted December 24, 2003 Going to be cruising around Nogova with these. there are racing tracks (islands), nogova streets are too small ...maybe "racing" pack was more appropriate word ? (lol) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gazmen 0 Posted December 24, 2003 Hi, These pack are automatic or manual car ? Is very hard to run with car on OFP, because you can chose your speed (manual)... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
=Matt= 0 Posted December 24, 2003 automatic.. but it will be so cool to have manual gear :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stag 0 Posted December 25, 2003 I suspect the outcome of the race would depend on which of the spectators was fastest with the javelin. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pathy 0 Posted December 25, 2003 heh yeh, played something like that before, about 16 of us all racing across everon, the occasional weapons cache scattered about, a hunter force with a hind helecopter chasing us.....happy memories Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Keva 0 Posted December 25, 2003 can somone send me the racing addons and the map pack? i cant be arsed to register (call me lazy heh) [email protected] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
=Matt= 0 Posted December 25, 2003 hold on l8tr i pubblish links here... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rbeni12 0 Posted December 25, 2003 hi,.... The flashpoint engine was always good for a race, just needed some cars nice job ! Â Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Apollo 0 Posted December 25, 2003 Typical that the creator's of this mod is an Italian addon team. Â Looks superb. Â Btw ,hows the dammage model? is youre car screwed if you bump another one? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
=Matt= 0 Posted December 25, 2003 Btw ,hows the dammage model? is youre car screwed if you bump another one? it a modified version of karr's vrs.sqs, where when u broke your car, it auto heal the car and the driver... ( but dont worry, also with that many deaths every race :D:D ) the download link is updated, my bud should put 2 new mirrors soon... (without posting e-mails ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Apollo 0 Posted December 25, 2003 I played the game a few times in Sp ,and managed to play on the mod server in MP with one of the modder's. All i can say is ,great work!! Nice tracks and cars ,love the bike's they are very fast really rush feeling.Though afcourse there are still some minor bug's to work out ,i'm sure youll work it out well. cant wait to play this with 8 in MP. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-TS-Topper 0 Posted December 25, 2003 Thx to all I made some screens of the tracks...take a look and prepare to race!!! Carlston Hilldrive Hockenring Hydrix Icetrack Racingworld Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kam2000 0 Posted December 28, 2003 TnX @ll    Play it in MP in our server    IP: Porta: 2302 psw: racing version 1.94   Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
necromonium 0 Posted December 28, 2003 hallo! it would have been nice if you have mentioned the real authors of the cars and addons. the members of the  "ofra" (operation flashpoint racing association) made the islands and tuned the cars, made by mechanic, blackbaron and ultra wither their permission. and that is the point. we were not asked if he is allowed to use the addons. nobody from the ofra, including me, knew anything about it. well that my personal opinion and not from the "ofra" ps: sorry for my bad english :-P pss: my track is icetrack .-) ofra forum: http://12041.rapidforum.com/ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ale2999 0 Posted December 28, 2003 hallo!it would have been nice if you have mentioned the real authors of the cars and addons. the members of the  "ofra" (operation flashpoint racing association) made the islands and tuned the cars, made by mechanic, blackbaron and ultra wither their permission. and that is the point. we were not asked if he is allowed to use the addons. nobody from the ofra, including me, knew anything about it. well that my personal opinion and not from the "ofra" ps: sorry for my bad english :-P pss: my track is icetrack .-) ofra forum: http://12041.rapidforum.com/ i dont think they say they made the addons. they said it is a collection of.... do we need to ask permissions for packs too? that would just be pathetic. and if u see the readme says Thanks to www.ofp-racing.com for the addons which I believe is you guys right? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
necromonium 0 Posted December 29, 2003 well, the only wish we have is that he had asked us to put the addons in a pack Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Crime is my Anti-Drug 0 Posted December 29, 2003 Who really cares who made it?! The important thing is the thing is RELEASED. And its not like your losing money for anything, so why does it even matter? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shinRaiden 0 Posted December 29, 2003 I like the idea, it looks cool, another great use of OFP. HOWEVER, the problem is simple: 1) Who do we report bugs to? Does =Matt= plan on assuming support roles for all the addons? Does he have access to all the raw un-binned data to do anything about it? Does he have the dev and beta experience with the pack to know about their quircks? 2) What motivation do the authors have to make anything further? All I see asked is a headsup or thanks. 3) What effect will downloading this pack in addition to components already downloaded have? Will OFP CTD because of overlaps? 4) What apology is given to those who give a huge chunk of time to download it, only to discover that the serverops won't load it because of it being out of stream, or that its broken or incompatible, or is going to be expanded soon, or anything else like that? Basicly, if I want damaged goods, I know lots of insane people in RL who are trying to get my number. Most mods might agree that their addon is their gift to the community, and not some personal glory trip. Please folks, no more abandonware, give me broken ware thats fixable and playable before folks just give up on OFP. Thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
=Matt= 0 Posted December 29, 2003 to all creators i will soon make a readme with all your names... (those i will found on readmes and pbo) I already mentionned ofpra, where most addons come from, but not every creator of tracks and cars, so sry for that... http://12041.rapidforum.com/ ... so ofpra still alive... i tryed to contact ppl about one year ago, but site was already abbandoned and never had an answer... meanwhile, have fun with racings for bugs and stuff in addons or mission contact me 8-] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SeanTate 0 Posted July 2, 2006 I guess this went WAY out of style, huh? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites