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Bridge fight - tonal

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Ok well i have a problem i played the mission and it says i killed all the enmies succesfully and the mission doesnt ends? rock.gif

What gives?

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I didnt have much time yesterday but I had a quick look at it.

This is in my opinion a good type of mission for this island.

Unfortunately (for me) the Tonal island lags to much on my pc to the point I cant even double-click the note pad in map mode. It took me 4/5 tries before I can click on the map to send a soldier to a position. This has nothing to do with the mission, it happens even with only 2/3 soldiers on the map.

Time to upgrade... sad_o.gif

The only critic I can give about the mission to that stage is that we need feedback on the other squad. It would be nice to receive a few messages like "Moving in", "Engaging", "Clear", ... that will let you know your support squad status (it will add to the atmosphere to).

Looking forward for more free time to play it again.

Keep on the good work

PS: Is the bridge destroyable?

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Please, for God's sake use the radio, instead of just having white words appear in the middle of the screen (Just something that annoys me tounge_o.gif ).

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OK, I tried to forward it to you and the attachment didn't attach.

Edit - Wait, i'm being stupid. I think Avon Lady has a mirror of it on her site.

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Edit - Wait, i'm being stupid. I think Avon Lady has a mirror of it on her site.

Yes. Page back, silly boys! tounge_o.gif

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Hi all,

I have updated the file to a newer version of the mission, it is still in beta format but its been upgraded a bit.

You now have more radio commands to give to alpha red (move into pos, commence attack & prepare for counter attack) i will be changing it some more when i record some voices (any volunteers? i need 1 for eash squad leader and i will be HQ)

I also removed the event handler that deletes the dead units from half of the enemy and took away the ammo crates so when you run out of ammo you will need to grab a dead guys crappy weapon.

You can assign weapons at the briefing

The mission will now end when all bad guys are dead.

Things still left to do:

Add mines and satchels to the briefing (i just remembered i forgot to add them last night)

Add radio message voices instead of text (for now the text is to just let you know it works)

Set up the radio messages so you cant see radio bravo or charlie until the AI squad is in the proper position

Set up the end mission triggers to work properly (i am trying to make 3 different endings, one when you die, one when you win & keep the bridge intact and the last when you win but the bridge is heavily damaged) - i can't seem to get the last 2 to work right, any ideas?

and the last thing to do will be the intro, cutscene & outro.

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PS: Is the bridge destroyable?

Yes, so be careful with those rockets tounge_o.gif

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Thanks for the mirror Avon! Winters, will try your mission and report back - thanks for making a Tonal mission!


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Hello again my fellow wacky OFP'ers Unky Winters has a new version for you. This is my final Beta Version as i will now add the last touches to it and then release it, i am adding voices and the cinematics to it and then it's done.

Thanks for your help and enjoy  biggrin_o.gif

Some Changes:

- Added Satchels and Mines to the briefing

- Alpha Red will signal you when in position (cuts down on a little confusion)

Please test for Lag and Bugs, i have a few dead guys that won't delete anymore so you can grab weapons when yours are empty and need some feedback on if it causes any lag.

Thanks Again   unclesam.gif

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i have a problem here...still cannot download from this yahoo thing and our mom is pr´ed, so no mirror in sight  sad_o.gif

could somebody who downloaded the mission email it to me ?

i´ll set up a mirror on blackdogs server then  smile_o.gif

edit: the adress: burni@removed to prevent spam

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thank you  & felices navidades   smile_o.gif

Are those addons? wow_o.gif


no actually it´s this

it was written on an xmas greeting card i got from my employer ... somehow i felt it´s wrong before posting (feliz navidad looked more common) crazy_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

frohe weihnachten tounge_o.gif

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i have played it again. still found no lag.

but i have a strange feeling that i need some lessons in tactic and general combat crazy_o.gif ... often my whole squad get´s slaughtered on the east end by the rebels that come in from the south.

also alpha red doesn´t perform very well, they seem to be chanceless against the m79 grenadiers sad_o.gif

what i can do is to clean the westend guards with a sniper rifle or i run over there and do the nasty job myself. but then when i head back to the eastside my squad is already involved in a hell of a firefight (the largest tracer disco i´ve eva seen wow_o.gif ) and i cannot return fire w/o being shot in the next few following seconds.

it´s soo hard yet but i didn´t even encounter the 2 T55´s ... guess i have to keep on trying smile_o.gif

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Yeah, those AI are kinda dumb, i am trying to work on that, maybe a few more lessons and they will be ready tounge_o.gif


Does anyone want to help me with the voices? you can send me a PM or an E-mail and i will let ya know what needs to be done. I am currently casting for the following parts;

HQ (this can be either male or female, hear that Avon and Cute QA?)

Alpha Red leader

I will be doing the voice for Alpha Black leader myself.

Thanks unclesam.gif

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Ok my bug report'e tounge_o.gif

You missed the radio's text. You should name them like call-in bravo or attack bravo , just the plain alpha , bravo and charlie confused the heck outta me as to which is which.

Also why did you remove those mines crazy_o.gif , i was counting on them anyway , now i have to reimprovise the mission and am glad to complete the mission in 2 go's. But it was difficult mind you, also i noticed that red group didnt come to take the bridge after i signalled them in i also went in and cleared the bridge myself so they decided to stay back and take the incoming troops from 400m from the bridge rock.gif

After they were over run by tonalese , i decided to help my guys out and we managed to slug it out with one guy dead , but then the shit hit the fan whn my squad ran out of AT's and that mean BMP started haunting us , so i had to play hidey ho with it tounge_o.gif and somehow managed to salvage a RPG while i kept my squad down out of the BMP's stupid sight and then let it rip. After that i crossed the bridge and nearly destroyed it by firing a few AP rockets on it to kill a jeep. Then i took care of the T-55s with the remaining RPG rockets.

Overall its a fairly decent mission but could you plz add some buildings or structures nearby for cover and how about ammo atleast for the Tonalese army so i could re arm my RPG with ease? Voices and Cutscene for the start/end would be good too. smile_o.gif

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There was never meant to be any ammo crates lying about so i added the mines and the satchels to the briefing, i also changed it so only half of the Tonalese dead bodies get deleted so you can get ammo from them. I thought the set up of buildings and towers and fences around the bridge was enough to provide you with cover, i will look into adding some more but i dont think a bridge in the middle of a forest would have many building nearby.

I have never tried to change the text for radio alpha, bravo and so on. So if you know how to do this let me know, otherwise i think the radio procedures part i added to the briefing will suffice.

As far as the intro/cutscenes i always make them as good as they can be with my missions so expect to hear some voices in that as well.

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Ok the radio text is very easy just write up whatever you want on the TEXT field provided in the trigger on the right side of the screen wink_o.gif

And by building structures i meant a small camp like facility or something on the other side which alpha red covers.

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