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Request: SCROUNGE Command

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A command that would allow you to direct all AI under your control to scrounge the battlefield for AMMO and replacement weapons off of dead soldiers would be very nice.

My friends and I were playing a COOP. One of us was squad leader with 6 under command. After the first battle it took way too long to issue commands to each AI to tell them to get ammo for their weapons from the dead. A scrounge command given to all or just one would be very nice indeed. We felt like yelling at our monitors, "Get ammo quick and lets move out" but we didn't because umm...that would have been pointless - ya know...to yell at our monitors.

(Edited by TeAcH at 6:21 am on Dec. 4, 2001)

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That command shouldn't even be necessary. Any grunt that comes to me whining that he is out of ammo without coming up with the idea to pick over the bodies of battlefield casualties should be left to his own devices just to learn a very important lesson.

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I think it's a good idea, if the soldier started getting low on ammo & in the heat of battle all of the sudden decided to get up & go run 200 meters to the next dead soldier, I don't think that would be a very smart move. I can see the computer doing that. Giving the player control of this command would be really cool especially if the soldier would fill up as many ammo slots as possible, not just pick up one clip & wait for you to tell him again.

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It should be tied into the skill level of the soldiers -- a veteran won't need to be told to find more ammo. But if the group leader issues STOP command, I would still want everyone to stay put, even if they need to find some ammo or relieve themselves in the bushes somewhere.

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That's a pretty good thing for ULTIMATE UPGRADE 4 maybe they will put it in ULTIMATE UPGRADE 4 if we say hae ai search for ammo automatically in ULTIMATE UPGRADE 4 ah well i tried

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Thanks for the support. Yeah. Perhaps having it tied to skill level AND a command would be the way to go BUT I dont think that the AI can handle any more adjustments, not to slam BIS. But if you look at the AI now, it is just plain stupid. Soldiers fire three round bursts at you over huge distances, when under attack, nearby soldiers will stand around even though a battle is raging on just a hundred meters away, etc, etc. etc. Just a simple implementation in the form of an action menu command ought to do the trick. That way, in the thick of it, if you soldier says Ammo Low or Out og Ammo, you can give him the command to Scrounge when you deem it appropriate. ####, sometimes the AI causes your own team members to break formation and run ahead already. Unless BIS can really crank on the AI, just give me a menu option so I don't have to tell each soldier to pick up a clip; I can tell the whole squad to scrounge and be done with it.

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With a SCROUNGE command, will the AI units look for ammo from dead men from their side of from enemy sides?  Are they going to take enemy weapons if they cant find any ammo from dead comrads?  I'd like to see ammo sharing and a scrounge command, but I don't see how it could be added as of now.

-=Die Alive=-

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The whole Problem only exists, because the Soldiers in OFP do carry inappropriate Ammo count.

210 Rounds minimum, and only 4 Hand Grenades, that would be realistic.

The best way to avoid this Problem, is to modifie the Loadout of every single soldier by hand.

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On the assumption that AI will use a full clip, before re-loading, is should be possible to write a script, that would cause them to pickup ammunition automatically - it could be done so that they would only go 20 metres to find ammo.

In a similar way, is should be possible to put a repeating trigger/script on an ammo crate, so they could automatically pickup ammo.

I must agree that issuing orders for men to pickup ammo is a real pain, I would certainly like to see the AI use a bit more initiative when you tell them to re-arm.

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