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Booting players

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Hello all,


I'm the Project Leader for the USMC Mod (302_Dragon) and I usually don't complain about much here, but I am really sick of how server admins just boot players for stupid reasons.

I got booted from 5 different servers today for having a ping of 216. I know this isn't the best ping in the world, but when you're in Hawaii you're kind of far from most of the world. I am so sick of not being able to play online because admins think you need a ping of 99 or less. When OFP first came out I remember that a ping of 225 or lower was never an issue, but it seems everyone thinks because they have that perfect connection that everyone playing with should. I haven't been able to play online more then 2 or 3 times in almost 8 months because of this. It's like I bought this game for no good reason other then then to look good and wish I could play online.

Sorry if I sound upset, but I love this game and I miss playing online all the time, but it's getting insane. Before you know it you'll need a T1 connection just to playonline.

Thats my 2 cents. If you don't like my opinion then I'm sorry, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels like this.


Now I'm not one to bitch without trying to figure out a solution. Now is there some way that server admins can put a ping limit where players can see or something like that. This way those with above 200 pings can still find a place to play.

Also is there any way to lower your ping (and don't say get broadband, because I have broadband) I need serious ideas or solutions here...I know there are a lot of players who have the same issue I do and something that is said here might help more then myself.

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Well for you just tell them that they won't be able to use your addons then and that your gonna do something and block them from downloading. tounge_o.gif

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lol yeah, take down their id and put in a script if player id = id# then setpos 1000 setvelocity 1000 etc :P

just FYI i don\t do this on my server.

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We play with players having pings of 200 or above on a regular basis as some of our server regs are 9 or 10 timezones away. So i don't think that all server admins do this.

We let our addons do the booting wink_o.gif

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@ Dec. 03 2003,01:15)]one way to lower your ping is to close all intrnet programs like KAZZA and WINAMP, becasue they slow your connection down....

I make sure all programs that have anything to do with internet connections or that run in the background are turned off but still the lowest I've ever seen my ping in OFP is 150.

is there a program or anything that could help

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lol yeah, take down their id and put in a script if player id = id# then setpos 1000 setvelocity 1000 etc :P

just FYI i don\t do this on my server.

Not a bad idea bro...lol

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Well playing online can be trouble, I also got kicked for silly reasons before... I stick to playing with people I know personally now. I am sure there are some people who have servers on the forums who can direct you to where you won't get kicked for a ping of ~230ms.

I don't know how you can improve your ping honestly. If I did I'd tell you.

(It is annoying to get kicked for silly things isn't it wink_o.gif )

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The wierd thing is OFP is the only game that the ping is high.

I play GR, DF2, DFLW, BF1942, MOH:AA and a slew of other games online and they all have good pings, but as soon as I get into OFP my pings go up...wierd.

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You are welcome on OGN any time, ping and see if your ping is something you are happy with.

I personally admin it so I can assure you if you are happy with your ping then we are.

We have no such delusions that all players should have a perfect ping, but we do use addons so all we ask from players is that if they do like to play on our server, download the addons we use.

We have an automatic update tool that automatically - funnily enough - does this for you, if you want to play with us it can be found here otherwise good luck on your search for a more tolerent server.

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you can always play on the boneyard server (Blackdog's server) just as long as you have the addons and you don't have like 1,000,000,000 ping tounge_o.gif

I also admin boneyard sometimes, but lately it's been a little slow on that server. Just ICQ me anytime you want to play some OFP on the boneyard server, and if I have the time, i'll join you and admin the server.

you can get the addons and the server info IE: IP address, and TS ip at Boneyard website

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The wierd thing is OFP is the only game that the ping is high.

I play GR, DF2, DFLW, BF1942, MOH:AA and a slew of other games online and they all have good pings, but as soon as I get into OFP my pings go up...wierd.

Does your ping drop after being on the server for one or two minutes? If so, limited upstream bandwidth may well be the cause.

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don't get a chance to stay on a server long enough...lol

I was on a server tonight (finally after two hours of being booted) and my ping was 104 on that server and at times it was 88 to 98. I'm not sure what the cause of this...maybe that server is closer to my location (how I don't know, I'm smack in the middle of the damn pacific ocean lol) or maybe they had a really good server or maybe it was due to the fact it was 8:30 pm here I have no idea.

If it is upstream bandwidth what can I do to stop it?

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If it is upstream bandwidth what can I do to stop it?

Upstream bandwidth is the amount of data you can send to the server in one period, e.g. 4 KB/s (which is rather low). If that is too limited, the packets that are sent to the server to ping it (thus determining the ping time), will end up getting queued, meaning that the ping looks higher than it actually is (since there is a waiting time involved for the ping packets).

You (and other players) may see lag issues during gameplay if upstream bandwidth is low, since it causes desync: You can't send updates fast enough to the server, so your local game is in a different state than everyone else's.

The only thing you can do - if you do have low upstream bandwidth - is getting an upgrade of your internet connection with your ISP or another one.

If you are looking for another good public server, check out the Zeus server (although it may be in the wrong time zone for you - it's located in Germany). It's usually quite well filled, and they have a very tolerant policy towards high pings. It can be found on IP address, port 2302. Highly recommendable!

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first try to ping a server ip on ur console

if the ping is the same as ingame u cant do anything then call ur provider and ask him bout solution

i had the prob that i had 60 ping on console and 200 ingame, called isp and 2 days after they fixed it and i had also ingame 60ms

next thing u could do is make a traceroute to the server ip

"tracert $ip" in win console and check if some hop has a much higher ping then the others, normally ping goes up from hop to hop, if it isnt so and 1 hop as a much higher ping then the others call ur provider too and tell this him.

next solution could be to change provider: some isps have really bad routing tables: u can check them with tracert

for example i lived in north italy and my server was in london, i used dubble isdn and tested bout 10 providers, the most of them routed me from millan to frankfurt, amsterdam, london and i had a ping bout 170

1 of the isp routed me over new york too sad_o.gif lmao 300 ping

then i found 1 wich routed me over paris and 1 had 80 ping to same server biggrin_o.gif


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Good suggestions as well!

Most probably, bad routing isn't the case here, since other games give good pings; OFP is kind of bandwidth hungry on the upstream side wink_o.gif

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Yes unfortunately a lot of this comes down to switching ISP's/connection types, and I know you didn't want to hear that. biggrin_o.gif Especially in Hawaii where you may not have too many choices.

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TheMarshal=TOB=, you are welcome to come and play on a QSF server.  When we are playing coops we are lenient with pings.  We do not normally kick people with a ping of 250ms or lower. However, if we are playing a C&H type of map we generally prefer to have everyone to have a reasonable ping (250ms is ok).

Our servers:





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as QSF you are welcome on the 88th server any day...we don't care aslong as your under 300ms, it says no pings over 200 but we don't go by that really. and if any of my guys boot you let me know and i'll kick them in the ass once or twice...

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TheMarshal=TOB= you are also very welcome on the ZEUS server.

I know the ping nazi's admining some servers that think OFP is CS so any one with a ping above 100 is a reason to kick is very anoing.

Our server is located in germany but we've got players from the US west coast with very good pings so you should be ok.


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