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Folding rotors on helicopters?

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just and idea to make rotors on heli's that have folding rotors in real life fold. this would make heli's and carrier harriers more compatable especially with hangars.

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Well I know it can be done because the VBS1 CH53 has folding main rotor blades, but they use a static version only. Haven't seen a flyable helicopter that uses the folding main rotor blades.

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It's a good idea, it might not be possible for a flying model as the rotors are already part of an animation, but I suppose you could always try making a static version as well with the folding rotors and swapping the models when you select "Fold Rotors" on the action menu in a similar way to the DKM MI-28 swaps models to a crashed one when it's destroyed.

I have no idea of what's involved in swapping models though so it may not be possible or practical to do it for a user action.

Best thing to do is to try adding an animation to the rotors of an existing chopper and see what happens.

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Actualy. one thing. once we fold the blades up.

How do we pull our birds into the sheds?


I'm makeing an Enstrom 480 and my dad sugjested I put the ground handling wheels on it so you can make a scrip so you could pull it. But I can't script. mad_o.gif

@ Avon. This is a compliment. You and Ace are always wishing for VBS stuff. wink_o.gif But it ain't gona happen. (*Sigh*)

I'd make a whole set of quality female soldiers but I don't have the BIS res female model so. Scrap that.

Anyone want to help me and write a script so we can Pull my 480 into the shed? smile_o.gif

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I might be wrong but a quick Google Images search for "enstrom 480" hasn't returned any enstrom 480's with wheels...

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Actualy. one thing. once we fold the blades up.

How do we pull our birds into the sheds?


Using BratZ's towing script, although it would only work for land based towing. You could even use the BIS tractor as the tug wink_o.gif

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Wouldn't it be nice of the folks over at VBS1 could contribute their CH53 to the OFP player community? rock.gif

Not to mention the AV-8B Harrier *sigh*

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I think it can work because the F18 has folding wings, and thats useble in OPF and some other planes have it to so i think it can work with OPF biggrin_o.gif

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Does the F18 with foldind wings have working aerilons and if so are they on the folding part? If so then it may very well be possible smile_o.gif

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Does the F18 with foldind wings have working aerilons and if so are they on the folding part? If so then it may very well be possible  smile_o.gif

aerilons what rock.gif

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the things that make the plane fly up and down

this would be a good idea but very hard indeed

independencelost wont come out till after ofp2 sad_o.gif

or so they say

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Wouldn't it be nice of the folks over at VBS1 could contribute their CH53 to the OFP player community? rock.gif


Coalescent sell their models to government gencies. As agencies consist of people, they too have access to the freely available stuff on the internet. Coalescent is probably unhappy about the idea of agencies not buying their model packs, but downloading want they need from the internet.

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LOL I wonder id OFP addons are compatible with VBS1, if so then people who have it get twice fun as us as they can fly and ride all their great stuff on all our great stuff like those choppers and troops on Tonali . mad_o.gif

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I hope they have it all on the server

Then i will have allot of fun this weekend wink_o.gif

Why doesnt have anybody triëd it before???

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no VBS1 addons are not compatible with ofp you need to change the one and other to the config and model...

but thats a verry easy job ( like 5 minuts work )

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i think that the model swapping idea would be te best way to do it and for moving it could be a case of creating some sort of vehicle to move them

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no VBS1 addons are not compatible with ofp you need to change the one and other to the config and model...

but thats a verry easy job ( like 5 minuts work )

Its illegal though...

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i know and that's wy i dont do it...

But i saw some website's who did it...

they imported addons from VBS1 to OFP and gues what?

BIS and coalcent saw it and the site has never been saw again...

So people get your hand's of it because we are talking here about:

Govenement Stuff...

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Attention: this is only for experienced scripters

It's actually possible to have folding rotor blades on a working and flying model

Double your rotor selection, before deselecting it name it "rotor1"

Then hide it, select the other part, name it "rotor2"

Go to your config, add in your CfgModels to selections[] the names "rotor1" and "rotor2", do the same in hiddenSelections[] in your model class (the same way as with multi proxy weapons)

now edit your engineon eventhandler, put in it f.i. _this setObjectTexture[0,""];_this setObjectTexture [1,"\myaddon\myrotor.pac"]

do the reverse thing in your engineoff eventhandler

(of course you probably have to change the numbers in setObjectTexture)

now you can do anything you want with the second rotor part while your engine is turned off



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I might be wrong but a quick Google Images search for "enstrom 480" hasn't returned any enstrom 480's with wheels...

I don't want to fight with you man. I've been in every type of Enstrom they build.

They (480b's) have ground handling wheels. Which are stowed in the engine compartment. Just like I said they'd be a hidden selection.

"Fasten ground handling wheels."

Than let he players be able to tow it.

So I'm gona try putting it on my bird. Here's a link so you can see the one model. (Needs new textures.) wink_o.gifhttp://drillsergeantsaddons.4t.com/DSA_SITE.html

If I may quote directly from the 1995 version of the manual I have.

"Ground handling wheels. A set of ground handling wheels is provided for moveing the aircraft on the ground. The handling wheels attach to lugs near the aft oleo struts. THE WHEELS MUST BE REMOVED BEFORE FLIGHT." wink_o.gif

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