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Slow resistance

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I am not having any trouble with resistance but i was just wondering why is it so demanding compared to CWC? it all looks and feels the same and yet its different

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1. Nogova is much bigger than either of the 3 original islands.

2. You can set the view distance from 500-5000, this puts quite a strain on systems, whereas in cwc it couldnt be changed from 900.

Theres probably many more but theyre all i can think of atm.

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4. Textures (for the most part) moved from 256x256 to 512x512 thus requiring more memory.

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3. The terrain detail is higher.

Even when setting TERRAIN DETAIL to a low setting, many players still experience slower processing compared to OFP 1.46 and below.

I think Blackdog's on the right track. smile_o.gif

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Also polycounts on all the models are dramatically increased from the old version of OFP. Try turning down your LOD settings in the OFP preferences a bit.

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