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Joining during a battle

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The amount of respect and admiration players have for OFP is obvious. I love the game and was truly looking forward to Multiplayer. Yes, I have great fun playing multiplayer missions, when I can actually find an open game... :-/ I use All-seeing Eye and spend far too much time popping in and out of servers to see if I can join. I'm not just out for shoot 'em ups etc.

I'm one of the average users out there who has limited time available to play. I work, have a wife and kids and real life responsibilities. I'd LOVE to be able to spend the majority of my hour or two of allocated game time crawling through the dirt with a bunch of other guys but too often, my liesure time gets spent drifting arond or waiting for a server to restart a mission.

Having the ability to join a mission in progress would allow the potential of this game to be fully experienced! Ever wonder why there aren't many servers with sector control missions running, or why servers have such low numbers?

1) Players don't want to wait around for enough people to show up to play these missions properly. So, often a server will start up when the player count hits 4. If enough patient players show up and are willing to WAIT a bit, the server admin can end the mission and perhaps switch to CTF or some other mission type.

2) Players who were playing sometimes have to go due to RL issues or they get dropped. So, the server with a team of 4 or 5 people attacing some objectives suddenly drops to 4, then 3 etc. This problem is often experienced in CTF games where you start with 8 players total but through player departures, the population drops to 4 players total.

Nobody stays when the game is in progress and no new players can join a game in progress to fill vacant spots.

Perhaps there will be an internet optimized version of OFP (remember Quakeworld?) where people can join missions in progress (start as a soldier at a base and arrive as re-enforcements). I don't have any hopes left that the current game will be modified to allow such a feature as Join in progress.. Hopefuly they can re-invest the money made off this version to build a new version with such a feature released as OFP2??

I'm probably going to spend my OFP time doing solo missions with the odd multiplayer experience (time permitting) and will shift to other products which don't force me to wait to play on an underpopulated server.. (Playing with 20+ people in a game is just too much fun compared to playing with 2 other people)

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This thread is certainly bringing out the players deapest concerns, and for tha majority of posts here, it is the fact that they want, no, the NEED the Join in Progress feature.

Hope BIS are paying attention, and not abandoned the thread after the 10th post.

There is no pint in a large host, such as BarrysWorld shoving up dedicated servers when people cant join when they have time to do so.

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all this probably makes the sdk a good idea.... then people could make a mod for everyone's taste.....

Suma - are you planning on releasing an SDK? If so, do you think "join in progress" is something that could be implemented in a mod?

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Your stupid OFP Developer, your game is going to die now because of your ignorance... it has no chance surviving against games like DoD and CS becasue they have such a great setup. OPF was great when i first played it... but now its just a waste of time.. i shouldn't have bough it becasue i just wasted 59.99. If you just had a better sence of what gamers need this would never have been an issue.. so i regret to inform you that your game "was" good... but thats about as far as it got.. to the "was" stage

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I think the game just got better with the loss of lobo69. This is a great game with or without the ability to join MP games in progress. Of course if it did have that option it would make it a lot easier to get into a game. Looks like we will have to wait for the sequel to come out unless BIS comes up with a compromise solution.

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Good points for having "join in progress". However, Rogue Spear/Rainbow6 etc. don't seem to have been bothered much by NOT having JIP (2000+ players on "The Zone" at any given time), but they don't have a standalone server either, so that might be the reason. smile.gif

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I think OFP is a great game, and I would still think so even if it had no multiplayer.

I don't mind having to wait to join a game, but I think that it definately does need a join in progress option because it seems that many players want to play NOW (just look at how many people play drop in games like CS, quake, tribes2 ect) , not 30 or 40 minutes after finding a server.

With join in progress the game would appeal to even more people (those who don't want to wait), and of course more people buying the game = more money for the publisher/developer.

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why would anyone create an MP game without this ability? i just spent 20 mins waiting to play a game...why would this happen? because there are so few servers out there you have to wait just to get in a game. i want my money back...isn't metal gear solid 2 coming out soon?

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I really feel sorry for people who gonna ditch this game only because of the "joining in progress" issue. Even without it OFP is the best MP experience i ever had.

2 Gunny Ä Showstopper

Ãŕđîä, çŕ÷ĺě áűëî ÄîäíÄěŕňü ýňó ňĺěó. Âĺäü ˙ńíî ćĺ Suma íŕÄÄńŕë, ÷ňî íĺ áóäĺň ýňîé ôÄÃ·Ä Äîęŕ

Ãóäĺě ćäŕňü OFP 2

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Capitaine Haddock on 12:11 pm on Oct. 16, 2001

I see your point about the game state changing all the time, but  the game sends ALL that information in real-time when you are actually playing...If it works in-game it should even be faster in a download screen.

Oh. Another game that has this feature is Warbirds. There are far more players than in OFP, lots of planes, damaged units, damaged land objects... and you can join mid-game.<span id='postcolor'>Look man, did u take the time to read Suma's reply? When u start a game, there's an init phase u just CAN'T implement after game has started because U can't do many of the necessary assumptions about scripts states. It's not me who's sayin that, it's Suma: do u think u know the code better than he does?

U say "if it works in-game it should even be faster in a download screen" - nope. This is ur opinion: it depends on how the engine has been projected & developed. Obviously, it can't be done with the current OFP engine (and don't ask for a complete rework of the engine: u would just get laughed in ur face...). C'mon: does anybody think BIS just wants to disappoints us not implementing an easy-to-do feature? C'mon guys, be smart! If they say it can't be done, why not trust them? Do u think they are just cruel? Or lazy? C'MON!!! It's in their interest to improve the game (and they're doing it: did u see how many patches, add-ons, tools they've released FOR FREE?): if this feature can't be added, there's no point in just crying and screaming like babies who want some more toys to play whith!

Didn't play that WB game, but I've seen it and personally I'm sure it has'n even a portion of OFP complexity (HUGE *interactive* maps, LOTS of *script-commanded* troops & vehicles, etc.): It's just a FlSim... It's a little bit different, don't u think?

(Edited by Cle Hicks at 4:11 pm on Oct. 17, 2001)

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Last night I tried playing on the dedicated servers using the ASE and wasted a good 30 min waiting at several different servers and finally went back to game spy to get in a game. The same story at every server a few people playing and angry people waiting to get in. Its just a matter of luck if you find a server that is just. about to start. You caint even read the chat text because GAME IN PROGRESS blocks the text. DUH  95% of the servers have one or two players in them. The dedicated servers are useless without JIP option. Looks like we are stuck with Game Spy until some other game developer comes out with a clone OFP with JIP games.

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Well if we cant have "joining" what about making us a server list?

When you click on "multiplayer" OFP automaticly logs on to a preset server list IP (can change it if you want to make special IP games)

Then on each server there one could have the time, like "10 mins to start" or "10 min ingame, 20 min to restart"

The time thing is made up of something like the server sets the mission loop, then sets a pause time like 5-10mins. After that time is up, it will leave the east/west choose screen, go into soldier type selection and wait for 2 mins or so, unless every one has pressed ok.

Then it just starts the game! After the round is completed it will be repeated.

It would also be good to see "current mission:" and "next mission:"


And it will not mean any major rewriting in the engine, just the multiplayer part. How about that?

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I'd have agree in Dawdler....

I'd HIGHLY doubt that BIS would come onto the forums, and make the statement they did if implimenting JIP was feasable.  That kind of statement is a political way of saying it's impossible.  The key is to find a reasonable fix within means.  Dawdlers suggestion is a valid one.


(Edited by sgtvor at 8:26 pm on Oct. 17, 2001)

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Cle Hicks...

I know nothing about the code, I know nothing about script states, I know nothing about init phases, I know nothing about the game engine, I know nothing about programming, I know nothing about what BIS is doing now, I know nothing about what they are going to do next, and I know nothing about most things in life...

But I know other games have this feature and OPF should have it.

It may be something impossible to change now, but that doesn't change the fact that it's a big mistake not having it, you like it or not, mate (Unlike me, "u" can read very well, so you won't have any problems understanding this simple concept).

Please, be a bit more positive and help us making this game a little bit better. That's all we are doing here. No hard feelings mate, we are all trying to find a solution... that's all.

Dawler suggestion is quite interesting. Maybe that's all we need.

Dan "Haddock"

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Dawdler on 7:14 pm on Oct. 17, 2001

Well if we cant have "joining" what about making us a server list?

When you click on "multiplayer" OFP automaticly logs on to a preset server list IP (can change it if you want to make special IP games)

Then on each server there one could have the time, like "10 mins to start" or "10 min ingame, 20 min to restart"

The time thing is made up of something like the server sets the mission loop, then sets a pause time like 5-10mins. After that time is up, it will leave the east/west choose screen, go into soldier type selection and wait for 2 mins or so, unless every one has pressed ok.

Then it just starts the game! After the round is completed it will be repeated.

It would also be good to see "current mission:" and "next mission:"


And it will not mean any major rewriting in the engine, just the multiplayer part. How about that?

<span id='postcolor'>

That's a great idea and probably can be done. It would solve what most people are concerned about - joining games that are already in progress. All this server reporting can be done via rulesets to gamespy or any other frontend to inform you of all this information. Simply refresh the server to get the latest info.

When you say the soldier selection screen - so it would have a countdown timer?

I believe that will work.

It'd be nice if there was a voting system for mission types, lengths, etc - see Tribes 2.

Probably all the votes for mission set up could be done before a mission starts.

Majority always wins.

People could just put checkmarks to what they want the times to be like - or the mission map etc - all on a setup screen.

If votes are tied it could just go to a default mode.

Anyhow, your idea probably will work.

I wonder what Suma will say.

He mentioned that some games aren't time based - but that's only if they are unlimited, otherwise 99% there is at least a time limit - despite whether flags are capped beforehand. Even if a game is set to unlimited, I'm sure something can be done where the server can inform waiting clients of the score or a warning that it's set to unlimited.

I think if it's a dedicated server the admin should be given an option to allow or disallow unlimited timed games - that would solve that problem.

If Suma rejects your idea (completely) than I doubt this game has much of a multiplayer future and you will see people playing other games. I hope he realizes we are trying to keep this game popular and worth playing for a long time.

It would further sales for BIS because they could make add on and mission packs - since the multiplayer would be a valuable option to single player.

What do think of his idea Suma?


(Edited by quiet at 9:47 pm on Oct. 17, 2001)

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Found this info @ <a href="http://www.coldwarflashpoint.com/.

"I" target="_blank">http://www.coldwarflashpoint.com/.

"I</a> notice there is a new update for GSA. The new update will auto download/install when you run GSA. It adds dedicated server listing for OFP. So now if you run a dedicated server you can get it listing on GSA. In theory, you click on the server and hit the join button, instead of going to a chat room the game will launch. You might have to wait for a new game in limbo".

Looks like a step in the right direction.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Bronco on 10:22 pm on Oct. 17, 2001

Found this info @ <a href="http://www.coldwarflashpoint.com/.

"I" target="_blank">http://www.coldwarflashpoint.com/.

"I</a> notice there is a new update for GSA. The new update will auto download/install when you run GSA. It adds dedicated server listing for OFP. So now if you run a dedicated server you can get it listing on GSA. In theory, you click on the server and hit the join button, instead of going to a chat room the game will launch. You might have to wait for a new game in limbo".

Looks like a step in the right direction.

<span id='postcolor'>

This was attempted but BIS needs work with GSA better to get it fixed.

The dedicated server listings are no longer there.

Suma, please help this work with Gamespy Arcade. You can contact me at tribes2quiet@hotmail.com and I will get you in touch with our main GSA person.


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Operation Flashpoint is probably the most bittersweet game I've ever played.  

Sweet because it's everything I've ever wanted in a game, bitter because I can only have the great MP experience once in a while when I happen to find a good server and don't get dumped before getting into the game.  

Max Payne was just released in July.  Has anyone even heard a whisper about it recently?  No, because once you're done with the SP game, it's all done.  

The same thing is happening to OFP in a way.  Most of the mainstream gaming audience has already migrated away to other games, turned off by the initial online gameplay issues and lack of join-in-game feature, which is a staple in any FPS game nowadays.  Only the dedicated, hard-core audience have the patience and resolve to stick with the MP aspect.  

Everyone else will just go play CS or DoD, because you don't have to wait 30 minutes to play the game for 30 minutes (or, as is usually the case, even less).    I can't even get into a game of more than 8 players, simply because of the fact that it is nearly impossible to find more than 8 people who all happen to be in the same place at the same time and have the patience necessary to wait it out.  

In games like CS and DoD, there is a snowball effect.  The server may start out slow, but once you get 3, 4, 5 people playing, the number quickly grows to 12 or more.  In OFP, the exact reverse is the norm.  Once people get dropped, there's no way for them to get back in.  I've had several games where I've started with 6 or more players and ended up running around by myself and didn't even know it for several minutes because there isn't even a message to tell you when people have dropped.  

I'll put this simply:  I just don't have the time to sit around waiting for a game to start.   The only time I get to play OFP MP is on weekend evenings, because it's the only time I have the spare time to devote to painstakingly hunting down a MP game that I can actually play.  

And to be honest, it really, really sucks, because I love this game so much.  

People just don't want to play when it's more work than fun to get into a game.

As it is, we now have to settle for imagining those huge battlefields, because they're not going to be a reality.  


(Edited by 762WorldOrder at 12:36 am on Oct. 18, 2001)

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I think if you just gave enough info so TASE could tell you if a game was in progress or waiting for players that'd be enough for me.

GSA is impossible to use on dial-up, so I just have to blindinly guess on TASE if a server is started already or not.

For scenarios where you can't show time left, show time played so far. If we see that a game has been running for 50 minutes already we know they can't have tooo much time left.

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It could also show the setup limits.

For example if it requires 30 flag caps, then it can say.. score 10/30 - total # of caps or amount of kills, etc.

If the server is set to unlimited, it can also show that to warn a person.

Make them rulesets:






Dynamically changing rulesets would work with Gamespy3D, GamespyArcade, and ASE - you would merely setup filters based on rule sets.


(Edited by quiet at 6:24 am on Oct. 18, 2001)

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I dont want to have anything to do with gamespew at all, even if it has a dedicated server listing. Gamespew wrecks the whole game even more than the game does.

How much server space would it take to make a special server list just for OFP? How expensive can it be?

Where is Halflifes (CS, DOD, all mods) server list? How much does that cost? Does it cost more than the income for hundreds of thousands of copies of OFP sold (belive me this game could be big, even with millions of copies)?

See my post on page 4, it REALLY needs consideration. PLEASE, its all I ask, a response, something, a NO, or a YES, or a MAYBE, or NEVER IN YOUR LIFETIME. Something.

Btw, thanks for the support on my suggestion guys smile.gif

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Btw, maybe we should spam this topic over ALL forum sections, just to make us heard smile.gif,

Anyone know how to copy an entire thread?

Maybe not...

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We'll i'll add my four penneth to keep this particular kettle boiling...

Ok, Suma says there will be too much data to transfer an in progress gamestate to a newly connecting client...

Pukes half baked idea No1 - "The Indestructable Island Idea" - Its a cop out but would it not reduce the amount of data to be transfered  if there was a server side button that rendered everything on an island indestructable except players & vehicles? Yes it would affect gameplay but would also increase the amount of ppl playing (buying?) the game if major hosts like Barrys World were inclined to run servers.....whilst now they are not because of the direct play/ppl whinning for a restart every 30 secs nature of the multiplayer game.

Btw I Love this friggin game its the cheese - i would still play coop with l33t m8's as i do right now, but it would also be nice to jump into ctf/dm frag fests run on REAL servers smile.gif

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Hey fellow gamers....perhaps Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon will be the solution to this...I'm sure they will know better this time around.

All you'll have to do is wait about 20 more days!

Go Ghost Recon!!!!!!!!!!! smile.gif

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