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Hl mod firearms

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Given that it is free with purchase of Half-Life or Counter-Strike retail, Firearms is a good infantry based sim despite being a Mod of Half-Life.

Some might or might not know about it, but team based combat is more vital in this mod than CS or any other HL Mod.  The gameplay style is close to Ghost Recon and the CQB instances is close to Rainbow 6 series.  The only annoying thing is sniper rifles and certain weapons have a scoped view, so there is no selection to an OFP type view of sights if you have an M-16 or other iron sights weapon.

Cheating is always a concern in HL mods but doesn't happen very much in FA, especiallly since many Firearms servers require a 3rd party program to run during in the background called "Cheating Death" to prevent most typical cheating.

Anyways, check it out if you have Half-Life or Counter-Strike Retail.




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Bah, if I cant engage enemies at 200m range its not worth my time. blues.gif

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Yes i dont wanna a play a game with maps not bigger then my bedroom  ghostface.gif

I've played this HL mod for years now with friends on a lan. To say that the maps are no larger then your bedroom is rather childish way of saying it  rock.gif I suggest you try it out before commenting. Some maps are really cool, like durandal . Great CQB fun to be had smile_o.gif Sure it doesnt look as good as OFP resistance and its maps are smaller (but still of an ok size) but it handles CQB better then OFP ever has and it has some nice features which CS should have had like grenade launchers, no bunny hopping, better grenades then OFP, Bipods on machineguns that actually help you shoot better. Its great fun , honestly, you should give it a go if you own HL. Its free so why not? smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]Bah, if I cant engage enemies at 200m range its not worth my time
Ow and on some maps the distances are even larger then that smile_o.gif

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No sorry OFP has spoiled me i cant play gameswith constricted space anymore , the tactics get so repititive its hopeless after a few hours.

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Supah's right on all points, firearms mod is not some dressed up version of CS.  It is a whole different type of attitude and warfare for it.  Play the map obj_thantos, the damn map is HUGE!!!  You can do some VERY fun urban warfare in that map, but you better get to know the map well or it's like Baghdad and Tikrit to players new to the map.

Anyone skeptical of the firearms mod, please download it and give it a go before judging it please.  This is not a CS clone, it is a good sim of infantry combat for a HL mod that's free.

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Quote[/b] ]Bah, if I cant engage enemies at 200m range its not worth my time
Ow and on some maps the distances are even larger then that smile_o.gif

Last time I played that big maps in HL the game lagged a LOT.

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1) Firearms does have team based combat, yes, but its NOT realistic. All the weapons seem to fire rubber bullets

2) DoD has better teamwork and more realism

3) cheatings is as prevalent in any HL mod, and most of them can use 3rd party software to stop it, not just firearms.

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Tried firearms - hated it. Yes the weapons seems more realistic than CS, yes the teamplay aspect was stressed more, yes I still hated it. Why? Because the maps are incredibly small, it extremely repetitive, and the graphics are...well it's based on the HALFLIFE engine - they suck.

Hidden and Dangerous and OFP have spolied me to the point were IMO, anything based on the quake engine just sucks.

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Tried firearms - hated it. Yes the weapons seems more realistic than CS, yes the teamplay aspect was stressed more, yes I still hated it. Why? Because the maps are incredibly small, it extremely repetitive, and the graphics are...well it's based on the HALFLIFE engine - they suck.

Hidden and Dangerous and OFP have spolied me to the point were IMO, anything based on the quake engine just sucks.

If it looked bad then thats probably because your system is not up to it. Im running it on my new system and it looks absolutely awesome. They have big maps yes, and no they do not lag. Frankly if your pc can handle Tonal ok (and mine can at a constant 30 FPS ) there is nothing Firearms can throw at it. Dont let one game blind you to the benefits of another smile_o.gif OFP is the best game i ever played and most likely ever will but FireArms has it good points. You are comparing apples and pears. FireArms does not aim to be a infantry sim. Its just a FPS with semi realistic guns (great animations! OFP cant touch that!) and aims to be fun smile_o.gif It does that perfectly and provides a very nice and enjoyable gaming experience. Nothing is more fun then a 1 vs 1 m79 duel on Durandal across the bridge smile_o.gif

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As i keep on saying the key to these games being failures is REPITITVENESS .... and that = BOREDOM after a few hours of play.

Its the same after a few days , same campers , same weapons..same maps..same tactics.....same same...eyes get sore.....uninstall. tounge_o.gif

If a game gives me some replayability value and randomness then i dont mind but CS and its offsprings usually dont excel in that field. Even Quake 3 is better because it gives you the ultimate feel for fragging which CS was apparently trying to acheive but fragging is no fun with Uzi's and MP5's .... much better with BFG's and Nailguns wink_o.gif

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As i keep on saying the key to these games being failures is REPITITVENESS .... and that = BOREDOM after a few hours of play.

Its the same after a few days , same campers , same weapons..same maps..same tactics.....same same...eyes get sore.....uninstall. tounge_o.gif

If a game gives me some replayability value and randomness then i dont mind but CS and its offsprings usually  dont excel in that field. Even Quake 3 is better because it gives you the ultimate feel for fragging which CS was apparently trying to acheive but fragging is no fun with Uzi's and MP5's .... much better  with BFG's and Nailguns  wink_o.gif

I think thats where tastes differ. I can have fun playing the same map against the same people for years. In the end you better weapons, camping and stuff doesnt matter anymore. Its about out smarting your oponent smile_o.gif You dont need a redeemer for that nor do you need a 10 km by 10 km island smile_o.gif

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Yeah those are the signs of a L33t CS'er crazy_o.gif .... sorry no offense.

I used to play CS on LAN in a Gaming cafe but afetr a few days i began hating it , same n00bs in the same spots jumping about , i dont know about you but i run out of outsmarting techniques in a 1 km map with nothing but some room and a few roof tops to hang on plus no vehicles to use.

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Yeah those are the signs of a L33t CS'er  crazy_o.gif  .... sorry no offense.

I used to play CS on LAN in a Gaming cafe but afetr a few days i began hating it , same n00bs in the same spots jumping about , i dont know about you but i run out of outsmarting techniques in a 1 km map with nothing but some room and a few roof tops to hang on plus no vehicles to use.

I and a friend have been playing durandal (a map in firearms) for years now. I am after all this time still able to give him some nasty surprises. For me that its self is a prove of this game being good. For all its patches just playing the same map has remained fun for me. Normally i am bored with games real soon. Only the really good stay with me for long smile_o.gif OFP has, Firearms has and UT has smile_o.gif

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If it looked bad then thats probably because your system is not up to it. Im running it on my new system and it looks absolutely awesome.

LOL. No it's not my system. Being based on such and old graphics engine (Quake2!), I can't get any half-life based mod to go below 60 Frames per second on my system, no matter what resoultion, or AA/AF settings I have set.

It's less a matter of the prettieness and more a matter of the map size and as Ace so properly pointed out - repetitiveness.

After awhile, it becomes a matter of, "May the man with the best reflexes win".

I'm just not into that.

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